Deep sea thread

Deep sea thread

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Mods you better not delete this I swear to god


What am I looking at?

Is that a tube worm?

wat dis?

is this that bobbit worm thing I recently got reminded exists?

No, it's a plank snail

canned horse dick

I want to stuck it up my urethra

Why do we as a species continue to let the ocean and it's devils exist? Why haven't we gone and blown it all to hell

can we post spooky stuff in this thread? (not deep sea related)

Nevermind, I don't know what's in OP's pic.

post more spooky deep sea creatures

Why don't we just drop a bunch of red hot nickel balls into the ocean and boil them all to death

Oh my little user, you got it all wrong. It is the ocean which allows us to exist, not the other way around. We are merely the harvest planted by the gods who slumber in the depths of the sea who will one day wake up to reap what they have once sow.

>posting spooky shit in a deep sea thread

what the fuck user

Japan is pretty great when it comes to spooky stuff.

pic related, its satan


shits like a Doom 2016 enemy

I was gonna make a Lorena reference but apparently it's already a Lorena reference.

Not deep sea, but remember you could step on one of these babies when you got the beach :^)

Looks more like Mara

HR Geiger would be proud

I'm sure this was already disproved but reading this one really made me terrified of the sea for a while

That looks nothing like a bobbit worm. It also isn't as large

What Mara are we talking here?

>Sea depths are full of gooey jelly-like life
>None of them have any real bones
>Therefore calcium is rare down there
>They have planted us to harvest our calcium-rich skeletons
>That's why the flesh rots away and the bones remain long after
>That's why dinosaur fossils are so rare

Imagine how satisfying it would be to shit that out.

Speaking of freaky fish

Like heaven.




Part of you likes them.

The warrior of Islam says otherwise


>these things still exist

Im pretty sure the deep sea is where all the rejects of evolution were dumped in

don't mind me...

What was the name pistolcrab?

w-what is this?

What the fuck.

Dick Mara of course
the SMT one

Imagine scuba diving with your dick out when suddenly that thing laches on to it.


Mantis shrimp punch so hard that they create explosions, while pistol shrimps squeeze their claws fast enough to create explosions