Why has no MMO managed to outclass this game?

Why has no MMO managed to outclass this game?
>best community
>best classes
>best dungeons
>best asthetics
do other MMOs even come close?
why the fuck was the last thread pruned?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Free for all MVPs
>Huge ass map

barring free for all pvp it was pretty solid

Because Geffen

>Chilling out in that forest maze on my Biochemist with Vanilmirth on "kill everything" mode, and Isis pet just shaking her tits at me

I use the term rarely, but this game is literally what comfy should be; a game where you can just idle in a place that you like, and feel good. You don't need endgame gear, progression raiding, world firsts, or any of that pointless shit; just a few friends and a place you like to be.

>Playing high wizard with a bragi and 130+ dex

I still play this shit. The OST is perfect

Best MMO to play with a gf

I assumed that OP deleted his thread

Mods couldn't be so fucking retarded as to delete a video game discussion, right ?

best mmo to marry your gf(bf)

>Best classes
Nah. Champs, Paladins and SinX ruled the day.

>Best dungeons
They were DECENT dungeons. Hell, Amatsu dungeon alone throws this claim right out the fucking window.

>Best aesthetics

Too bad it was top-down isomorphic the whole time so you never actually got to look around and play at the same time.

Seriously the best mmo ever

i'm still playing it but sadly it's not the same i really want a server pre-trans with no warpers or healers NPC.


>best aesthetics
nice try, weeb

The game was so grindy most fun was drained away anyway; but that never bothered me because I played as a girl so everybody would give me shit and level me up.

Worst gun class on any game too.

Techno-Republic whatever was the best zone and had the best missions.

New World and onwards killed the game.

>Mfw i know a dude that got laid multiple times through ro

Being the GM of a guild has its perks

>Play RO with gf for years and years
>Eden Group is introduced
>She loves it
Our relationship has never been the same since

Because it was before WOW when mmo's didn't have to mimic that shit.

That said, it wasn't flawless. Grinding was horrible, quests were really fucking underplayed, I'm not talking about the handholdin map marker quests, just a bit more attention would've done wonders. As is, they were pretty fucking cryptic. Another thing that needed some more tinkering is that how much of a clusterfuck the game became when you had 2-3 guys with skills that had really flashy effects. Like good luck trying to do targeted skills when there's a bragi, sanctuary, storm gust and other shit flying around.

That said, I do miss it, and sometimes I cave in, but it's just never the same, the magic is gone. Mainly cause I'm not a weeb teen anymore, but once you know the pre-renewal meta, it's kinda boring, and no server has good PvP withouth Donation items up the ass, or good WoEs. Shame really.
did Tree of Saviour really end up being shit?

>Tatami maze
>you can't teleport

It's fucking hell. great acolyte farming spot doe, just pop down the anti range thing and healbomb the skeleton soldiers, good shit

all three of my servers died like a wet fart, I cant bring myself to play on 10x drop rate/exp servers.

Is tree of the savior any good? Id be willing to pick it up if it scratched the same itch

Since we're having a good discussion, let's bring up some important things;

>Favorite Class (not for stats, but for how much fun you had with it)
>Favorite Zone (Town, dungeon, whatever)
>Favorite Weapon
>Favorite Pet (Including homunculi)
>Favorite Card (Art, effect, whatever)
>Anything you enjoyed doing, no matter how pointless or silly it may have been

Super Novice
Isis and Munak, loved both of them
Injustice (I'm immature and find dick kicking funny still)
Collecting trash items I liked the art for, like Little Ghost Doll and Will of Darkness.

Trree of r,e,ddit was a mistake

Does anybody still play this and if so what server?

Grinding is better than doing quests that you dont even stop to read what the npc says

Friendly reminder that only obscure NEETs and total failures at life played at rates under 5

Patricians were on 5/10x rates and stopped the game when gravity corp started purging all private serverS

Star Gladiator/Taekwon Master
Death Note
The mini doggo
Collecting cards/hats, exploring the world and making friends.

