Path of Exile

tfw you link Minion Damage Support and Melee Splash support to your Raise Zombie Gem on your very first play through as a templar

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This is my Templar so far. He's level 26
you can do it, user.

I just started playing PoE recently, love summon builds. I started with the Witch. Why do all these things start as templar?

Also I have no fucking clue what I'm doing in this game. Just picking +minion shit in the passive tree. No idea what to do for equipment since skill gem slots seem more important than item stats.

>Why do all these things start as templar?
I read on a thread on here that a good Energy Shield requires a lot of in game currency, which I don't have at the moment.

My current goal is to build a tank that supports a hoard of minions and use him to farm ES gear for my second character.
this is okay. hopefully helpful.

Step 1. Install item filter.

At this point in the league not really, you can find high es shit for an okay price.

Getting high es gear with int and multiple good resists is another story though

this is my current summoner on legacy league. Its far from min-maxed and ive still only spent a few chaos on each gear slot, save the weapon that i spent 5 ex on.

You would only want to follow this exact tree if you have the same unique helmet "The Baron" but you still might be able to get a sense of where summoners head on the tree, and some of the kinds of gear you want to look out for.

this is likely a better resource all things considered, a very detailed guide on more classic non-gimmick summoners

Because as good of a tank the templar is it's quite difficult to tank everything so having the minions to help pull some of the aggro/damage off you so you're not taking ALL of it is helpful. Also if you do auras too the auras will buff the minions and it's working out great for me.

This game always seems great for my first character then I lose motivation in merciless.

I never play long enough to amass the wealth to play cool builds. sucks to suck

Also using summons as a templar I'd been able to use the laziest strategy ever
>Sit there spamming raging spirits buffed by auras and an added melee damage skill buff and just watch as they kill everything while none of them have a snowballs chance in hell of dealing any significant damage to me before they all die

never ever take those starting life nodes as a templar

its literally straight regen which is possibly the worst form of EHP there is unless you're a Juggernaut, even Mind over Matter is better

Path of Exile is shit

PoE is literally the best ARPG currently not-dead. D3 is shit, Torchlight 1/2 are both lmao nosupport and Grim Dawn is ded until they finally get that expansion out. I've played them all extensively and none of them are as evolved as PoE is, in some respects its even surpassed D2. Fuck, i'd say its surpassed D2 in everything but atmosphere which D2 is probably one of the best games ever for.

>best ARPG
not much when the bar isn't very high and the genre is stagnated as fuck, where innovation is only done about skills and class systems

all devolve into mindless skinner boxes where you just kill mobs with one skill for better loot and PoE is seriously hampered by many game design flaws like

>don't have loot filter
>screen is 99% white text

do any of the websites tell you which support gem is actually works with which? I want to know which supports I can use for my skill gems but some of the descriptions in this game are so bad that you can't tell half the time unless you manually spend your currency obtaining all the gear and then try it out to find out it doesn't work.

>PoE is hampered by it

you mean all arpgs

Anyways you also agreed PoE is the best just the genre is shit so it isn't saying much. btfo lel :D.

Designing your own loot filter is easy as fuck unless you're an ape.

>B-but GGG should just do it automatically

Yeah lets think about how that would play out


I remember seeing a wiki which tells you that stuff just google for a PoE wiki and you should find it no problem

No idea what you're talking about dude. I guess you forgot that you were talking to a new player.

Could you perhaps explain why?

That's not the point that a loot filter fixes it.
The drop system is designed with quantity >>> quality.

All those drops are worthless 99.9% of the time and yellows are shit just as well AND uniques most of the time.

Yeah but best ARPG isn't saying much though.

the official poe wiki doesn't have it. At best it'll suggest some well known and obvious support as a small detail thrown in randomly which doesn't help me since it's only ever for something really obvious. Like I mean if say there are 50 skill gems then like they only have like 20 suggested support gems for everything throughout the entire wiki. I need like a google charts list.

I think he's about the rewards of percent based numbers and static numbers. Like something like life gain on hit which gives a perfect of life leech back or the regen nodes you took give like a percent of your total health. 2% regen is shit early game when your numbers are really low since it's percent based. They scale better in the late game but I think personally life regen outside of on hit seem shitty anyway.

