Cryptid vidya game when

Cryptid vidya game when

Other urls found in this thread:–Hopkinsville_encounter

>all of those loch ness monster clones

Did Sakurai make this map?

Everyone is just horribly non-creative

>Yokai Watch announces western yokai
>ayyy man cool shit Im gonna have a chupacabras
>all of them are stupid "so murrikan" gag versions of jap legends

fucking ching chongs

>tfw Colorado
Is there really no cryptids here?

When your other thread dies because you had the same thread yesterday, you should give up, not make another off topic thread.

yes where are the werewolves?

Ideally big muscly, or cute femboy ones.

beast of bray road

>beast of bray road



Do werewolves and vampires count

Wakinyan master race.

There's quite a few of them, you're just looking in the wrong areas.

>when a fun thread goes on for hours and you decide to make it again because it's better than all the other garbage threads on Sup Forums, you should give up

Best of Bray Road is a Dogman. And Dogman is essentially a werewolf, giant dog legs on a giant humanoid upper-body and an extremely large wolf head. Witnesses who encounter them say they look like the werewolves from The Howling or the ones from Underworld. One man saw one through the safety of a sniper rifle scope and said it looked like the black werewolf from Van Helsing.

>no skunk ape
fuck you

Nice clone character

No, he just made one that didn't get a single reply that died. This isn't video games.

glasswalkers best tribe

that's swamp ape

pretty sure Swamp Ape is the same thing

feck off ye daft coont

nawn wan ye ere

>shunka warakin
>it's just a coyote

Neither are you.

Bruh so many of these cryptids are just dogs where they're unexpected. People lose their shit over silly things. We come in such variety yet they always get hype over boring shit.

No shit.

>tfw state is too intelligent to believe in cryptids

this is how urban legends are born

Get a load of this boring fag haha get lost nerd the library is that way LMAO

Greetings, fellow Alabaman.

Also from Colorado, after a quick Google search I found this thing

>All day long this creature will just wait for a tourist or helpless creature below it
>At the right moment, it will lift its tail, thus loosening its hold on the mountain, and descend rapidly down the slope
>With the beast’s mouth wide open it would swallow all that got in its way
>Whole parties of tourists are reported to have been gulped up in one scoop by taking parties far back into the hills

You guys are the cryptids

>Turtle Lake monster
I know it was a bunch of bullshit but to this day I hate swimming in water that I cannot see to the bottom of.

he looks like he'd nigger lip a joint

I've literally only heard of Ogopogo

What the fuck are all those other loch ness knockoffs

>be me, small grey alien
>trying to peacefully conduct observations on local flora around my landed saucer
>smell the terrifying smells and hear the horrifying sounds that the space pirates at the bar told me about
>the stench of moonshine and the sound of fiddles
>I panic, trying to gather my equipment and board my craft
>I can't understand their unsettling screeches
>within seconds I board my saucer and take flight just as the creatures emerge from the brush
>my fellow explorers don't believe me when I tell them of this incident

poor guy ;_;

why does canada only have a bunch of water monsters? where is the imagination?

Surely the Inuit must know of some crazy shit

I don't trust those snowniggers

>Too Smart



>Our state's "cryptid" was literally a scene from a movie
>Can't even google a picture for a Skinwalker
Fuck whoever made this

>look up skinwalker stories after last night's thread
>end up in a comment section where a bunch of natives are sharing their experiences
>one guy calling people out on fakes but in a few comments he seems legitimately concerned and tells them they need to go see a medicine man and insists that they not share anymore for their own safety


I'm pissed that that got a chuckle out of me.

Is that Wojack wearing a hat?

Where the fuck is goatman?

Link me

to me it look like a leprechaun to me

Cryptids are fucking lame
>sea serpents
>not - Bigfoot
>big dogs woah so scary

and that ''skinwalker'' is an alien from movie Xtro you stupid fucking niggeroid it's not supposed to represent a skinwalker

Sasquatch is best cryptid.

>no MonHun like game where you hunt down cryptids

Mothman is radical

Where the hell is the Hodag?

Toukiden, japanese ones though

How many of those actually exist?

Sasquatch looks like a fucking Gondola.

I jus wanna kno where da gol isss

Loup Garous are a thing in Louisiana too.
But, for that state, black people and cajuns are scary enough.

All of them if you just believe

>Chico could have still been alive
>his now an amature cryptozoologist
>he could have given Venom new Side Ops where you have to hunt down cryptids, fight them and then fulton them back to Mother Base

>the secret world is the closest thing we have
>the combat sucks dick

remake soon


It's still way better than those 500+ post threads where underage retards whine about there is a girl in the new star wars game. These threads are nice change of pace for Sup Forums

Or maybe your state so boring that no cryptid wants to live there


>Alberta has no cryptids
Probably some big worm in the oil sands or some shit

who is champ?

>cryptid video game
>the only playable characters are a whale shark carcass and an owl

I would pay good fucking money for a horror game based on the Hopkinsville goblin.–Hopkinsville_encounter

>tfw nothing in New Hampshire

>no cryptids for my state
I hate Pennsylvania.

I was legit writing a screenplay 3 years ago about a cryptid I was making up for the oilsands... Does that count? I mean, its about as believable as these ones.

A Muskeg Nereid. All branches and brambles living in frozen quicksand.

Make a crypid for your state. There is a untapped market there.
Skip to the comments. The actual article is just a bunch of gay shit lifted from reddit.

Monster of Lake Champlain, the only reason I know this is because I went to college in Vermont for a bit.

Become the cryptid. If you look like a Sup Forums poster it shouldn't be hard.

Why is there no RPG game that takes place in a seemingly normal little american town that is actually surrounded by cryptids, has some illuminati and alien shit going on in it etc? America has so many urban legends, conspiracy theories, monsters yet no one capitalized on it in vidya?

>No Grape Ape

double fuck you

>skinwalker is the monster from Xtro because of the one gif somehow becoming associated with skinwalkers

Literally the first area in The Secret World

People haven't gotten creative with the concept yet, or people just don't have enough interest in cryptids to make a game about them. If I could make one, I sure as hell would.
You'd probably like Alan Wake, user.

>Villain in Sam & Max 1 is called Skunkape
>says his home planet is a horrible swampy. humid hellscape called "Pensacola"
Oooh now I get it. I need to learn more about my hometown.

While I wouldn't say Cryptid, Philly, I think it was, had the Green Man.

Sam and Max 3 Episode 1, shit

>this thread again

I'm fucking TELLING YOU
someone is PROGRAMMING Sup Forums's CONTENT


I'd honestly rather see it than the 1000000th automata thread about ass

mothman has sweet abs

but what if mothwoman?

What makes him so special?


his legend has endured the test of time

he's kawaii

mothman sightings seem to happen right before big catastrophes, he doesn't really "do" anything on his own, but he is seen as a bad omen.

Closest that I can think of is the first half of Earthbound.

>best cryptid isn't even on the list

Spooky/deep sea threads have been on Sup Forums for years. Fuck off.

>implying skinwalkers and fleshgaits aren't 100% real and absolutely terifying

>Wisconsin has Beast of Bray Road
>not Hodag
shit map