>WoW open beta starts
>half of RO guildies go play it and love it
>guild pretty much dies because so many people left for WoW

tree of savior was genuinely awful.

i loved ro even though ive never been a weeb.
my first experience was on a vanilla iro clone 3x3x3 and it was great. my favorite experience has been on game breaking high rate servers though, xilero and vanro


Imagine RO

but linear and the only way to level up was to do all the quests in the area, then move to the next area.

Then make a bunch of useless classes and a couple of OP ones and have less skills in general

And then have your bosses be such a push over that you had to add stupid traps that spawn for some reason

And the dungeons had no thought in to them at all.


only RO brainlets played at rates under x200 with levels lower than 255 or 196 aspd

I used to play on Rise of Midgard, but the server's already dead lol. It went from having 1000+ online to barely 100.

OP of the last thread here. Mods killed it.

Tree of Savior is a fucking joke of a game. It's broken to the core, you will never get stable FPS when there's more than 3 people on screen. the xp system is retarded, the pvp is shit, there are no woe, and the game is already dead

It's a shame because I love the art of the game

>Favorite Class
Agility Knight, mostly because i love his swinging animation and it looked great with big ASPD, i'm the kind of guy who play girls in games but i'd always go with male Knight also because played with gf, but she ain't against going full yuri
>Favorite Zone
Nifflheim was my jam
>Favorite Pet
Not many memories regarding pets
>Favorite Card
>Anything you enjoyed doing, no matter how pointless or silly it may have been
I always danced after finishing a monster with Bash

Questlines were actually good in RO though if you read them. It's just most of them were grind items, or go to this incredibly specific spot on this map to talk to an npc, then spend 10 minutes to go to another npc. The few that did have special areas, mobs were fun, most of the job change quests were fun except the Monk one, fuck that holy shit

Also, now that I think about it, another thing that could've been better are the boss battles. They were kinda the same always, kill the smaller mobs, and have someone kite/tank it while your wizard/hunter DPS'd it. If you had balls of steel, you could do the MVP hunter Monk build, that was fun

>deleted thread
Can you still even do that?

>Ragnarok Online 2
>oh it will be just like the old times
>It's modern 3d shit like flyff and dies before release
>Ragnarok Online 2, 2
>Maybe it will be good this time
>generic wow clone
>Tree of savior
>"It will be just like Ragnarok Online gois!"
>It's linear generic pay to win grind fest shit
>Even my korean friends laugh and tell me how they all knew it was going to be shit

As much as I love Rag the magic that made me love the original is gone at this point, and any attempt to pander to it turns to cancer.

Not even close. It's got nice music, I like the classes but the leveling is atrocious. You're on a set path with no deviation, and the awful card leveling/exp system. Not to mention the only people who play are fat waifu erpers. There's no low level community.

that cave shrine with all the munaks
golden scepter
chilling in the first town and chatting with folks

Rogue/Stalker. They were made for pestering other players and that was the most fun one could have with the game.


It was all weebcrap, if you are talking about designs. If you are talking about just taste then the machine guns were funny because at full ASPD the sprites of the character would go fucking bonkers (at least on my old computer they did).

Never bothered using them much

It really depended so much for every situation it's hard to pinpoint a favorite. The art was mostly shit except for a few and I can't really remember much.

See first item

SinX every day
The Paper
Literally teleport behind my friends with Cloak

>This is a thing
What the fuck happened to Homunculi? Red Lif and Pudding Vanilmirth were the only good things about the homunculi system, but this looks like it went full retard. Please tell me it's private server trash only.

Listen while you chat in this comfy thread

>Hating on Dieter

You for real, bro?

>Why has no MMO managed to outclass this game?
Because the want a wider audience (see: normies), producing mediocre games for them.

The only non fun class were the merchant ones because you had to grind shit to use your skills hard. Ro actually did this great, every class had a niche that was fun to do, even doing support shit was fun. Even the most boring ass hunter could be fun if you used traps.
That said, most fun class, Taekwon ranker, you could stunlock anything, completly fucking broken. If gonig by classic classes, probably the Swordsman tree for me, can't decide between Knight and Crusader

Gonryun, floating islands are the shit

Fucking Yoyo, love those monkeys

For actual usefulness, the card that gave you the chance to cast lvl 1 sonic blow. Shit was amazing. As for art, probably one of the cute ones.

