Was this the most embarrassing thing to ever come out of this board?

Was this the most embarrassing thing to ever come out of this board?

Other urls found in this thread:


Everything GG-related after it got a name (GG) had nothing to do with this board.
Shit, it had little to do with 8ch either, it was mostly reddit and twitter cucks

no, but you were the most embarrassing thing to come out of your mother's vagina

No, Barney fag was.

>insecure gamergator passing off the blame

It's time to reboot gaming journalism.

Press start to continue.

The Sup Forumsgas are.

What blame? GG did nothing wrong.

I completely ignored it and posted in vidya threads while it was happening. To this day I have no idea what happened with GG other than the initial Zoey Quin stuff.


it was fun

Your dick

I mean, Sup Forums was rightfully indignant about vidya journalism because it was (and still is) a fucking cesspit.

Not to say I condone everything that happened as a result, but the root cause is perfectly fine. And it did actually get a lot of online publications to disclose better and more often.

>harassing an innocent woman, doxing her, sending her death threats, etc
>still lost he childish little war
>nothing wrong


>it was mostly reddit and twitter cucks
no buddy it was entirely Sup Forums
nice try, though, but i was there when you fuckers did it

thanks to gamergate being exiled 3 years ago we have entered a new golden age of progressive and politically correct video game discussion on Sup Forums.
If only we could get rid of Sup Forums next then we would truly be free from the tyranny of right wingers and be able to enact real change on the industry like neogaf or other mainstream forums.

>harassing an innocent woman, doxing her, sending her death threats, etc
never happened

Are you talking about the SJW side?
Because after a while it was literally the same garbage on both sides

>gamer gate

I hate edgy neo Sup Forums

When IA left I left. Everything the dude predicted came true.

It literally did
I was here for it
It happened

You're a moron, denying facts won't get you anywhere


Sup Forums created gameragte but it didn't have the name, and at that point it was about journalism
then newfags and outsiders gave it a name and that's when it all went to shit

Terrible attempt at supplanting history. GG was a Sup Forums invention. I mean for Christ's sake the mascot was made on Sup Forums.

If by "this" you mean this thread, then yes

This led to Brexit, Donald Trump, and soon Le Pen.

It's all your fault Sup Forums. I hope you're happy.

Hello Sup Forums

>harassing a woman was all about journalism

"I AM THE HEAD MOD OF Sup Forums! "

Leave Sup Forums Wu.

>Crying about the lack of ethics in games journalism
>When there never has been nor never will be any ethics in so called games "journalism" because it's nothing more than a PR branch
GG was a mistake.

The idea, yes.
The mascot, yes.
The name and everything that came after September 2014 had nothing to do with Sup Forums.
>harassing a woman
Never happened; you can't prove otherwise. Don't try to rewrite history, newfriend.



>death threats online are serious business
I am going to kill you 40 minutes from now.

>Fingers his bitch on stream
>People complain to him about it, instead of realizing what the fuck they are doing with their lives

>we're going to fix games journalism by attacking an indie Dev no one had ever heard of for cheating on her boyfriend and being a feminist

Gamer gate was hilarious

>le indie cartoon beardguy avatar.

>It's about ethics in games journalism
>Let's dox and harass these fucking whores for liking video games

Really makes you think

Why do I feel like he's the only one who's actually salty?

I dunno man, that Darkest Dungeon thread last night where everyone was complaining about how the game sucked because they found it too hard was pretty embarrassing.

Yeah once it got too big it was a shitflinging fest
Before it was simple with people just tired of the garbage and digging shit up so people knew what was going on, honestly I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner with the Kane and Lynch fiasco.
At least Hogan came in and leg dropped the fuck out of most of these shitty journalists

>stop being mean to people :(
kill yourself, honestly.

I thought it was fun.
It was part shitposting, part actually trying to do something.
Yes, people took it to extremes, but that's true of literally every fucking movement that gets bigger than a few dozen people.

Ultimately, online publications either realised that readers appreciate a basic level of transparency, or they kept going and became a laughing stock to everyone but hardcore fans of the sites.

Not an argument, niGGer

The worst thing about it was the fact that her game was free, although a piece of trash games that are free are normally immune to criticism

It's about ethics in games journalist, which is why we attacked the woman and not the games journalist.

Fuck you that man does gods work.

Also I can't prove it but I'm convinced GG only happened because of Sup Forums crossposters on Sup Forums up their own ass about journalism. Afaik nobody who actually talks about videogames on Sup Forums has ever taken game journos seriously for the very same reason the GG folks were so upset. Then of course everything got out of hand, faceless movements and what not.

No, the thank you card/poster to Nintendo for advertising to us at E3 was the worst.

you could hardly call her a woman though
almost puked when i saw her nudes

>that man does gods work
>by replying to himself

It still came from this board though so you can't just say it doesn't count

>Liking videogames
They got doxxed because they were only pretending to like videogames to make money. And the Doxxing literally proved it.

Oh that makes it ok then

so the creator of the nuclear bomb is to blame for all the nuclear attacks in history

Not only embarrassing, but also blew up in their face when the next year was so fucking bad.
Perfect, really.

I refuse to believe every thread I've seen where OP or one of the first few posts uses a pony picture that its just Barneyfag posting it just to reply to it himself.

Nor can you prove it, fuckface. Gods work.

remember when gamergate pretended zoe quinn had nothing to do with their spergout despite it all starting with her?

