Defend this trash

What the actual fuck. What was the point of this fucking bullshit tiny ass disc for the Gamecube??

I want someone to try and legitimately defend this nonsense. I don't care if you play devil's advocate, just fucking try and defend it, I dare you.

What the fuck was Nintendon't thinking?

Trying to make piracy difficult.

Nintendo's reason was it is harder to pirate shit.

Pirates got around eventually by making special gamecube case mods like pick related

BOOM and with one reply OP's autism is shot down!

Holy shit, OP BTFO this quick, how will he ever recover?


Also this shit was the reason the PS2 and Xbox outsold it

It was a piracy thing. Nintendo's always been trying to battle the pirates and they never win

OP left the thread after this one.

Wait, you're redassed about the size, but the reverse spin direction is a-ok?

Lmao PS and PS2 accomplished this without using tiny discs, so no you didn't shoot anything other than your own foot.

It was smaller, like your dick.

>mao PS and PS2 accomplished this without using tiny discs, so no you didn't shoot anything other than your own foot.

but playing pirated games on playstation consoles is insanely easy by comparison.

You've got quite the case of autism mate. Prayers.

>hurr making PIRACY difficult is a good reason to have an ultra inferior tiny disc!!!!11


>doesn't use game cubes

What the actual fuck.

I want someone to try and legitimately defend this nonsense. I don't care if you play devil's advocate, just fucking try and defend it, I dare you.

What the fuck was Nintendon't thinking?

>he doesn't like tiny cute discs for a tiny cute machine

Holy fuck OP just stick with your horsedick-sized XBOX, you lumbering ape.

They thought that piracy was the problem.

Yeah, they sure accomplished trying to make piracy difficult alright. Of course all they accomplished was trying. PS and PS2 games were easy as fuck to run straight from a CD drive with a ripped system OS. Can't name a single trailer trash kid who didn't have some make shift pirate system for Sony shit.

i lol'd

Were the small disks worst in some way?

Why are you upset at this? Maybe you should take your complaints up with Nintendo.

We didn't say it was a good reason, just that it was a reason.

Now you know why they lost.

>lose out on GTA games, MGS,Final Fantasy and get wattered down ports
>just to stop piracy
bravo nintendo

Shorter load times.

More expensive to produce with less storage space (1,5 GB gamecube disks versus 9 GB DVD's)
they ditched the cartridges but kept the same problems

Can't name a single person I've ever met IRL who pirated console games.

I don't see how this was ever a problem. Half the fucking popular is retarded and still probably doesn't even know how to pirate pc games these days, hell they probably don't even know how to work a torrent.

I can't see a large amount of people pirating console games back in the early 00's (when normies were just learning how to open a web page) to where it was a problem enough to imply a shitty inferior proprietary disc.

Never met anyone who pirated console games as a kid.

Boy PS1 piracy sure is difficult

This. Nintendo could've kicked off the future with perfect cube storage media.
Imagine going to a friend's place and you can just carry some cubes on your pocket for gaming.
New age 21st century pogs man

You're underage as fuck jesus

Who gives a fuck faggot?
You really thought this warranted a thread?

I was born in 1992 shut the fuck up. I'm older than half the fucking retards here.

Sorry I didn't grow up with niggers pirating console games you scumbag.

Literally no one said it was a good idea.

Why are you so offended by the disc size of a console from 2 generations ago?

>edgy Sup Forumsposting
just lurk more, kid

>Can play games using any minidisc
>Minidiscs can be burned in any dvd burner

DVDs were only 4.7GB at that point, but that's still quite a bit more than the GCN disks.

9 for dual layer. Too bad those were almost guaranteed to stop working thanks to the PS2's shitty ass lens

this unironically sounds cool as fuck but i know the production costs per cube would be obscene

Lol back to tumblr dumb newfag.

Difficult =/= Impossible

That depends on your definition of "worse".

>only held ~1.2 GB (in an era when a DVD held 4.3 and the Dreamcast's proprietary GD-ROM had just gotten through crashing and burning)

>used a r/w direction completely opposite all other optical media (I hope you're comfortable gutting optical drives to reverse the magnets)

>completely proprietary (but obviously just stolen from the mini-DVD specs of the DVD Forum; IP theft is OK when Nintendo does it, kids)

>burst-cutting nonsense (to be fair, many other disc-based systems did this too)

Wtf you mean? everyone that I knew with a PS had tons of pirate cd's

>watered down ports

But that's what the PS2 got, because it's hardware was trash and any game that was on the GCN, Xbox, and PS2. The worst version was always PS2.

