Stay fucking jelly

Stay fucking jelly

Other urls found in this thread:

> jelly
> when I rejected every single female in the game on my own volition

selfish bitch

Enjoy your old and busted cake user

What even happens at the end of the game when you don't have at least one girlfriend?

No, YOU be jelly

you hang out with Ryuji

Homo end with Ryuji

Kill yourself.
Persona spam needs to fuck off.

>hanging out with a guy on valentines

>not jut using the unlovable old hag for washing your clothes and making coffee

Only reason I did the social link desu, gave me more time to chase someone whose not over the hill

>So until I say so..don't let me go.

>Not romancing Ann to spite your cat

>don't discuss recently released games!

No, return to Sup Forums you faggot.

Now try this irl.

Fucking kek

How do you get more dates with sensei, not counting the plot related dates like Hawaii and school festival ? We've done the ferris wheel, art museum, and attic. Every time I call her now it's just regular chat with no unique dialogue.

Listening to a woman's needs, or romancing an older woman, or romancing a teacher?

I have failed at all of these things. Your move.


How you get that scene?

You can go on further dates with girls after maxing and romancing them.

>no Yusuke option
>no ghost Goro option
This world is suffering.


OP here, play the game more. Special dates happen later.

>she will never be your sensei

I love being her student!

Laugh my ass off enjoy your dating Sim fags!


Thanks bro

gosh she's so small, literally made for headpats
I don't think I'd be able to romance her, too pure

Thanks for the encouraging words senpai I definitely will!

She's in middle school. Age-wise, at least. Of course she's going to be tiny.

>get called by the entire female cast available at Hawaii
>hang out with Ryuji
No greater pleasure

Thanks, I will

>15 is middle school

>Some girls have blushing pics
>Some don't

This is BS


Oh shit, didn't realize she's 15. I just remember the game saying she was in middle school and just stopped going after a while.


You can keep her.

Nigga middle school ages are 11-14. 15 is freshman high school

What shitty country do you live in? Middle school is usually 12-13, and high school is 14-18

My heart fucking broke when I cunt blocked her; never again.

11 is starting early 14 is starting late it's called a range for a reason famalam

I want to steal Futaba's heart and break it

Why don't you fags just play VNs? Persona games just feel like an half assed RPG stuck to an half assed VN, with a great aesththic and OST.

You just described why I'm playing it

>there will never be a DLC where all the girls the MC romanced try to steal the MC's heart

Great aesthetic and music are pretty much the greatest pulls. As long as the combat and writing aren't too bad then I don't mind

>That fucking chuuni student on the 1st floor club building actually said "The wind, it's crying...."
My fucking sides

>Get past the major spoiler
>Wearing a hoodie
>You better put on the hoodie
>He does

Best moment in the whole game.


go back to facebook 50 year old

I guess that makes sense.

The relationships feel pretty shallow that's why I never got the amount of waifuposting that these games originate.

It's not really about the relationships. Purseowner waifu threads are just about looks

>only one waifu
git gud

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>Implying Futaba is pure
>Implying see wasn't sexually abused by her biological greedy uncle

cool edge

>adding needless fat to the girls

Pick the song you cuddle your waifu to

Well everyone in this game is either a rape victim, a prostitute, slut or something like that. So it would just fit the setting of the game.
I don't see how that is more "edge" than all the other stuff.

>Not going for the EXTRA THICC experience
What are you a fucking homosexual?

I don't know who I like best. What do.

Futaba makoto or hifumi

>you can date sensei and the doctor

How can p3 and p4 even compete?

>not forcefeeding your waifu protein shakes and MREs until she gets stuck in vents

pick them all

Shame the only translated vanilla doujin with Makoto is complete shit.

I'm not jelly at all. Congratulations user, I just personally don't find her attractive because she looks like an anime version of my sister except she likes indie music like mountains and men and wears flower hats all the time.

why are her hands so small

What the fuck is wrong with her hands?

>final boss time
>sin of lust
>makoto is having lewd thoughts

He wouldn't rape her, he hated her for killing his sister who he wanted to fug.

What did she mean by this?

> That look of shame on Sojiro's face

Fuck the rest, shaming that based old man is the real punishment

>Final boss time
>Hitting him so hard he's pulling out an arm every turn
>Don't even know what most of them do
>Kill him during his super attack

I thought Merciless was supposed to be hard....

>Yusuke is having Lewd thoughts

He's thinking of Mona Lisa's hands.

So, he got a boner?

>pick them all
Not okay. Also that art is hideous, holy shit.


Wait you can get them all? Or is this a witcher 3 situation

Witcher 3. If you have more than one, they kick your ass.

>Doesn't like a bit of meat


i didnt even realize you could hit the arms until it had 6 of them at which point it wasnt even worth bothering with them

This game has some of the best Persona designs.

Or alternately Futaba cries her eyes out and her heart gets wounded in a way that will never fully heal

She's the only one too

Exactly, I saw I could target them and knew killing them was how I stopped whatever attack he was doing but I was hitting the body so hard it was faster to just kill him.

I can't handle something like that

not quite, You can only choose one of the 2 main girls (though you can sleep with one of them before committing) but you can sleep with every whore and side character without consequences, including the clearly best girl, shani.

Still waiting on a Don Quixote Protag persona

>PS4 controller literally has a share button
>People still take shitty pictures of the screen with their phones


>Notice loki isn't in the compendium
>Figure it's the MC's ultimate since everyone else's personas awoke into a "mythological trickster" and it just made sense
>Nope, it's just pretty boy's persona for one easy boss fight

I mean Satanael was far from disappointing but loki is my favorite SMT demon and not having access to such an amazing design just pisses me off.

The screenshot function is disabled faggot. Atlus completely blocks any recording or screenshotting

Oh yeah, forgot that. Sorry.

im just happy we got them as enemies too instead of recolored geometric figures and hulk hogans so you can actually see most of them outside of the compendium

Can't share in game buddy. That's why a ton of the pics are from cell phones.

Which is a good sign that we'll finally get the full blown 3D mainline game I've been dreaming of since Nocturne.

Please make it happen ATLUS

>You will never make her smile like that