When does this get fun?

When does this get fun?

After you meet the old women and choose a class.

but it stopped being fun a while after that

when you get to the sequel

When you dont use faggot tier weapons also get some pyromancy it has no stat requirements

iron keep and bell covenant pvp

all the DLC content

never. its pretty forgettable and i played it for 500 hours

When you get to Things Betwixt

So...it was fun at one point? So you're asking when does it get fun again?

When you uninstall the game and buy a better one.

Try finshing it next time.

>fully hollowed

literal cuck

Yeah it was pretty fun, but the areas are starting to get pretty shitty, I'm just wondering when the game gets really good.

lmao look at that shit ass character

your brain is too inferior to enjoy dark souls, back to overwatch or whatever with you

You're not wrong, once you see how broken DS3 is in both structure, spammy gameplay, lack of poise and PvP you realize DS2 was top tier all along.

DaS2 is a lot of fun once you get to the part where you fucking git gud.

dark souls 2 boggles me. Ive played it twice as much as dark souls 1 but I feel that ds1 is better?

What the hell am I supposed to have equipped? All the armor and weapons so far are shit.

the path to tseldora is generally the most boring way to go, there's still the lost bastille, the gutter and the iron keep to go, most of which are better than bland atleast.
the best area's are generally 2 of the dlc's and iron keep (lava lands make me ROCK HARD and it's the common pvp/duel zone)

All weapons are amazing if you upgrade them.

The souls community, everybody.

it's better to be naked and have atleast 20 Adp (which increases agility which affects your dodge roll)

DS1 is better if you like doing slow runs where with minimal PvP (it's garbage besides sticking to 120 meta duel).
DS2 is better if you want to do faster gameplay focused runs + tons of invasions with interesting dual wield builds like rapier + claymore, sword + staff. Even poison builds are amazing on DS2.

rpgs are rarely fun, only a good time waster

bandit axe (one handed) in no man's wharf is MVP

>garbage besides sticking to 120 backstab meta duel

No, poise matters a lot in PvE vs fast enemies.
Telling noobs to go naked is a mistake.

And you don't need more than 16 ADP if you have 10 to 13 atunement, you already got a fastroll at those stats.
You only need 20+ for high level ADP

poise only matters if you plan on getting hit like an idiot, adaptability + vigor is the easiest way to git gud

DS1 invasions are broken due to 99 soft humanity SL1 invaders that are near invincible (it's like a built in CE) plus +15 weapons one shotting anyone, getting matched with SL120 when you SL30 as a forest fag.

Depends on how fast your main weapon is.
Some builds needs poise.

SL1 and forest is definitely broken, which why you should invade at SL 50 or any other non-cancer meta SL

you only need poise if you plan on trading hits, which is a retarded thing to do when you have very limited estus and getting new healing items increases your soul memory

you know that your game sucks when the best boss of DS2 is worst than the first boss of DS3

Adaptability was a noble effort to create more build variety and differentiate further between rolling and utilizing shields. I don't think it worked entirely well, but it's very easy to get it up to a decent point by the time you're done with Dragonrider/Giant/Pursuer if you're aware of what the stat does.

The combat is slower, but that also has to do with stamina being far more punishing on blocks, rolls and swings. It has very little to do with ADP overall, that's just the pace of the game even with max iframes in contrast with the rest of the series.

I don't think it's something that had to stay, or even worked well enough to warrant staying, but it's a good glimpse of the mindset Tanimura and the team had when working on the game: doing something different and taking risks with the format.

If nothing else, DS2 is very ambitious mechanically and otherwise, unfortunately by the time Tanimura got his hands on the game he wasn't even sure it was salvageable. Were it not for such a troubled development process the game would likely have balanced ADP, soul memory and those issues better, as well as properly handling the engine and graphics that were promised.

None of these things are excused, but I do admire the effort made and I think the DLC made it clear what the game would've been had Tanimura been at the helm from day one.