Fallout 4 Modding

Why was 3 and New Vegas so heavily modded but no one seems to want to mod4?

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because F4 looks alright, 3 and NV looked like shit.

I'm hoping for NV remaster

Bethesda is deeply jealous of Obsidian, it will never happen

No one's really invested into the game, apart from autistic settlement builders that migrated from Minecraft.
I don't think we'll see mod scenes like Skyrim and FO3/NV again.

that's an injustice

What are you talking about? FO4 has almost as many mods as FO:NV and in less than half the time.

I made a mod for 4.
I might have even updated it but:
>game runs like shit
>game has no replay value
The villain at the end of Fallout 4 is your son and you have to kill him or nuke Boston.

>desu the settlement mods are what make fo4 good.

Any settlement prostitution/brothel mods?

But... but the radiant quests....

Never really bothered with them. Seems a lot of hassle for little return, especially since that's not what I play RPGs for.

Slow roll out of the creation kit for FO4 and difficulty with custom animations really.

WHat are you talking about it already has more mods for it on the nexus then both fallout 3 and NV


Payed the price, race traitor.

I don't know, man. I think that they will make skyrim 2 based 100% around the idea of being modded so they barely have to make a game at all.

Because 4's immersion is constantly ruined by your character already having an established 'character' to them through their VA. You can't RP as whatever the fuck you want because your character is constantly bringing up their kid and shit.

It's also horrificly shallow and boring to play.

I dunno, I just found that despite having such a large map, settlement locations were ridiculously small. Like Diamond City is pretty much the only place larger than Goodsprings at the start of New Vegas

Skyrim with guns.

Veteran modders saw that Todd and Gaben are desperately trying to figure out a way to monetize mods in order to profit off of doing nothing while the modders do all the work fixing Bethesda games so they're warier of putting in heavy time investment to producing mods if some faggot is just going to steal it off the Nexus and list it on Steam for real money. Also Fallout 4 was just so shitty in general that nobody really liked it much, although the game being shitty never stopped the TES modding scene before.

>that pic

hey not all niggers are like that, please be more tolerant.

hey when white men stopped beating their wives that's when they moved onto BBC

Blame yourselves..

>"I have another one for you. Some settlers need your help. I'll mark the location on your map."

Go there kill this.
Go there save them.
Go there get that.
Ok so it's an RPG.
Oh it's an interactive movie not an RPG.

Did you start browsing Sup Forums this week?

Hello consolefag

>we'll never have an entire settlement full of whore houses and prostitutes where settlers arrive to sow their oats in exchange for caps

definitely sounds more fun than babysitting retards at regular settlements.

It's because everyone knows Fallout 4 is an already perfect game and there's nothing that can be done to improve such art.

The only improvements that could be done are available in the Fallout 4 Season Pass, which everyone should purchase immediately.

>Der mineetmens work is nevah dun

>nazi flags

I know this is Sup Forums, but I seriously have trouble imagining the type of person that does shit like this and thinks its ok. I always imagine some fat 16 year old in fucking Idaho or Alabama or some shit.

They just gonna release the engine as a "game".

>Bethesda is deeply jealous of Obsidian
But their games sold more. If anything it should be the other way around.

Is he like that IRL?

who is this semen demon?

Yes, I met him once and he is that handsome in person as well.


>he doesn't hate Jews

you must be new here.

People spending upwards of 300 hours on an unmodded Skyrim wasn't rare at the time. There was so much to do, and so many ways to roll your character. You had to enforce your own constraints but there were a shit ton of directions you could go once you got out of that cave. It was a good, relaxing skinner box. And then mods brought another 300 hours of enjoyment, and people had the tools to make them right away.
I don't think people are spending that much time on a shallow game like FO4 apart from autists. Bethesda are too clueless to help modders: tools for FO4 took an eternity to be released, and the SKSE team has to nigga rig their shit to work with the new Skyrim. But of course Todd doesn't make any money past the game's sale so why should he care.

Half black and from Canada.

his names chuckles he like catnip and fishy

>every black person depicted represents the whole race
playing right into the marxists mind games

its just edgy autistic outcasts who actively larp, there is a reason why you see many of them on vidya and anime boards, just pathetic people

In highschool, I found out that my grandfather was a Russian Jew.

There was this annoying kid that hung around the group of people I sat with in the morning / during lunch who was German, and thought it was funny to constantly "Heil Hitler!" at me with his arm up. Typically ignored him and called him a retard, no big deal.

