I'm playing Bayonetta, and what the fuck? It just isn't that good

I'm playing Bayonetta, and what the fuck? It just isn't that good.

It's so easy that I haven't died once in two hours even though most if the time I have literally no idea what the FUCK is going on on the screen. There seems to be and incredible battle system but I don't seem to need it. Isn't the game supposed to fucking punish me if I'm not making a fucking effort?

And there are endless fucking cutscenes. At first I watched them, but now I'm getting tired even skipping them because there are so many. Gameplay is being CONSTANTLY interrupted. Jesus christ, what the fuck? I respected Bayo a fucklot even though I haven't played it before, but this game doesn't seem good at all.

I want to love it. Do I push on? Does it get difficult and actually require me to use the battle system, dodging, witch time and combos? Also I sure hope it lets off with the "story".

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>I want to love it. Do I push on? Does it get difficult and actually require me to use the battle system, dodging, witch time and combos?

Baby boy the Normal playthroughs in those kind of action games are nothing but a prologue

face it, after my years of dmc and ninja gaiden i think that bayonetta can be hard as balls especially on hard while aiming for pure platinum.

if you're not using items and not even even fucking witch time while getting platinums, well you really are that good my man.

>Artificial difficulty will fix the shittyness of the game

Get Platinum+ on every chapter to unlock Jeanne.
Only to discover that you have to start a new save file to play as her.

I keep having this problem where im "missing" encounters is there something I should be looking for?

Wanna elaborate?

Play the game on ∞ Climax then tell us the game is too easy

Increase in mob health and damage doesn't make a game better in OP's case

You need to backtrack.
Use a walkthrough: bayonetta.wikia.com/wiki/Walkthrough

PC gamers really are pathetic

It also changes mob formation and aggressiveness

They don't. They change up the enemy encounters right from the get-go on harder difficulties.

You have to do all the shitty portals which means repeatedly backtracking since they appear after specific verses.

they are can be very tricky to find and are the main reason i can't pure platinum, looks like i'll need a wiki since a lot of them are hidden like "finish half of the chapter and then return to the beginning to see that a portal has appeared".

Putting you in a situation that causes you to be more precise is bad how?

Bayonetta's harder difficulties change up enemies/enemy locations and give others new attacks. You should actually play games you discuss.

No but changing enemy aggressiveness, spawns, animation speed, and limiting witch time to perfect parries and meter usage does.

If that's the case then Diablo3 gets better and better for every grift level

How about you read the other replies that actually told you all the shit the difficulties change

>forced to play the game on normal before you are allowed to pick hard.

Fuck this meme.

OP here.

Your Hard Mode advice usn't helping because only Normal is available. Normal and two fucking easies, fucking hell. I always play on hardest, but it's simply fucking locked, you see?

Expecting a challenge in an action game is considered pathetic among console players now?

Hard mode actually changes up the game significantly, but it blows that you have to unlock it.

Cutscenes aren't a big deal since you can skip them all without even pausing. Just think of normal mode as free levels totaling up so you can unlock Sai Fung.

You have to earn your keep, nigga.

Grace and Glory is when the game finally starts to get serious, but yeah, it's no Ninja Gaiden on normal difficulty, unfortunately. The awkward platforming, obnoxious QTEs and set pieces are probably the hardest part of that playthrough, or at least the only parts where you're likly to lose.

Why the heck is it considered the pinnacle of action gaming then?

hidden chapters are seriously the fucking worst part of this game

>Sup Forums and these journalists I hate said it so it must be true

>the pinnacle

DMC3, DMC4 and NGB are all considered better than Bayo. I would also say MGR and Vanquish are better P* games, but nonetheless, Bayo is a good game for CUHRAZY.

It also helps that Bayo is boner fuel.

It's not, that spot belongs to NGB or disputably God Hand. Maybe DMC 3 too. Bayo is okay, but not perfect by any means.

It isn't. Ninja Gaiden is.

Nobody ever said bayonetta was the pinnacle of action games

>Why the heck is it considered the pinnacle of action gaming then?
Who said it was?

I consider it the best pinnacle of action gaming because gameplay isn't all there is to games.

what happens if you die and don't continue? where does the game start you off? at the beginning of the chapter?

that doesn't even make since, normal is too fucking easy and it wastes your 1st exposure to the game. there is no way locking hard behinde normal is-ever- a good thing.


I enjoy unlocking difficulties.

You can't play DMD in DMC right away. Still awesome.

Glasses are cancer.

Its like they think youre not ready, not tough enough for the challenge set by them, you have to prove your worth by unlocking hard making it easy when you come to play the mode.

Who said it was? It's just a good solid game in that genre but not the pinnacle of that genre.

