ITT >Comfy places in vidya


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Dantooine in KOTOR 1 was the fucking comfiest. Manaan was good as well, though.

I confess: just because of how comfy it is, I prefer KOTOR 1 to 2.


the KOTOR soundtrack is godtier

Although, the mercenary camp is also comfy.


can't find it online and it's not really a level but R&C 1 menu with Ratchets garage is mega comf

Of course, the sanctuaries of PlanetSide 1 were designed to be comfy.

Kotor 1 is comfier, but has easily the shittiest THAT level in Taris.

Nar Shadaar is bad, but at least you can be a jedi monster by the time you reach it and clean it out nice and quick.

I fucking loved Manaan though, it almost managed to be a planet hub that did something completely different from the others, but it slightly slipped up at the end with the fucking underwater mission.

Kotor 2's hilarious overcompensation for how slow you moved in the suit still makes me laugh

I didn't think Taris was that bad.. although, I remember that the ground-levels of Taris kinda pissed me off.

Nah, Majula > Firelink.

Everything about it is so much better.

I never understood the Taris hate, sure it wasn't great but it had a good few cool moments/areas


The town in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles My Life as a King. We'll never get another game as comfy as that one

I've got a better one for you, OP. Name a forest in any game that isn't extremely comfy. Protip: There aren't any.


Darkwood in the original Fable wasn't too comfy

my nigga


these have fuck all compared to the nexus

god I hate underaged fags

I don't understand the hate for Gothic 3... I had no bugs after applying the patches, and even if the story was weaker than the first two, it blew my mind how big the map was... The different towns/villages/castles/temples where quite comfy.

if you didn't get sheena for this cutscene, you did it wrong

Christ, tryhard much?

The brothel was quite comfy tho.... If we can consider it part of the forest.

nigga hwat?


>there will never be a more comfy mmo

The forest in the Dragon's Dogma, where you have to pick the witch.

>tfw i lost all my ro ss


>not loving your dad no matter what
Zellos deserved to die


Why not just like Big Ben and get this Disney cult shit out of here

TERA world is amazing,a shame the game is shit

I never actually felt the Nexus was all that comfy. It's so big and empty that it feels foreboding almost

1943 > 1942 > bf3

How come there's no MMO that plays like BOTW, and looks like it (except maybe smaller areas or smaller draw distance, to reduce latency issues) with drop-in drop-out / instanced online? The biggest turn off with MMOs has always been that they play like shit and are too technical. It always turns into a min-maxing grind where players don't interact. They should be accessible but have tons of interesting ways for players to interact with each other.


can we all agree the females in KOTOR are

>want to reinstall just to enjoy the Night Elf starting area but it won't be as good as I remember it

In contrast, Dantooine in KotOR2 is fucking depressing.

>How come there's no MMO that plays like BOTW

Because almost all MMOs are trash that try to copy WoW. The few that try to be more unique die because MMO players have shit taste.

So many KotOR anons here.
Yeah, I agree, the comfiest game for me as well.
I may have crippling depression, but whenever i hear KotOR soundtrack i feel good. Dantooine, Manaan, The Unknown World, Taris hideout and cantinas are goat places.


>hating Taris
I wish this meme ended already

> TFW no THICC Jedi consular gf

I bet you call Irenicus' dungeon hating a meme, you nincompooperini.

because flying around big ben in the game was comfy

>god I hate underaged fags
>only talking about a ps3 game
ya ok granpa

Mission looked extremely fuckable because of it desu

The Nexus is shit and DeS was my first game in the series.

>1943 > 1942

FFXI here, WoW doesn't have shit on XI's level of comfort.

Every area in this game feels so robotic and dead.

I want to hug Mission

>played horde every expac
>elwynn forest is still my favorite zone
I would try ally every now and then and the max level community was just so much worse.

Yeah they did a great job making KotOR 2 depressed as fuck. Although it may be a better rpg, sometimes i dont even want to play it because it is so rejecting.

Any station in the Metro games that's not crawling with mutants.


who is this savannah sperm mama?


Dinduna Finn

I know no one will agree with me, but there's no comfier feeling that finally getting WWII to end in Hearts of Iron

The war is finally over, peace once more rules the land, no more bloodshed or violence.
It's so comfy


Yes, the entire world, the entire setting is comfy as fuck

Robotic and dead? Explain me why user

this nigga right here

>You will never live in an archery range

with the congo beat


peace is simply when you're preparing for the next war

also this

Enemy placements are so sterile. Nothing roams. NPCs do nothing but sit around. Enemies do nothing but sit in their extremely small area. The environments themselves are usually large and lacking in detail.

Nothing ever stood out. Everything felt fake and plastic.

These huts sure looked comfy as hell.

All of the CCA zones were top tier. Greatest ever. I still think about them all the time.

rs used to be so comfy

Generally ending wars in paradox games that result in massive gains is really satisfying. Incorporating new provinces under the protection of a lengthy truce is really reassuring.

forgot pic

Comfiest place imo was Silvermoon City.

I actually did reinstall the game to check it out again. God, it has not aged well. I wish they'd renovate it. Was fucking gorgeous back in the day, and especially awesome when it was full of players.

I get the enemies,they are so badly done that i can't disagree. But have you ever been to Sylvanoth? (the purple/pink/blue forest with dragons)




the entire game quite cozy desu

Most of Skyrim is comfy, desu.




this entire game

Excuse me, what?
From the get-go the atmosphere is tense and unfriendly.
There's some really horrifying shit going down.

You are bizarre.

Fuck yes

I guess maybe it's because I live in Washington, so the setting is max comfy for me.

My dude.

ohoho that's the stuff
I wish more people could appreciate the game, I've showed it to a couple of friends but they quit mid way through the first chapter.
Gotta be in my top 5 games of all time.

Does anyone have some good recs for comfy games? My grandmother just died on the 10th anniversary of the day my other grandmother died and it's killing my family. Just kinda want to get lost for awhile.


starting village in Witcher 1

I will always enjoy the odd comfiness that came with the hustle and bustle of Ironforge.
>constant sense of warmth
>dwarves everywhere selling pies and beer
>the central gathering area at the entrance by the bank