Just doing party shit with bros, be it leveling, woe, pvp, mvp. Good times.


I hate this design style.

>>Favorite Class (not for stats, but for how much fun you had with it)
>>Favorite Zone (Town, dungeon, whatever)
prontera for the music
>>Favorite Weapon
i never cared for weapons much but i loved the hats. solar god helm and lord kahos helm
>>Favorite Pet (Including homunculi)
never used pets
>>Favorite Card (Art, effect, whatever)
never looked at card art
>>Anything you enjoyed doing, no matter how pointless or silly it may have been
looking back now the vast majority of the time i was just grinding and maybe some gchat

>>Favorite Class (not for stats, but for how much fun you had with it)
I was about to say "(H)Priest", but maybe I do like the Sader/Paladin more.
>>Favorite Zone (Town, dungeon, whatever)
Glast Heim overall.
>>Favorite Weapon
Fortune sword, Muramasa and other fag enabler build weapons.
>>Favorite Pet (Including homunculi)
Isis for dem tits. Alice for cuteness.
>>Favorite Card (Art, effect, whatever)
Too many, I can't really decide.
>>Anything you enjoyed doing, no matter how pointless or silly it may have been
Punching plants, healbombing, mob seals.

I've just decided that I'll host a server when my semester is done in July.

>No customization
>No events
>Donations only towards server costs

Just plain fucking Ragnarok.

I haven't played since that valkyrie zone happened. At least, that's the oldest I remember anyway. Got a list of things that would be in 11.3? I really don't remember a damn thing.

Make it 3/3/3, and it's perfect.

>playing some super high rate server XileRO with pvp everywhere except towns
>can spend 10million zeny to add +10 to a stat
>new cards give +10 to all stats
>spend a month grinding to get 255 in all stats
>zoom around everywhere as a champion
>dangerous soul collection > body relocation > dangerous soul collection > throw spheres
>instagib anyone i see with throw spirit spheres
>if they survive just asura strike them
>if they survive that theyre maxed and we start battling each other while spamming yggdrasil berry/seed
>wasting millions of zeny on yggs just to kill some nerd

this server had wow tier open world pvp. woe was always boring as fuck imo

Where was your money making spot Sup Forums?

The most I ever made in a day was farming Infils off Nightmares and trying to slot them
Slotted Infils sold for like 50m on my server, and I got 3 from a whole day of farming

>Shit load of classes
>Every class has multiple different ways to be played
>Including completely unexpected stuff such as DPS Priest and spell casting rogue.

Name one game that did classes better than RO. You fucking cant.

>wow tier open world pvp
So, oneshoting low level players? "Epic" I guess.

I'd play it for sure. Be sure to advertise here.

11.3 is before Mercs and Satan Morrorc.

Playing as a girl


I'd play it.

>Satan Morrorc
Wow, I just looked him up. That's fucking dumb.

As long as I can get my cute pudding Homunuculus back, I'm good.

I haven't played since Satan Morroc.

I like the sound of that. Make sure you keep us informed, or better yet, start a blog or something now so we can follow news and be ready for its opening.

anyone remember Sup Forumss last p server fiasco around thanksgiving time?

we had a discord and 3-4 guilds full of active players then everyone just stopped playing after a few weeks

Yo for real though my friend was like a warlord on our server
He was just a level 77 novice but people would protect him in PVP and give him shit for some reason

>wanted to use Lif but she's not an offensive pet

>Favorite Class (not for stats, but for how much fun you had with it)
Stalker, the dickass thief class
>Favorite Zone (Town, dungeon, whatever)
Thanatos Tower
>Favorite Weapon
>Favorite Pet (Including homunculi)
>using pets
>Favorite Card (Art, effect, whatever)
Heirozoist Card for the effect, a bunch of them for the Art
>Anything you enjoyed doing, no matter how pointless or silly it may have been
Being "That Guy" in pvp

>user makes a server
>either everybody quits in a month or the clique kills it in two weeks
Just let it go.

>Reminder the chinese remake is on mobiles now
>Reminder there's an english patch already

no i mean like actually having to call in friends to fight other groups of enemy players in order to accomplish things like grinding in dangerous zones.