One day, I'm in a shit mood because my girlfriend was being a fucking ungrateful bitch, and I wasn't in the mood for his shit today. This kid waltzes up to me, throws his arm up, and goes "Heil Hitler, you fucking Jew. HEIL!" Told him to fuck off, and he cuts right in front of me, throws his arm up in my face, and before he can even say HEIL I straight up punch him right in the mouth and knocked one of his canines out.

Unfortunately I got a 2 week suspension because Broward County schools have a zero tolerance rule of violence (which has endlessly been argued to be complete bullshit), but he got expelled and had to go to a new school because all my group friends vouched for me that this kid did this shit every day.

edgelords fapping to (You)'s

>being this much of an ignorant underage shit

I've been here for 10 years you faggot. Grow up sometime.

>having a girlfriend, ever

Because you can't mod RPG elements back into the game.

>Automatic weapons have had their range penalty and damage penalty removed.
Reminder this is essential if you like dakka.
I haven't updated it for newgunz in the DLC but I might at some point.

My friend dressed as a Nazi officer (without the swastickas, had white bands with pink hearts instead) for Halloween one year. The costume looked nice and looked stylish as fuck. Even bought some high boots for it and looked authentic.

Everyone at the party had a great sense of humour about it, but one black kid amongst a bunch of others that didn't care couldn't get over it, and actually tried to fight my friend. My friend got his ass beat because all the other black dudes jumped in once they realized what was going on, and forced everyone to jump in and break it up.

Bethesda's balance on automatic weapons was retarded.

>find Pistol
>18 damage
>find automatic Pistol
>4 damage
>takes an entire mag to kill one enemy
>zero fucking incentive to use an automatic


He must've felt like Richie Spencer

Fucking black people always fight like this. No honor among apes

>felony assault
>honour ever coming into play

I think the incentive is to spend more resources on increased damage per second, I personally think you're right and it's retarded, but you'll be pleased to know that there are mods that exist which make it so same calibers do the same damage whether it be automatic or semi, it's pretty nice.

I personally don't want to mod fallout 4 because creating a quest with a silent protagonist who air-mouths a couple words while gesturing really irks me. Bethesda kind of screwed everyone with with the voiced protagonist bullshit.
It screwed the player because you will always be a white-sounding parent mourning and searching for their son.

It screwed the modders because you either have a boring mod where no one has voices, you do the voice-over work but the pc's voice sounds way off, or you have someone re dub the whole game line for line so your shitty mod has the same voice actor through out.
Then there's the easier way out where you have a quest relayed and updated through notes and terminals/ etc but that gets old fast and lacks just as much creativity

Remasterfags please die. Remasters are another fad with the sole purpose of making consumers buy more games that they don't need, this time it's games they already own. Publishers love that shit, now they don't even have to make new games anymore to charge you out the ass for and the people that actually look forward to remasters for games that are still perfectly playable in their original state enable these creatively bankrupt practices.

I must have missed that part of the video where Spencer does the roman salute in front of that random black guy every day for months until he finally snaps and attacks him while he's trying to explain a frog meme.

Well I never bought the original games

Actually I wouldn't mind someone remaking a Gamebryo game on an engine that isn't Gamebryo.

Then why not buy the originals if you want to play them?


I dropped the game by the end of the intro because the pacing was so fucking terrible
>We have a dinner to go to later tonight, should be fun
>Knock on the door
>Hi im a vault salesman did you know that nuclear war is happening in 5 seconds?
>Fine whatever ill reluctantly buy space in a vault
>Sit down and turn on tv
>Nuclear war is happening
>We managed to have your names fully registered on the list already so you can get into this vault
>Despite the bomb dropping a good mile away from you you dont die instantly
The whole thing is a clusterfuck

I want to play it on my current console with updated textures

you fucking useless piece of shit.

how hard is it to go on the nexus or LL and use the search feature nigger

>Game expects me to care about my family after a 5 minute introduction.

They should have made the tutorial you going to dinner and the speech with your family or some shit.

Yes Bethesda is jealous of a company who has to KS the sequel to their flagship title.

Think before you hit post.

Why aren't you playing Bethesda WRPGs on a PC?

I don't even like Fallout 4 but kys ignorant Obsidrone.