You could prob refund them to put into other things and pick them up again later when you are level 60+ when they do more work for you.

PoE has awful balance

>path of life nodes
>X skills objectively better than Y skills
>retarded bosses and factors like how it's weighted to roll reflect for your damage type
>unique flasks OP as fuck

yea I know it isn't saying much that is what the post you replied to literally said that you said u non reading nerd.

It's still the indisputed best arpg on the market. arpg genre is shit. Discussion solved and ended.

You can refund passives in the middle of the line?


desu I'm not sure which nodes he is talking about but I think it's the first 3 blue/red nodes? Just spend points from the start and link them another way than refund. You gotta do the ol switcheroo.

>>path of life nodes

>one skill is better than the other
>skill a deals 1000 fps
>skill b deals 1200 fps

shifting meta > balancing everything super carefully

ah the LEAGUE OF LEGENDS style of balance instead of the DOTA style of balance

all I needed to know

>one skill that requires 50 clicks to kill every mob
>or one skill that wipes a screen

gee wonder why earthquake is so popular for a ''melee'' skill

>one skill that requires 50 clicks to kill every mob

name one example

glacial hammer
viper strike
double strike
elemental hit
wild strike
heavy strike
even cleave and some aoe skills are trash
leap slam
shield charge

>double strike
>leap slam
>shield charge
>and other skills that have other utility than farming

you forgot to list portal

Summoning is even more lazy
>spamming raging spirits
>No aiming required, positioning doesn't matter, doesn't matter how many or few enemies there are or if they're ranges or not, just spam till they all die

SRS is pretty much heat seeking projectiles that the work for you.

Also Arc is another super lazy skill that will wipe a screen and even kill things offscreen via chain for you.

Though it has shit DPS for bossing.

>positioning doesn't matter
>keep casting spell until they die

hol up

so you are telling me if you keep using an attack mobs eventually die?


And that because it's ranged you are away from danger. Sheeeit I better get my lvl 1 summoner and go shaper right now lul.

buthurt diablo fags can't make any arguements that can't also be applied to their own game.

You're not quite understanding me here. I actually use this tactic and like using it on cannon fodder, but the point is that holding the right mouse button down practically anywhere on the screen as a response to enemies and killing them all with no more input or thought needed is lazy, not saying anything more than that and no less either.

Grind of Grind: Grinding Grinds, by Grinding Gear Games

pretty good grind

is two hander duelist any good?


as a Slayer, very much so

kay I might give it a shot

Yeah. You can go Ngamahu cyclone, Terminus Est flicker strike, Starforge Cyclone/Lacerate just to name a few popular ones.
I'm personally partial to starforge lacerate.

>path of life nodes

guarantee hes gonna use eq or aw

look up mathil builds pleb

>going slayer to use earthquake
>elemental weakness in 2017
>life noodles
Life sucks in PoE right now lad.

Pretty sure this games biggest downfall is how unfriendly it is to new players, tried getting my friend into it he loved it but couldn't push past the leveling process

That's what I like about it. Same with Eve Online.

I call it, the idiot filter. I intentionally play game with steep learning curves specifically to avoid playing vidya with morons.

It's not really a learning curve with poe as much as it's a repetitive leveling grind

No, this game biggest downfall is its linearity. You can play Y build or X build, but in the end the most optimal build to clear content will be the best as everybody is playing through the same story line. Sadly, GGG can't do anything about it without changing the game's core. Fucking hell, one open world MMO with PoE mechanics fucking when?

well double dipping is getting nerfd in 3.0 so hopefully that'll open up some new stuff for builds

>Really like life regen builds
>Can never find a good way to make a life regen character work outside of RF

I just want a support gem that scales with life or something

You can make a life regen that uses one of the stationary skills like Schorching Ray but it's boring and slow as fuck

holy shit why dont you try not being a meta slave for once

there are dozens of builds that are fully capable of clearing all the content, why are you so autistic that you just HAVE to play the most numerically efficient one, especially if its sacrificing the fun for you?

god its just a fucking gaemu

>poe doesn't have a steep learning curve

pfft. Here's your reply, faggot

it really doesnt, at all.