There is this server called Rise of Midgard.
Started in Janurary I think, with over 1k players right from the start.
It's almost dead 4 months later.

Don't even bother unless you want to pander to hues or pinoys. People will just get their quick fix and the drop it again.

I'd still play it for however long I could.

Imagine a server like that 2b2t minecraft server which has been up for years without mods or changes.

meant for

Tree of Savior is an awful mockery of RO. The similarities are only skin deep, I'm afraid.

>tfw played every mmo but RO
I always felt like I missed out on something big.
I'm considering playing on a private server, should I? Or is it pointless?

>Collecting all masks in retail RO
>Never got all of them
If that user makes a server, I WILL play until I have every equippable mask. Every single mask. If it has "mask" in the name, I will grind until I have it. My favorite will always be Surprised Mask, but I still want every last one of the masks.

lifeforge orpg

I wish I could user, welcome to the bullshit of tier 3 class advancements.

Who but some stupid kid would kill the lvl 77 novice? that's like running over a baby with a truck for no reason.

On the other side of the spectrum there were the times when I played as a priest to heal mobs at popular dungeons, with high lvl friends taking care of me.
Everybody wants to run over that bitch with good reason.

You're over a decade late to the party.

its pointless. most p servers cater to the shittiest versions of the game. ragnarok peaked almost 15 years ago

Too late, you can't experiment the best part, the big (weekly) PvP event know as War of Emperium as it should be played, nor meet hundreds of players roaming the fields and dungeons, making parties on their way.

>Played a hentai version server
>Girl costumes had exposed tits
>Tentacled monsters had animations for tentacle rape if they could melee you

God I wish I could remember its name. I'd go back for a day just for the hell of it.

How did they get away with it?

tfw playing rift right now

Literally HentaiRO (the old one).

if you didnt play it as kid i dont know how is gonna hit you now.

Too little exposure in the west for people to care.
Asians don't care anyway.

sounds like a server full of disgusting nerds

I like ToS but it's got some RO things warts and all that people got used to bypassing through private servers such as low drop rates. They're doing a system overhaul soon that's currently in beta testing to address build balance and other core issues but I don't think it's ever going to be that great of a game for PvP.

>if you didnt play it as kid
I was like 20 when it was released, dude.

>Favorite Class (not for stats, but for how much fun you had with it)
Paladin. 3rd jobs a shit.
>Favorite Zone (Town, dungeon, whatever)
Niffleheim for dope ass music, and GC farming
>Favorite Weapon
[4] quadruple bloody pike
>Favorite Pet (Including homunculi)
never really kept one around long enough. On my Bard I kept the Rocker around because he had a violin. That's about it though.
>Favorite Card (Art, effect, whatever)
GTB only because that one gook who was murdered over it.
>Anything you enjoyed doing, no matter how pointless or silly it may have been
I collected all the Shyguy Kobold masks and would swap through them in conversation to show emotion on my character. I just liked the way the looked

>I like ToS

13 years late but go on user


It has one of the best games OST and the best MMO OST (incoming wowfags)

>gook murdered over GTB card
I'd believe it, but I need a sauce on that

The most important thing that was in RO and now it is lost since wow, is the long leveling.

fuck, now all games focus on endgame, leveling is just a chore you have to do to get to the real game.

In RO, sure, leveling was grindy and really long.
but you were enjoying the game even at low level, leveling zones were full of players you could play with (impossible to obtain in end-game based mmo).
every day you were playing with different people, sometimes, when you had to sit down for a few minutes to rec, you start talking and sometimes you continue chatting instead of killing mobs.
because the were no urge to reach max level.

Also, the guilds, never played an mmo where guilds were so meanigful.
And WoE were the best guild content ever.
Guilds in most are basically a private group chat.
Closest we get were cataclysm guilds system, but was like 1% of what RO was.

I'll dare to say is a lie. I'll swear it was a pinoy.

user nobody playing MMOs needs encouragement to kill themselves it'll happen on its own eventually.



Holy shit.

>Grand tip bag

>the GTB cheat code

I love everything about Ragnarok
a shame that it died,but it had a good run