I don't like PC, I prefer consoles

They don't view NV as the sequel to 3 you nunce. They barely acknowledge that game exists and they spurned Obsidian out of a bonus because of one metacritic point.

10 years on reddit maybe

Simply plug a controller into a PC.

it might as well be

Maybe what you want doesn't matter. Maybe you shouldn't expect industries to cater to your every whim. Maybe you should have the drive to overcome the mild inconvenience of getting a used old game system or a potato-level pc to run Fallout New Vegas.

Might as well be what?

because the writing was that good?

Nah I prefer my XB1 digital library over messing around with a PC. I want my games in that ecosystem

>because the writing was that good?
I don't understand what point you're trying to make.

>Playing FO4 having fun
>Suddenly get a "X settlement is under attack!"

No, fuck right off. I thought we learned from this shit since the gang wars in San Andreas. Nobody likes to be yanked from what their doing to do a stupid fucking wave survival on the other side of the map. Those dumbasses should've left for Sanctuary when I first liberated their pathetic asses, I'm not playing Minute Nanny with every little metal shack in the commonwealth.

NV isn't a sequel to Fallout 3 anyway. It's a sequel to Fallout 2. Fallout 4 is a sequel to Fallout 3, and Fallout 3 is bad fanfiction of Fallout 2.

They were jealous of their talent for good writing

You can't mod out Fallout 4's problems, they are deeper and fundamental like the dialogue, the world structure, the quest structure, basically everything is unfixable except weapons and crafting and combat, basically nothing to do with RPG elements so a heavily modded Fallout 4 ends up resembling a poor man's Stalker.

>I want my games in that ecosystem
Why? Is it the achievements?
>not ignoring the minutemen entirely after the first area
I even tried to just wipe them out in my power armour, but Bethshit devs go full no fun allowed mode as usual and set a bazillion NPCs as essential.

I think the whole idea of centering it around your wife and child was not very engaging, most people who play games I think are young men who don't have their own families yet. At least in fo3 you had to chase around your dad, which is a bit more engaging and relatable I think.
I wonder how it would play out and you had no kid, but had to chase your significant other instead..

>Nah I prefer my XB1 digital library over messing around with a PC. I want my games in that ecosystem

Forgive me, I'm retarded and didn't read that post throughly. I thought you were talking about Beth's flagship and not Obsidian's PoE.

This is very true. I haven't even had to play the game, but everything I've seen has led me to believe that it's beyond saving. Even with the source code who would bother? It's still Gamebryo.

because engine obfuscation has hamstring progress at every turn. f4se is nowhere near as extensive as the old games and skse is even worse and moving at a glacial pace. f4 has been out for well over a year and nothing major has happened. everyone went back to 32 bit skyrim.

The achievements, having my games move to upgraded hardware without being hassled with the usual PC semantics.

GameDVR and sharing with friends. Can carry a discussion on my phone to talk about a game for instance.

I just love the Xbox UI, I don't want to deal with a workstation UI to navigate to my library.

you want games in an ecosystem that is at the mercy of someone else and may or not be playable on a future iteration of their consoles?

This is a great way to word it.

On the other hand I love Stalker for its shoot&loot gameplay, which is the only reason I like FO4.
I need to save up for a gaming pc so I can get more guns and stuff in general for Fallout.

>Can arm and equip every settler with the best weapons and armor in the game.
>Still get their asses kicked by a bunch of shitty little raiders if you aren't there.

>I wonder how it would play out and you had no kid, but had to chase your significant other instead..

After they were kidnapped by big black super mutants? Nobody wants to play as a cuck.

Which ecosystem isn't the exception from this?

Why should my library be compromised anyway? what would you say for a steam library?

Are you illiterate? OP said "seems to want," meaning there are hardly any significant mods being consistently made for F4. Skyrim and NV have been out for nearly a decade and people are still modding them at a consistent rate.

>Fallout 3 is bad fanfiction of Fallout 2
Close. It's a bad fanfic of FO1 with the Enclave in it.

It's alright

I pirated Fallout 4 with little expectations and I was still disappointed by it. Everything in the game felt so half-assed and shallow. The only barely redeeming quality was that the combat was kind of alright. They couldn't even design any good quests, the only ones that were slightly memorable were silver shroud and ironsides, but even those weren't exactly incredible.

Bethesda's writing has sold more than Obsidian's, I don't think they have any concerns.

A look at Nexus tells me otherwise.