>Several noob traps

build creating is pretty difficult, but if you just follow someone elses guide its really not a very difficult game. most builds use 1 or two active skills and a bunch of auras/buffs, nothing particularly complicated about the gameplay.

because it's not fun taking twice as long to do the content?

>wah user! why aren't you using heavy strike instead of AW it can get you to the endgame it'll just take 5 times longer and you just need to click every mob

>if a build isn't literally king reddit meta meme its 5x worse
this is why you're a retarded meta slave

Tips for New players?
Is it True that the best way to play is only to use 2 active skills and the rest are passive?

I want to go summoner and do mostly nothing while my minions destroy everything.


That's not my point, user. What I'm saying is that PoE is boring due to it's linearity. Everybody goes from point A to B, everybody traverse the same path. I couldn't care less if you make it in 1 hour while I take 10 hours to complete the same path BUT, after doing it once there's no incentive to do it again.

Let's make a new character, oh boy here comes Lioneye's Watch -> Merciless lake -> Shaper again and again. The only difference between your previous build and the new one is how fast/slower it clears content, but in the end they are doing the same job. PoE has too many tools for the same job when many tools for different jobs would be the ideal game.

aye, true enough. hopefully the 10 act meme freshens things up.

Fuck Path of GRINDAN

It's just fucking autistic grind for the sake of grind. Playing through the same game 3 times just to get to end game and all youre doing is spamming a single skill the entire game. Getting to high tier maps is an even longer grind and to even get there you almost have to have a funded meta build. Getting funded is a fucking grind in of itself and anti fun.

theres an elementalist golemancer build that has you summon a shitload of fire golems that nuke everything on the screen while you just walk around, but its quite expensive just for the gems you need to socket (10ish ex), and that doesn't include the cost of other gear you'll need (good ES chest/helm etc). Its the kind of build that lets you get away with stacking magic find though, which is why I like it.

POE becoming path of clear speed, where monsters don't even matter anymore, since they'll die before they can even turn around. They could literally be replaced with destroyable damage tiles and nobody would notice the difference. And people will go out of their way to ignore any content that makes them pay attention or backtrack. They hardly pay attention to any drops at all anymore because running as much brain dead linear content in the shortest amount of time is the best way to get anywhere. People even hardcore do these crap while watching TV, because that's how much attention the game requires.

They are literally more dangerous while dead because of all the bullshit side mechanics. With each version fucking over melee characters more and more.

The only way to be viable to pretty much make everything focus into one skill that you spam like its the only thing you know how to do. Diablo-like ARPGs are known for spamming singular skill but POE takes that to another level.

Evasion and Armor are death traps that are tit on zombies useless when developers keep on setting up situations for one shot to keep up with the retarded amount of power creep. The only way to survive is stack HP/ES. So the overwhelming vast majority of your points goes into HP investments and big HP on gear investments. Except Energy Shield scales so much better than HP its not even funny and all of the downsides could easily be circumvented.

POE's amount of RNG makes other free to play's RNG look tame. Pretty much everything you do involves RNG checks. Crafting is literally the biggest noob trap, because that shit is reserved for the super rich that hates currency.

>That test was easy. I just copied from the Asian girl sitting next to me.

You generally want an aoe skill and maybe a single target skill if your aoe skill is lacking dps for bosses

raise spectre summoner

fug was she cute

>Evasion and Armor are death traps that are tit on zombies useless when developers keep on setting up situations for one shot to keep up with the retarded amount of power creep. The only way to survive is stack HP/ES. So the overwhelming vast majority of your points goes into HP investments and big HP on gear investments. Except Energy Shield scales so much better than HP its not even funny and all of the downsides could easily be circumvented.
everything you've listed here is my biggest problem with the game
pls fix you kiwi fucking spastics

>You generally want an aoe skill and maybe a single target skill if your aoe skill is lacking dps for bosses
And the rest of the skill slots be passive buffs?
Is that correct?

you'll have a movement skill as well
but ye the rest will fill with passives/short duration buffs/traps usually

it's so fucking dumb how elemental resistances cap out to 75% but phys resistance - no matter how much you stack is worthless because
>most damage is elemental
>physical damage resistance will only work so far, 10% of armor reduces damage
>also stacking PURE life is better

>Stacking pure ES is best

And yet you are still required to invest almost everything into Life for life builds.
Energy shields are generally more expensive (more because of the demand) but scales so much better.

