Are the witcher 3 and the order 1866 the only games that come close?

Are the witcher 3 and the order 1866 the only games that come close?

How would you make a supernatural game?

By throwing it into the trash where it belongs


Are you okay, user?

Who fucking cares
It's not 2010 or whatever

I think I stopped watching the show after season 9. Did it get any better in 10 or 11?

No, it just got more retarded. Unless you like them meeting God's sister and their mom coming back to life.

I'm sick of people coming to a thread to contribute nothing but negative opinions and horseshit, based on the hivemind. Supernatural is not that god damn bad and would make a great videogame. At least the first 5 seasons.

It doesn't even have to be based on the show, but I want a game like supernatural that isn't set in 1200 AD like the souls games or the witcher. I want a modern supernatural hunting game. Ghosts, witches, demons, and monsters.

The evil within came really damn close

That sounds like shit user sorry

Fuck off back to facebook, you fucking baby shitter

>Takes place at some undisclosed period of time, maybe somewhere in season 8 or 10 when things were in full swing but not a whole lot was going on monster-wise
>You play as a rookie hunter (can customize appearance)
>Your "hub" is your car, from which you can view a map of the US with a selection of cases to solve, do research, customize your weapons and buy more from the black market, or call in backup from other NPC hunters you meet (some of them would be minor characters from the show)
>In each case you have a decent-sized town to explore. You start by checking out the crime scenes for clues and questioning witnesses (works like LA Noire except the interrogations aren't shit)
>Once you've collected your clues you use your laptop to search the web and figure out what you're dealing with. Depending on what it is, you might need to acquire the needed weapon, too (by finding it in town, or buying it off the black market/doing a favor for someone)
>Then you have to figure out where the monster's nest is, or who it's disguised as, and kill them without getting arrested or killed
>Could have some kind of overarching plot line detached from the show
>No mention of Sam and Dean except maybe a passing reference or cameo

No you, you insignificant little shit, nothing you say matters

Good, then you can fuck off and stop shitposting. I'm sure you have something better to do with your wasted time.

I almost wrote something verbatim, too bug to fit in 1 post



Set up 13 small open world towns(similar to hitman(tm)) from sam & deans adventures, you travel to them with the world map which is on the dashboard of deans car

>Safehouses & Homes
-You have bobbys bunker, the roadhouse and in the second/third game you get the men of letters fortress
-You also get motels in each of the 13 towns to advance the time, drink or watch tv
-In each of the safehouses you can buy new weapons or weapon upgrades, and fire at the shooting ranges to improve your accuracy
-You have a newspaper stand in each town which gives you your hunting missions (some of these will point you to disasters in other towns)

-Third person combat over the shoulder shooting, but hunting elements similar to the witcher 3 as far as looking for ingredients to spells and going to shops to find relics
-Switch between Sam or Dean easily to plan coordinated attacks
-Hunter sense(similar to witcher 3) where you can see things highlighted in red and everything else greyed out)
-Sam has psychic abilities which can be upgraded by ingesting demon blood(telekinesis, pyrokinesis, clairvoyance etc)

>The impala
-You can listen to the radio and can drive the car (around town, or in combat) or be sam and ride passenger
-travel between cities would be you in the car on long empty road for 3 minutes where you can listen to all of the classic rock from the show on the way and enjoy bro-tier banter from sam & dean


-Once you get your missions from a newspaper you can select which one you want to pursue
-Some monsters require a special potion or spell, you will need to figure out which one, so you will need to consult your dad's journal or bobby/bobbys ghost/bobby in heaven. Then you will need to goto the shop to buy the ingredients or look around your environment or the town to find them
-sometimes when hunting demons you will need to make a pentagram trap and lure them into it with dialogue options
-certain missions will advance the plot
-you can also chose to avoid those missions and wait for another mission to pop up in one of 13 towns
-missions are all randomly generated from the huge dictionary of monsters in the supernatural universe

-The plot follows the main story of the show and ignores the fillers
-split up into 3 games
Game 1 = Seasons 1-5
Game 2 = Seasons 6-10
Game 3 = Seasons 11-14(?)

>fujo bait garbage

M8 this sounds terrible. Supernatural was subpar at best and wouldn't translate well into a game

What did he mean by this?

The fact that youre discussing the two main characters in a homosexual way must mean you're a fag in denial. No normal straight person thinks about that kind of shit. Normal people think of the subject matter.

I watched Ghost Whisperer and Grimm too, there aren't many options for good supernatural shows.

