Who was the main character again Sup Forums?
Who was the main character again Sup Forums?
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It's not even debatable.
It was Terra.
Terra, it's pretty fucking obvious if you actually play the game.
Terra is sort of the main character in the first half, but Celes takes on an important role in the second half.
The game was designed however for the main characters to more or less be whomever the player favored. Terra is more of the mascot for the game though and receives some of the heaviest character development
It was a clusterfuck
It's Locke. Don't be a dumbass and believe SE's revisionist history. Can't wait till July when faggots start calling Vann the MC of 12
ff6 was a lot of things, it was never a clusterfuck
>Can't wait till July when faggots start calling Vann the MC of 12
kek. I am so fucking excited for the remaster, though.
I don't know a single person who calls vaan the main character. It's Basch. There is even a part of the game where he runs around saying he's basch.
I'm so excited this shit
It changes constantly.
The entire comcept of the game is that it has no main character.
The story is centered around both Terra and Celes, and focuses heavily on both of their experiences. For the first half, it's mostly about Terra coming to grips with her own mysterious history, but at the same time, it also closely follows Celes' relationship with both the Returners and the Empire.
During the second half, Terra's story takes a major backseat, and Celes' honestly does too, despite being the starting character for this half of the game. The second half of the game is focused on each character's individual stories, it just so happens that they chose Celes to be the first one that you see, which fits seeing as how important she is to the first half of the game. Once you get off the island, Celes' story is pretty much done until the ending.
It's actually quite well done how they handle the aspect of having multiple leading characters, especially when it comes to Terra and Celes. Note that while Terra is the first character you play as, they're always sure to show Celes during any flashbacks to the Empire, even if you haven't met her yet. Also note that both Celes and Terra have strong ties to the Empire, but through different means. Terra wants to be separated from them, not necessarily because she thinks they're the ultimate evil, but because she's horrified over they're mind control of her, and wants to learn more about herself. Celes on the other hand wants to separate herself from the Empire because she ultimately knows that they're bad, but also because she wants family, and friends, something that Terra also wants.
tl;dr: It's an ensemble cast, but Terra and Celes are both the leading characters in their own ways.
It was an ensemble cast like LotR
>Main focus of the World of Balance.
>Only character that shows up in the end even if you don't re-recruit her.
>Main focus of the ending with the whole "will she or won't she disappear along with the world's magic" thing.
It's fucking Terra.
Is it just me, or was the World of Ruin a massive tedious fetch quest(s)?
First half was good though.
1st half Terra.
2nd half Celes.
Celes is the better character either way.
Umaro and Gogo are obviously equal the amount of the main character as Terra and Celes.
Edgar you stupid fucks.
>wob - create and funds the returners
>wor - leads the resistance against kefka.
It's Terra!
She is the one who forgot/doesn't know something about her own past.
All of the popular Final Fantasies have main characters like this (Final Fantasy 6 through 10).
It's still mostly about Terra and I get the feeling you're just a waifu faggot who cares too much about Celes.
Even if you don't get her back in the WoR she still ends up returning to save whoever you've managed to find in the WoR and she still takes center point at the end. Although there's definitely reason to see Celes as a secondary MC, especially if you consider the journey she goes on to find Locke being quite a big thing.
Terra then locke and finally Celes in that order.
Ensemble. Terra is fucking unconscious in the first half, anyone saying she's the protagonist for that time hasn't played the game.
World of Light: Locke
World of Ruin: Celes
Terra just is not the main character
The game is about her.
She is the physical emobidment of the major theme of the game.