Caesar's Legion weren't corre-
Caesar's Legion weren't corre-
What's intellectual superiority good for when you're an army of luddites
Do I fit in yet, Sup Forumsros?
go back
Say something racist and you're golden buddy.
He's right though. Sup Forumsirgins talking about women like they have a clue is laughable.
is that why he immediately backtracks with "n-not all women" when you play a female courier?
He says whilst possibly talking to a female courier. In fact you can still join Caesars legion as a women which is hypocritical but that's no suprise considering the whole brain tumour machine thing.
It's pretty funny someone would use NV to support the opinion in OP, since the game basically makes them out to be moronic faggots who are little more than a cult.
this. fuck goobergate, fuck drumpf and fuck white people.
>what are exceptions
Surely you're just baiting, no one is actually this dumb right?
Shame the Legion doesn't exist because faggots kike you would be flayed and crucified by the millions.
Not at all. The only reason most historical geniuses were men is that any woman who could do math got stoned to death for a few centuries there.
I don't get why it always has to be taken to the other extreme. Is it autism?
Some guy backing off his opinions to white knight isn't really an exception.
We feel bad, but it's the hurtful truth.
How many great woman investors, soldiers or even athletes are there compared to men?
It's just unpleasant small fact that we can ignore because of our current technology.
But go medieval fast like many Islamic nations and the whole farce will crumble fast.
The IQ bell curve is more narrow for women than men. That means less genius women but it also explains why most prisoners are men as well.
>women are generally more suited to being housewives
>but there are very few exceptions
wow that was complicated
who do i feed to the white gloves, veronica or cass
humans are very simple creatures. its either or. you are fooling yourself if you pretend otherwise
Women only recently got to a point where they were allowed to make money in any meaningful capacity, my dude. Same goes for soldiering.
I'm not disputing men being physically stronger ( we clearly are ) but acting like women are morons who exist solely to birth children is pretty dumb. When given freedom, lots of women do great stuff, and some of the best scientific discoveries were made by women.
IQ isn't worth shit over 90 or so. It more accurately measures autism than intelligence in the high ranges.
>and some of the best scientific discoveries were made by women
loving this meme
>all x are y
>o-oh not you though
And if exceptions do exist,then through what way does the legion identify them? Aside from raping them they don't seem to see them as much so suddenly this women who is able to be Caesars BFF out of the blue is jarring as fuck.
>How many great woman investors
Ironically, Roman women were. They practically controlled a lot of politics through investments because they weren't allowed real political power.
Intellectually inferior is only part of that statement that can be contested though.
Marie Curie, Annie Jump Cannon, Caroline Herschel, Ada Lovelace, etc etc.
I noiced you can only name a few scientists, when you should have been naming their discoveries.
I cured their cannibalism.
I wouldn't say they are dumber. Just more plain and unremarkable when it comes to intelligence.
Very inside the box thinking. Great for factory work.
I'm not going to write a dissertation on radioactivity, star spectra, astronomy, and high level mathematics in the pioneering of computers just to prove some user wrong.
I also forgot Nancy Roman and the Hubble Space Telescope.
Veronica is for eating.
Cass is for killing by fire for being boring, edgy cunt.
Same with Boone.
>Implying killing a bunch sick/wounded/children/elderly while in the military, having your pregnant wife taken away, tracking her down being sold off as a slave then mercy killing her wouldn't leave you cynical
So autism, ok
Tfw came for a New Vegas thread
Tfw got a MGTOW thread
veronica is dumb and annoying, although i'd rather crush her spirit by annihilating the BoS than feeding her to a bunch of retards
cass is pretty cool
i wonder if you can feed raul to the white gloves? (he's my favorite companion but it'd be funny nonetheless)
True in real life but not true in fallout.
For fuck's sake a women led shady sands into being bumfuck nowhere into the strongest nation in the wasteland all in her lifetime.
You disagree? Prove him wrong.
If you can.
>actually unironically using the word misogyny
Shouldn't you be working on that liberal arts degree instead of spending time on the internet?
Pretty sure that was more to do with Bethesturd rushing the game out more than anything else.
Wasn't one of the richest people in ancient Greece at one point a courtesan because of how insanely popular she was with the Athenian aristocracy?
>Want to invade village
>Send an advance scouting party
>No word from them
>Send another party
>Welp, time is Denarius, lets just get on with it, how hard could it be?
>Find some chick hopped up on Jet, Hydra and Mars knows what else dripping in blood wearing a bunch of Legion ears around her neck.
Probably something like that. Though I may be projecting because I played a female addict character one time and I thought it was cool.
No considering they do treat you slightly different and can't use the arena.
You can't blame all of NV's problems on todd.
>Wont let you into the arena despite having the Mark of Caesar
>Also in spite of the fact there is a female ranger fighting daily in there
>No Quest to improve women's standing in the Legion by showing off.
>Can't be the Minerva to Caesars Mars