DMC3 SE fucked this up so bad
Beating normal unlocks hard, but SE hard is just western normal and you're already too upgraded for that easy shit, it should unlock Very Hard alongside it since it's the one difficulty that changes the enemy and all that good stuff, but Very Hard only unlocks together with DMD
Fortunately there's that unlocker cheat

If there ever was a thread that proved Sup Forums has become a shithole its this one

>there is no way locking hard behinde normal is-ever- a good thing.

Yes it is. It means you have to git gud to git gud.

>Gameplay is being CONSTANTLY interrupted
This is my main gripe with the game along with having to always do the secret missions for ranking

I also hate the escort quests and minigames. It literally only does combat well and they like to fuck with it

Part of why i enjopy this genre so much is because i love having my ass kicked hard, then slowly starting to claw my way forward to the point i'm steamrolling shit that i used to struggle with. nothing is more unfun then when a game holds your hand because it's scared you can't handle the challange. having hard locked away just artificaly lengthens the game

Just report and move on. OP is obviously a shitposting faggot, as later posts confirmed.

You're going to get raped on hard without life upgrades and no knowledge of dodge offset or shit, you wouldn't even pass through the graces and glories that block your witch time on the prologue.

I consider it the pinnacle because it takes everything DMC3 and 4 have been doing and pushes it just a bit farther.

Then again I haven't played GodHand. So I can't say for certain.

Seriously OP, play these instead. You can't play the hard modes straight away for God Hand or NGB either, but it doesn't matter because normal is actually challenging. Those games kicked me in the fucking balls.

>You can't play the hard modes straight away for God Hand or NGB either
UGH that means they SUCK.

Doesn't God Hand automatically switch between difficulty modes depending on how well you play?

>Pushes it a bit further
It pulls it back a bit because of Wicked Weaves and offsetting, along with constantly interrupting gameplay for minigames and QTEs in boss battles and cutscenes

Don't forget the motorcycle level in all of its buggy glory
Or how the best fight of the game is behind Space Harrier and you can't opt out of it ever

>game is shit
>OP wants to talk about why the game is shit

Yes, it does, actually. Good point.
Basically you can play on Hard Mode indefinitely provided you're good enough. It's a really nifty mechanic.

How is dodge offset a bad thing?
Wicked Weaves is arguable but I'd say they're a good mechanic.

yes, "Hard" mode locks it on the hardest difficulty

Theres that buzzword again

Or to be more specific, there's a difficulty meter that kind of works like the DMC style meter, but it only goes down when you get your shit wrecked or use the grovel move. I can't remember how it works on Easy, but I think it starts at the lowest point and get caps at Level 2. Normal starts at the lowest point and caps at Level DIE (4), Hard is locked at DIE for the whole game.

Mostly because a lot of your moveset feels a bit irrelevant since wicked weaves is so powerful by comparison

It's not really the idea of dodge offset that is bad, it is the two in tandem that makes it feel like it simplifies the playstyle for efficiency

I think this could be fixed by making the filler moves(Not wicked weaves) better in general

It's just such a huge difference in power between normal moves and weaves

>Have to mash dodge at the end of every cutscene because they always attack instantly when gameplay starts back up

Fuck that design choice.

OP here.

God Hand is perhaps my favourite game of all time, actually.

So what, Bayonetta isn't even considered all that great? I thought it was the fucking best. Only the insufferable ugloness of ps3 kept me away from playing it.

>if its not the best its shit
im getting tired of this retarded mentality

>I respected Bayo a fucklot even though I haven't played it before

What the fuck? Why? Is this really the mentality of the average Sup Forumstard?

>So what, Bayonetta isn't even considered all that great? I thought it was the fucking best.
Not really. Sorry. I'd say go straight for NGB and NGII if you haven't tried them already.

How do you know he is not playing it on console?

>I thought it was the fucking best
I love how you completely ignored everyone calling you out for the previous post where you made up that it was called the pinnacle of the genre.

Fucking earn the right first kid.

Agreed, there are tons of poorly directed 'spectacle' parts where the game plays itself and you just mash buttons and move around. It also seems far easier than DMC no matter what "muh normal" playthrough retards interject with.

Hard Mode actually has some differences aside from being stuck on Lvl. Die, enemies has more health and you have one less roullete wheel
You can't kill the tier 1 mooks with La Bomba in one shot for example

Jesus, that's unexpected. I wish I could play NGB but I really don't want to drag additional hardware to my living room. I just hate 7th gen consoles so much.

I'm simply not replying to every single post.

Well, that's kinda the point of them, they only happen at the end of a combo and not at will.
They force you to keep your combos until the end, something achievable thanks to dodge offset.
Comparing it to DMC3/DMC4, the only argument I have in favour of them (and I have to say beforehand that I consider DMC3SE my favourite game overall amongst the 3) is that Bayonetta as far as i'm aware doesn't penalize you for spamming combos, so you can just spam PKP and get to the maximum modifier (although it's not that trivial since you still need to learn how to dodge and offset).

