So I've beaten the bell gargoyles, where should I go next? Dark Root garden?

So I've beaten the bell gargoyles, where should I go next? Dark Root garden?

Also, this game is much easier than DS3, the only thing that makes this game hard is the outdated controlls

It is much easier than dark souls 3, but at least it isn't one of the easiest games in the history of gaming franchises. Seriously each area following the "chosen hunter" and his excessively buffed weapons from assorted game locations as he fights brainless enemies has been indistinguishable from the last. Aside from the handholding, the game's only consistency is providing you with absolutely retarded, unchallenging enemies and allowing you to run through all of them without any motive to stay in place or fight them throughout the course of the entire game, all to make the difficult feel easy, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when From Software voted to make the game a PS4 exclusive; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody. Bloodborne might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-new vegas in its refusal of challenge, skill and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the Dark Souls games were good though
The enemies were easy; the bosses were unfairly hard. As I played, I noticed that every time a enemy went for an attack, he spent an unrealistic amount of time telegraphing his swing.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every moment the enemy put his arm back. I quitted only after I had marked the envelope a several dozen times. I was incredulous. Miyazaki's mind is so governed by outdated game design philosophies that he has no other style of challenge. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Dark Souls by the same Kevin-V from Gamespot. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Bloodborne at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Mount and Blade." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Bloodborne" you are, in fact, trained to play Mount and Blade.

Hold up. How many hours did it take you to get that Platinum, exactly?

holy fucking shit, do you do anything besides waiting for the chance to post your fucking lifetime achievement.
Please go fucking kiss yourself you autistic blob of lard.



why dont you explore you twit

I miss the bonfire upgrading and how they looked.

In Ds 2 and 3 they look shit and boring.

I'm afraid I might miss something, I've learned that the hard way in DS3

The controls are literally the exact same except for jumping, which you never do. What the fuck did he mean by this?

I'm using mouse and keyboard, the camer/lock on is totally fucked.

you have the drake sword so you are obviously reading a guide so just go to the next step

Go to the Undead Burg next. Looking at your gear, you'll be back and crying about artificial difficulty one you hit the boss. Don't look it up, either.

There's no missable content unless you count quests

Please do yourself a favor and get a controller. They might be playable with mouse and keyboard, but you will enjoy it much more with a controller.

Keep up the good work. I want to see some sony pony tears.

Wherever you want m8, that's the whole magic of Dark Souls
If something seems to give you too much trouble or you aren't doing shit for damage, try some other place

They're just clunkier. MUCH more so. Less responsive, more lagging, controlling DS1 character feels like controlling the same character in DS2/3 after drinking 3 beers. Doable, but the movement doesn't feel as minute.

>drake sword
b8 b8 b8
abandon thread

the movement, mainly rolling is way fucking clunkier in DaS, especially noticeable if you come from DaS3 or Bloodborne

ds2 plays better on mouse and keyboard

Why did they never bring back the obsidian greatsword? the texture on that is godlike.

He finished the game at like level 170. But that's not the true shitposter anyway, he's had people pretending to be him for some autistic reason.

Remember where you met Solaire and the Dragon that gave you the Drake Sword?
Remember the door that was locked there? Time to visit that door.

oh, thanks user.

>meme sword

m8 just follow the the path the game is already leading you to
this game has a subtle way of leading you into the next place to explore, whether its through picking up specific keys or opening up shrotcuts etc
you wont be lost and wont miss on anything

You can also buy the crest from Andre, farm some souls from the Alvina's dude, pick up Pharis Bow and kill Sif.
Then go to New Londo, kill Ingward, get the key from his corpse and go wreck the 4 King.
Then join the Darkwraith covenant and Invade everyone.

Your first Souls game is always your hardest because you're learning how they work. Even 2 hours in you're going to approach things much more carefully

I get this memepasta, Rowling

it's a good starting sword, nothing wrong with using it.

true, I was just amazed how good shields are in DS1, in DS3 you get two hits then your stamina is drained.

>drake sword and heater shield
come on user.. You're not even trying to hide the fact you used a guide

It shows that you aren't even playing the game, just being handheld through it by a walkthrough.
Nobody would find the drakesword going in blind.


anyone else doing a randomizer run? its as close as you can get to playing the game for the fist time again

what? the shield is what you get in the beginning, I know that you get extra items from cutting off the tail of enemies. I didn't look up shit.

You lying sack of shit. The Dark souls 2 controls are identical, except for some reason guard break is insanely unresponsive and if you unbind any of the double click binds it still registers double click inputs so if you say bind attack to m1 like I did then clicking it too fast results in you doing literally nothing, and where the lock on in 1 is way too sensitive in 2 it's way too hard to switch targets.

why in gods name would you need a guide to use the heater shield

>heater shield

>I'm using mouse and keyboard

I hope you at least installed DSFix

yeap and even installed the mouse smooth, still not as smooth as DS3 but it works much better.

Well I Platinumed Bloodbourne as well and I enjoyed the game

So there.

Is this the new epic meme I been hearing so much about?

>Also, this game is much easier than DS3, the only thing that makes this game hard is the outdated controlls

It´s so fucking ez that you need to post your last action and ask in Sup Forums what to do next.

Yeah, no.

>Call game easy
>Used a guide
>Asking where to go next