Thanks for the sex, homie

Thanks for the sex, homie.

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What's shakin', bacon?

tfw obsession with tiffany's va

Hopefully HuniePop 2's will be more fleshed out.

I'm almost at 50% completion with this shit.
I was at 87% before I got a new PC.
Still in my top 5 favorite games

huniepop is a lame game and people only like it because it made all the libtard super mad by being a weeb western game
prove me wrong: you can't

The characters and gameplay are fun, what can I say?

Kyu is objectively the best girl.

But the puzzle gameplay was the best part.

Also, Nikki's sex moans were incredible.

Not quite.

>Nikki's sex moans
Celeste, Kyu, and Audrey's were better.

Nope, you are saying a bunch of bullshit.

It perfected the "candy crush system" with a bunch of mechanics, making it fun and strategic. The girls are all amazing in their own way, you know you writed well your characters when is impossible to the public don't love at least one of them and hate one of them. And it is a beautiful game as well, soundtrack is pretty cool and the overall art is well done. Great game.

Using the percentage Sentiment cheese made this game worth it

>Characters talk about all sorts of kinky shit they're into
>All the sex scenes are as vanilla as possible

Post your favorite song from the soundtrack.

It's actually really hard to choose just one...

I hope for a Huniepop 2.

The characters in Huniepope were interesting and fun people.

Already confirmed, homie, and Lillian is returning from Cam.

Where are these girls from?

I meant to say, where are these girls from? Same artist? Same franchise?


I hope to god HuniePop 2 introduces a girl into butt worship.

your mom

is there anywhere to hear the moans without playing the game?

I've tried to play this game three times but it never manages to work on my computer. Is there a workaround or am i just retarded?

Huniepop had a lot of promo art by various artists. This one is indeed from Huniepop and the girls are, from left to right: Aiko, Lola, Kyanna, and Tiffany.

works on my computer

Reminder that you break this pure maiden's heart in the sequel and there is nothing you can do about it.


who /beli/ here?

You don't even speak English, fuckface.

What we need is a Puzzle Quest with porn. Bejeweled clone is nice and all but Puzzle Quest is the grindiness of RPGs without felling like a grind cause of puzzles. Just add porn to that then we're good to go.

Thanks. That's a real helpful post

not canon

Right here, best girl

This. PQ was amazing but it could be better if you got to fuck the monster(girls) in the dungeon you got to create or just on the battlefield.

>cucks choise
>best girl
that smoking whore will cheat on you in no time

as for the others, they are all best girl

Loved Huniepop. Huniecam kinda took the wind out of my sails for the series. Didn't know there was a Huniepop 2 in the works and i dunno if I can get hyped.

Do we have any idea, any idea at all what the next Huniepop game is supposed to be? Another puzzle game? A straight-up VN?

Absolutely perfect

even if she needs to shave

You have no idea what a 'cuck' is.

She's the only virgin out of all the girls.

Shame that these stories were never put in the game. Such a wasted potential.


Beli was not a virgin?


Is it just me or did game start THAT trend on steam?

what da fug, of all of them Beli would be my first pick for being a virgin and Audrey my last.
Audrey must be careful or lucky with who she does drugs with

Fuck yes I want to see her creampied

>Liking this western trash

Thanks for the money goyms, now we can make great content like shitty facebook management whore parodies, and you'll buy them, won't you goym? After all, it is ironic

Vanilla is love, Vanilla is life.

>cucks choice
You mean real man's choice. The average male will see her as a slut, and never even bother to dig any deeper into her life to discover that she really isn't and acts the way she does because of personal problems, specifically with men. That only perpetuates her position and the way she treats guys like shit, she's never had a man willing to look past her exterior and see the vulnerable core within, the real woman inside that deserves being protected.

>and you'll buy them
That's why Huniecam sold significantly less than pop? Call us shit but we have some level of standards.

Huniecam was a mistake, but pop2 has potential.

Just make more of the same but with more girls wnd mechanics and CGs

Wait there's a hunniepop 2?

It was a shame that so many of the sex scenes were mediocre. You never got a good chance to jack off.

Audrey is a huge bitch who is legitimately saving herself for a special guy. And then you go fuck like 8 other chicks, a cat, and an alien.

>he didn't fap while playing the bedroom minigame
You missed out.


Cum in the Loo > Slut MILF > /fit/ spicette > airborne niggress > Cheerleader > Poon fairy > Jap > gaymur grrrlll > ayylmao > greek goddess or soemthin > bitch >>>>>>>>> autismcat

Your taste is awful and you should feel bad.

Let's see how long this thread lasts before it's pruned by mods, I want to make sure the mods don't piss on it yet before I start Hunieposting.

So is Hunipop like Monster Girl Quest, where if the devs of the game would make any other game, it would just be complete and utter shit, except the MGQ devs never made any other game, while the Hunidevs tried and failed?

How is it a perfection, if puzzle quest did it better in every way?

Well, he's releasing a non-porn adventure game this year so I guess we'll see.

Beli was the chick I most wanted to get with when I started playing, but then I ended up waifuing Audrey.

Before release
>It's going to be our Wind Waker!
After release
>It's just a not canon little spinoff like Mario Tennis!

Mgq has no quality control. I played the first one and it's like random monsters drawn by different artists.

How do you do that user? You're busy playing the game.

The things about Huniecam is that is had potential for what it was but I feel it was too basic and not enough effort was put into the game, it's not terrible but it's not fun either, which is terrible.

I wish I were there for the threads when her voice actor roasted Anons.

Where's your proof?

>he hasn't mastered the art of playing video games and jacking off at the same thing
Get out of here you fucking plebian

>it's like random monsters drawn by different artists
Yes, that's the idea. Have you ever tried making as many different types of creatures all by yourself?



Why does that look so horrible?

Damn, Nikki's got a fine booty.

>Nikki will never sit on your face while she plays video games

The art itself or the resolution?



Beli is a top tier choice.

The thing i thought was really funny about Huniepop was how being kind of racist actually worked

>Ask the Asian girl to teach you kung-fu
>Buy her stereotypical Asian crap
>She even calls you out on it but thinks its funny anyway

its the best. You even buy a fucking sombrero for the latina. Its nice to see a game have a little fun in this day and age where devs are normally too afraid of a bunch of 14 year old white girls and a bunch of 21 year old white women trying to emulate them for some reason

>my teacher doesn't look like this
Feels bad


do you guys think hp2 will feature beweled again or have different or even multiple games

It's literally bejeweled.

I hope they keep the original game and add maybe 1 or 2 more types. I would be fine with the old game spiced up a little bit.

I wonder if having sex with their voice actresses would be kind of like having sex with the Huniepop girls.


>bought it for the porn
>porn was shit, game was actually kind of fun anyway

Whatever happens, i just hope it has actually good porn this time.


Celeste is my wife. I hope she's in 2.


>those pointlessly torn shorts
What were they thinking?

I would like the gameplay to remain mostly unchanged, maybe toss in a couple of new mechanics if necessary but I honestly feel like it's fine as is. What I would like to see more of is story, interaction with the girls, and late/post game stuff as a reason to keep playing.

what they need is more dating sim elements
more interactions between the girls
more lewd


I want to huff Poo in Loo's farticles like a bong hit

fight me


Why would you lie like this?