>I respected Bayo a fucklot even though I haven't played it before
>considered the pinnacle of action gaming
>I thought it was the fucking best
So you basically made up what you thought Bayonetta would be based on absolutely nothing, threw a fit, and now can't stand everyone calling you an idiot for your own assumptions.

theres only like 4 real qtes in the game and cutscenes are always skippable

Real men play God Hand on Hard and with the KMS

>So you basically made up what you thought Bayonetta would be based on absolutely nothing, threw a fit, and now can't stand everyone calling you an idiot for your own assumptions.

Fucking this. Jeeeesus christ OP, talk about "muh e-peen"

Ninja gaiden is worse than that spyro game on gba, it at least ha custom combos unlike ninja gaiden

do people really think that izunadrop gaiden is better than devil may cry or bayonetta?

Quit replying to the retard
He's literally ignoring posts where people confirm it's not the best because he wants to bait a blind fanboy

>So you basically made up what you thought Bayonetta would be based on absolutely nothing,
What, you never saw Bayonetta being called the best DMC by far, Kamiya's magnum opus etc.? Really?

Well I don't really know what to suggest then. I mean, it's possible that there'll be a Ninja Gaiden Collection for PC/modern consoles released at some point, but there's nothing being said at the moment last I heard. I'd say it's work messing around with a 360 just to play them, but that's jusy my opinion.

That is one of the weirdest comparisons I've ever heard. Also NG has nothing to do with stylish combos and everything to do with just not dying like a bitch.

>that lone plat in very easy in chapter 14

Whats in chapter 14?


the closest to that I've seen is that I've seen people say that its a better sequel to DMC3 then 4 was
but thats about it

Achievement when finish verse 1 and 2 on plat.

A review site saying Bayonetta is the best game ever doesn't mean it is. People said God Hand was shit and it's your favorite game of all time, isn't it?
Don't be an idiot.

I've been acknowledging that throughout the thread, you insane imbecile. The whole crux of the current discussion it that I, the OP, am being told that yes, Bayo isn't as good as I thought it would be, and meacknowledging that information. You irate faggot, god dammit.

Rocket minigame

I would say that DMC3's weapons and styles feel more unique than Bayonetta's options, and has better bosses

Aside from that they are too different to be compared

I certainly wouldn't call Bayonetta the best, but I think it's a pretty solid game. It's a pretty good entry to the genre because of how accessible it is. Normal mode allows you to get away with however you want to play and provides a pretty good experience. For people more experienced, there's the harder difficulty modes and the added depth that comes in with dodge offset.

Unfortunately, there are a couple of things keeping it from being god tier. The constant cutscenes, the really odd scoring system, half-baked alternative weapons system, BACKTRACKING BACKTRACKING BACKTRACKING if you want to 100% every chapter, etc. It was Platinum's debut game, so I respect 'em for it.

>I've been acknowledging that throughout the thread
>I'm simply not replying to every single post
Yeah nah

>played every 3d beat em up on the market
>bayonetta is almost the only game that hits that sweet spot of mechanics
>GoW offers the compelling rollercoaster adventure and great defensive abilities but lacks offensive combat depth
>DMC offers great offensive combat depth, and in DMC3 and 4 also defense, but the campaigns are too disjointed and far too "enter room, fight enemies, enter different room, fight more enemies" routine
>NG series offers both offensive and defensive depth and fun campaigns, but are also contain too many "fuck you" mechanics like illogical invisible walls during bossfights, awful hitboxes, too many enemy attacks that are instant grab moves
>MGR offers a kickass rollercoaster ride from start to finish, but has some of the worst elements of NG with a terrible camera and enemy grab moves, this time with garbage QTEs
>GodHand is close to perfection, but low production values and little variety in missions hold the game back a bit
>bayonetta is the only game that is overall the most functional with lots of variety, depth, and production values

Yes, who else am I supposed to listen? I can't have my own opinion on a game until I've played it myself. And now that I have, I've made thus thread about hiw Bayo apparently is an extremely flawed experience, yes.

>So what, Bayonetta isn't even considered all that great?
>endless complaints about the QTEs and excess cutscenes
>repeatedly compared to DMC because its combat isn't as deep
>when the sequel came out, more people shit on the first

There's a difference between keeping the pros/cons of reviews in mind and "respecting" something before you even play it. What you did is the equivalent of someone seeing Mass Effect Andromeda got a 9 somewhere and assuming it's a masterpiece.

You can't call out MGR on garbage QTE and give Bayonetta a free pass, you just can't

not that dude but there is more of them in MGR then bayo
at least forced ones

Bayonetta also has QTEs, a fuck lot of those even, especially in most of the boss fights

It also has overall the worst bosses of all the top tier ones aside from Jeanne and Rodin

Bayonetta is a pretty much universally revered game from a director I know and respect. Expecting it to be good is more than logical.

But you don't sound like a rational person at all, so just fuck off, really. I'm not even sure what your point is.