hey bro! can you pass the controller?
Hey bro! can you pass the controller?
Should have been careful with them crystals.
My first thought
np senpai i got u
Bitch got the crystal treatment
>ywn cure your rare disease with crystals, giving you a permanent long term side effect of long hands
Ah yes the crystal treatment appears to be going well.
>tfw I actually have Marfan's syndrome
Those crystals pictures might be the weirdest fucking thing I've ever seen on the internet.
You don't use crystals?
Wanna be die or something?
Go to the hospital to get checked, fag.
Google shows nothing, Pls spoonfeed me.
hey user want some candy?
Yeah real funny guys, making fun of Marfan syndrome. HI-LARIOUS! How does it make you feel that I fingerblasted your girl and reached depths your dick never has?
uplift us already and stop shitposting on Sup Forums already
Knowing Sup Forums it's probably some Dark Souls reference.
Your googlefu is weak.
>leans forward and eats out of her hands
>Sup Forums
you need to think your insults through
'Tis just another Reddit meme ;)
You been on the crystal treatment?