Its still 'Path of Life Nodes' because HP (this means energy shield too) is the only thing that actually matters as defense since evasion and armor are death traps. And you are still required to invest a shit ton of points in defense.

>defensive skills
>movement skill
>vaal skill

>stack fire resistance to 75%
>still die to fire

it's silly how max resistance is the norm for their damage testing

> since evasion and armor are death traps.
Not entirely true either, friend.
And no, you don't need to throw every skillpoint into HP whenever possible since there's items to make up for that, but it doesn't hurt to have some more if you got additional points.

>mfw running a pizza sticks totem wombo combo.
>mfw I have no face

Give me the best minion build in your opinions

I want others to get through this fucking content for me

>not entirely true

>you don't

lol fuck off

Game is balanced around the assumption you are always at max resistance. That's why ability/skill that increase the max resistance cap requires heavy investments for tiny gain. (If you assume 75% resistance is actually 0% resistance, each max cap point actually have a lot of value though)

>not just having an extraordinarily large life that can absorb all types of damage

1x anima stone
1x primordial might
10x primordial harmony
2x clayshaper maces

your golems are now stronger than most players and can kill endgame bosses even if you die at the start of the fight

Do you even know how HP works, the life nodes are percentage increase, and you need flat life on gear to work with those. the flat HP you gain from level ups and strength is not enough.

>kaoms heart

meanwhile ES gear gets natural kaoms hearts with links

start softcore to learn to game since you can brute-force through any content possible and the only penalty for dying is 10% or so exp loss.

move on to hardcore as soon as you are ready or you will be bored of the game since there won't be any risk to keep you from playing without caution.


You mean logoutcore. That's literally the officially endorsed way of playing it.

after 12 xoph breaches he finally drops the amulet and a blessing, sheeeit

>get above 250% increased life from passive nodes
>buy kaom for months work of currency without rng lucky drops
>still have barely 8-10k life
>do mediocre damage and still have to use potions because chaos resists suck


>get barely 100% energy shield passive nodes
>buy a 5-link vaal regalia for around 20 chaos
>spam low amount of alterations and couple of regals
>have 8k energy shield without spending anything else except finding shit dropped items
>do insane amount of damage while only worrying about reflect damage


I went from life to ES and the difference is huge,

ES benefits
>no chaos damage
>frees up flasks
>heals up naturally
>Vaal Pact
>INT naturally gives ES% for some stupid reason so getting +70% ES from INT alone is common
>ES is sectored in the top and top-right of the tree
>ES clusters are huge, life Scion Lifewheel but multiple of them
>Energy from Within
>Also easy access to spell crit cluster

Everything spell+crit+ES is so close together it's stupid. Not even hard to do it from Templar for Pizza Totem CI with Crit for double dipping Ignite damage. Shit's been meta for like half a year? BV peaked with it because Vinktars made you unkillable. Only downside is stun resistance which is countered with gear like Eye of Chayula or Kiara's.

>reflect damage

Not with Vaal Pact and Ghost Reaver with Vessel of Vinktar (you could easily settle for the cheapest version) you won't.

>Vaal Pact - you don't have regeneration, except that doesn't fucking stop shield recharge, and ES doesn't have any 'regeneration' naturally anyway.
>still easily accessible as hell for Energy Shield users point wise.

Enjoy your stuns

Eye of Chayula make you immune to stun. And there are a lot of other options help avoid stuns. Especially Skyforth.

why would you use of an example of a flaw that PoE explicitly fixes with the existence of loot filters.

"skinner box" is the worst le intellectual game commentary buzzword since ludonarrative dissonance. that's just the most superificial reading of a game like this. you're ignoring the puzzle aspect of using the open-ended game systems (gear included) in creative ways, as well as mastering those systems, which is what PoE excels at. it's like reducing card games to nothing but opening packs

>why would you use of an example of a flaw that PoE explicitly fixes with the existence of loot filters.

loot filters don't fix anything what are you talking about? it doesn't change the fact that 99.99% of your loot is trash it only hides it

>complaining about skinner boxes


tfw you die.