Pretty much. Pro-GG was subverted by far-right people from the start, and anti-GG was a bunch of embarrassing shit libs who couldn't just ignore it and made it even worse by freaking out instead of just disconnecting from the internet and waiting for the newfags who coalesced around this fad to get distracted by a shitty EA game being released or something.

GG is what got Trump elected. It was the test run for his online shitpost campaign.


She was literally fucking whore. Not to mention her group was literally a bunch of gatekeepers for indie contests so that their glorified HTML games would get press.

You can fucking bet there were plenty of Sup Forumsirgins riding that fucking wave right to the crest.
And so what if Sup Forums didn't make the name? Sup Forums started it, spread it initially, made the mascot, and participated throughout until the very end. They are at the core completely responsible.

>oh no, someone pretended to like something for a job
>time to try and ruin their lives

This is some SJW shit, to be honest. It's just a different crowd for different reasons, but in the end, goobers are just SJWs with different concerns.

>tfw took a break from gaming before gg and didnt return until after

Its hard to believe but GG was unheard of if you didn't give a fuck about it one way or another.

Are you stupid, new, or just pretending? Sup Forums by 2010 give or take a year was completely irredeemable, a GG-tier event was inevitable, if it wasn't about that shit it would be about localization teams or something, which frankly deserve it far more than the travelling circus of """""journalism"""""

All these fucking newfags saying
That's when you fags started pouring in.


Related is Sup Forums cringe

It got Phil Fish to quit again which was worth it.

Pretty much, yeah. It was certinaly okay with them because they used it for pity money pretending they'd get robbed or threatened to get their journo friends to throw them money.

I'm just glad the point was proven that they're whores who never cared about videogames, so that nobody can ever cite them seriously now. But somehow Jim Sterlin still gets shitpost merit here for some reason.

probably the only reason that movement started.

In the end, all GG accomplished was creating a scapegoat for shitty "journalists" and developers to use when they need to avoid criticism.

So, good job.

Hell you didn't even need to dox a person to prove that like with Anita, though honestly I'm surprised no one has taken down FF at this point

>Sterotyping isn't attractive
>says the walking sterotype with green clover irish, red haired freckled, gamer with bags under her eyes.

Gamer gate was literally just a movement of sexually frustrated virgin white nerds attacking women online

>Sup Forums now tries to forget the SVU episode

I hear they also put people on mars.

If being doxxed ruins your life there is something wrong with the way you're living.

Yeah, he seems to have been triggered before anyone even saw it.

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post

>Ruin their lives
Get over yourself. Nobodies life was ruined, if anything their lives were made better because they played the situation like a fiddle and begged for the internets mercy like the pathetic attention whores they are.

>Pro-GG was a bunch of autistic neckbeards getting tricked by far right individuals looking to further their own careers through it
>Anti-GG was a bunch of special snowflake SJWs
>I just wanted to talk about video games

I'm gonna say yes. It's also responsible for one of the biggest increases in newfags for the board

GG + The Fappening.

what's her name

I'm surprised it's still ongoing. I guess the recent Brash games fiasco fueled the flames a bit. I just saw one guy go after a girl because he assumed she was anti, but she was talking about a totally different subject.
I think a big problem was that the "movement" took itself too seriously, like they were actually going to make a difference. Things just seem to be way worse, no fucking surprise there

>their lives were made better by harassment

Now I've heard it all

we were always blamed long before gamergate, now they just have a label for it. Anita could catch a cold and it would be your fault somehow.

I notice shitty Journalist sites talk about the shit they used to before august 2014 WAY less than they used to.

But the whole idea was to prevent this kind of corruption.

in the grand scheme probably mainstreaming the misuse of the quote function with all the >implying

>women are pretending to like videogames
>I must dox them and ruin their lives

That's an odd way of spelling ACfag.

>Ignoring everything I just said

Sounds like you hear very little, so I'm not surprised.

This. Only Neofaggots disagrees.

There was a large paper published concerning the ethics of video game journalism around the time Gamergate started, but Gamergaters seemed to have no interest at all in said document. They seemed more interested in complaining about specific individuals on Twitter, fill the pockets of pandering e-celebs like "King of Pol", "Sargon of Akkad" and a bunch of "skeptic community" people who later on went on to shill Candid, and do autistic "research" on university feminist papers who nobody reads except people in their circles.

Instead of devising solutions and working on a solution to the problem, gamergaters would rather go on crusades against SJWs and feminists. And while it is true that a lot of those circles, such as journalism and indie game development, are filled to the brim with these offended millenials, all this resulted in was all these groups closing ranks and painting whoever disagreed with them as raging misogynists and harassers of women, making them even more cancerous than before, and I speak from personal experience with some of these groups.

I like to think the people who actually gave a shit about gaming journalism just stated their piece and moved on. These people made some publications realize that people wanted some level of transparency.

The intentions were good but all it did was make things worse in the long run.
Gamergate is the Holocaust of video games journalism.

No. It did it's just pretty well at first. For the most part, only a few outlets are still unacceptably shit.

After it accomplished its task, though, the husk attempting to carry on the protest was retarded.


that pic is right, though.

I'm upset I missed the threads and didn't turn in my POV :(

Nothing has really changed in the end
It was like a drawn out meaningless internet fight

It's called a victim complex. It's the only reason Anita's kickstarter was successful. And then she took the money and fucking ran after releasing what was it, a little more than half of her promised videos? All of which were completely half-baked.