A lot better ways to accomplish that than reduced disc diameter.

It's obvious they had learned nothing.


We don't serve your kind here, underage.

>getting mad about video games from 15 years ago

What's wrong with you?

Dual layer came later on.

As an old fuck, I remember the days when everybody pirated everything on the PC. We just passed around floppy disks for everything, games, software, OS, you name it.

I think there might actually be less piracy on the PC nowadays.

Get the fuck back to r e d d i t.

Care to post any reasons why you think that way? Not that user, but for real, user #2, at least give a sentence of what you're thinking.

Niggers tongue your anus at night.

>nearly all copies of Oregon Trail have "peperony and chease"

No you.

I knew 3 or 4 people who got Mod Chips for their PS1's

>he never stuck a spring in his PSX and did the disc swap

Typical nintendo trick to mislead you away from expecting it to play dvd video
>Well i didn't want it anyway

What's it like growing up in Compton, Jamal?

This. Still able to play the games on emulators though.

and then it got fucked 1 year later by the Phantasy Star Online proxy exploit which allowed you to load homebrew to your Gamecube and dump games to your PC.

Nigger, you're retarded. The only time that was true was DC => PS2, and you can guess how often that happened as time went on.

XBOX had hella hard time getting traction, especially in the East.

I don't know because I grew up in the suburbs in Minnesota.
Mod chips weren't that hard to get a hold of.

>I want someone to try and legitimately defend this nonsense.
It makes the console smaller and most pc games back then could fit in 2 cd which is the exact size of these mini-dvds (1.44gb).

There's less because anti-consumerism has gotten more prevalent. And people are stupider.


no u

Both holes have the same radius, however due to a cognitive bias, the one on the left seems larger than the one on the right. A simple optical illusion, marvelous.

If you actually knew your console history, Nintendo was on extremely hostile terms with the DVD Forum at this time. Through there, own doing, granted, but still the fact remains.

I had a friend that had a mod chip in his PS1 to reduce load times. Was pretty awesome.

Who'd you steal them from?

How the fuck does it matter? Does it in any single way hinder your experience with the console? Its just a fucking disc

nintendofags will defend this shit

Unofficially, Gamecube development happened at the peak of PPC's prominence. It really seemed like it might scale down in terms of price/power consumptiom/performance faster than ARM scaled up.

Nintendo already had people inside the company pushing to end the console business and go to a single portable system. The mini disc was in part an attempt on the part of the console faction to show that disc based media could translate to a more portable form factor by the faction who wanted to merge future hardware on a single platform based on their work.

Of course ultimately the single system sentiment won, but still looks far more like Nintendo's handhelds than it does the Gamecube and Nintendo's final consoles.

there's nothing to defend. some make small discs, some make large discs. some make cartridges. who gives a fuck.

From this 5

No thanks to Gamergate's toxic consumer-first policy.

small things are cute

>his whitebread, middle-class, surburbia-dwelling ass is horrified at the concept of breaking the rules

Cow-faced fucks like you should be rounded up and gassed.

You coloreds just love your entry level "anime" like Yugioh and DBZ, don'tcha?

take your 6 and pack your bags. they don't have 5's where you're going




If your business does not intend to serve the consumer then it should be dismantled. By force, if necessary.

reminder that skies of arcadia gamecube version had worse audio than dreamcast because of the small discs

also, tales of symphonia had to cut content after they were already filling up two discs

What a typical nigger, go back to filling out your food stamp applications you porch monkey!

Your post, while interesting, provides no sauce. From where did you get these facts?

>Lmao PS and PS2 accomplished this

Can you believe they thought this would take off over the CD? subscriber

Cram it up your ass, buddy.

Can you fit your dick through the hole?

I like this user.

Nope. Already thought about it.

Laserdiscs predate CDs by four years, not to mention that they laid the groundwork for the format in the first place.


I can


And execs had no confidence that CDs would displace them. Thought, in fact, that further improvements to the LD format were a smarter investment than this CD nonsense.

Why do you think CD ended up as good as it did? Because the execs stayed the fuck out with their meddling (they never thought the project was going to make it anyway).

Well, CDs were fucking awful for movies, which is what Laserdiscs were primarily known for.