What are some essential mods?

What are some essential mods?


Fallout 4 is better

Enhanced Camera

Bounty Hunter mod, good story, good references, decent voice acting with a nice selection of weapons and stuff. Really balanced. I think they have a part two. Other then that WMX extended I believe is good for extra attachements, I use Character overhaul but most people say its bad, I like it tho.
Even more realistic mode. Always play on hard.
Headshots are insta kill on most things. Except certain creatures and heavy equipped people. Weather mod that adds storms and nuclear blowouts similar to stalker.

>mfw I had about 120 mods working perfectly on NV.
>mfw I spent more time modding then I did playing

New Vegas Bounties I - III
Make sure you pirate Gun Runner's arsenal so you can use the mod that maintains the series' proper sequence. If not III will start after you exit Doc Mitchell's house, and I and II will be unplayable

Also, for the love of God, do not use console commands to teleport your followers into the New Vegas Bounties III area. The mod author anticipated this, and your followers will get killed in a scripted event. Because it's scripted it ignores their essential tags. But on the other hand, doing this also gives the final boss some unique taunts that you can't see in a normal playthrough

Whichever one makes everything not look piss yellow and orange. I forgot what it's called.

My fucking Easter break.

>spend an entire day modding NV
>finally get it working
>oh boy oh boy oh boy
>leave Goodsprings
>see a red exclamation mark in the distance
>quit the game and play something else

>>mfw I spent more time modding then I did playing
welcome to gamebryo from 2006-2011

Try to not go overboard with HD texture packs.
On my computer, the Witcher 3 and Doom 2016 load very quickly.
But with NMC's 2048 x 2048 texture pack I get incredibly long load times in Fallout New Vegas. It made my last play through incredibly tedious. I was looking at a 2 minute wait each time I died and reloaded

I want to replay Fallout 3. Only played on 360 and I got all achievements.
Now I have a PC to play on. What essential mods should I install for Fallout 3.

I used NMC+ojo and some other specific replacements and never had a loading screen more than a few seconds on my ssd

Get "tale of two wastelands", FNV mods aren't that amazing

>not installing tons of realism mods and turning it into STALKER

The hobo phase is so fun.

What's the best mod or set of mods to make the game look better? I hate the grimy and vomit-like look of most textures and the video effects.

It looks more like mad max


yup and jsawyer

Fallout 3 runs like shit on modern Windows operating systems.
You're better off installing the game in WINE or using a tale of two wastelands

Did they ever put AP and HP ammo into DC spawns? IT's a bitch if the whole area has heavy armor values when the world space doesn't give you any AP ammo.

Is there any mod that adds shadows or ambient occlusion to this? the vanilla game looks flat as hell

Too bad that the fact that it runs like clunky dog shit ruins any of the potential luster those mods might bring.

Uninstall mod then install a better game like Fallout 4.