>They killed the demon general
>They killed the first demon
>They killed most of the archangels
>They defeated Lucifer, twice
>They defeated the Four Horsemen
>They killed Death
>They turned the Anti-Christ good
>They killed Eve
>They became frenemies with the King of Hell
>They defeated the race of monsters that preceded humankind
>They killed the Knights of Hell
>They defeated the Scribe of God
>They killed Frankenstein
>They killed Hitler
>They defeated the embodied concept of Darkness
>Now they're fighting the Princes of Hell and an ancient secret society
Can we please just let it end before they end up fighting Jesus in Season 13?

I've considered the idea before strangely enough.

The show got retarded after season 1-4, but a horror adventure game designed around the idea of taking monster hunting jobs in a modern setting by traveling to mission/story regions sounds really interesting.

Kind of like the Witcher in modern times but a little less open world and a lot more focus on horror, atmosphere, and story. There could be main story jobs and side hunts.

I don't know, sounds pretty cool in my head, who knows if that would play well though.

>you're a fag in denial
Not in denial
Fag shit still doesn't belong here, sissyboi

I'm thinking more of the "concept" of supernatural where you hunt things. Is this so difficult of a concept to translate into a videogame? The witcher did it almost perfectly but I wanted something more modern

Are you me?

>two attractive male characters
>show must be gay because it gets me all steamy inside
>must tell people on the internet that its gay and to not watch it
>the show is gay n-not me

Holy shit you're a fag

Did they fight the Grinch that stole christmas yet?

It honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point if they did a Christmas episode and made up some bullshit about a mythical creature that was the basis for the Grinch. This show stopped giving a fuck LONG ago.

No but Krampus

>reading comprehension
Supernatural is still gay af

It wasn't actually Krampus though, just two pagan gods pretending to be Krampus.

I just want a Witcher in a Niore time

Kill yourself nigger

I want this so badly

Even 1800's or early 1900's would be great

There was a Krampus episode too

So are you


This sounds absolutely stupid but I'm pretty curious about how all that went down? Haven't watched since season 6 I think. Do they still use the Colt to kill everything?

open world hub town like SH: Downpour
the concept was shitty for that game but would work well in a Supernatural game
character switching like GTAV, even giving Sam and Dean [or your custom created hunters] special abilities that can be upgraded, and RPG light mechanics to upgrade your character and a customizable wardrobe
of course have it be over the shoulder third person
give the player the choice of going into places guns blazing or sneakybreaky like, award them for either unless they hurt civilians or "civilians"
karma system, negative karma draws police for hurting civilians and more monsters for killing "civilians"
dialogue wheels and solvable rituals that change missions accordingly
if they haven't retconned those stupid as fuck werewolves yet, go out of the way to retcon them into not being stupid as fuck, they let the vampires be sexy, why should the werewolves get the shit end of the stick?

They stopped for awhile but the colt is back in season 12

I never denied
I'm just saying when the shows entire fanbase consists of girls who write gay incest fanfic about it, the show is inherently pretty gay

>fanfics are gay
>show must be gay

You're retarded

The show has nothing gay about it except for that one or two seasons with felicia day, that was pretty gay and I almost stopped watching because of her. I lmaoed when she got killed.

The colt like disappeared or ran out of ammo after they killed the yellowed eye demon. Buuuut they just "found" in some prince of hells vault and used to kill the alpha vampire.

Dues ex colt

The bullets have a very special spell etched into them that can just about kill anything. It isn't a complete mary su gun because there are still some things it can't kill.

They lost it for a while. They have it back now.
>At the end of season 6 Cass accidentally lets the Leviathans out of purgatory
>They're all fucking Saturday morning cartoon villains, their leader bodyjacks a CEO and launches a plan to turn humans into livestock (it is even more stupid than it sounds)
>That gets sorted, Sam and Dean find a new prophet who figures out a way to close hell forever banning all demons from earth
>Ritual gets shitcanned at the last moment because it would have killed Sam
>At the same time Metatron tricks Cass into doing another ritual that makes all of the angels fall causing yet another civil war
>John Winchester's father travels forward in time and reveals that he's part of a secret monster hunting society called the Men of Letters which Sam and Dean were supposed to join but it was wiped out
>He brings a Knight of Hell, Abaddon, with him who can only be killed with the First Blade used by Cain on Abel
>Dean has to get a magic tattoo that lets him use it which starts to make him go crazy
>Sam works with Crowley's mom to get it off him after Abaddon is dead but it turns out to be the seal keeping the Darkness locked away because it was so strong even God couldn't kill it
>It gets loose and starts killing people, God eventually decides to man up and help them deal with it personally
>They get God and the Darkness to become friends again and they fuck off to start a new universe with blackjack and hookers, as thanks the Darkness brings Mary back to life

There's the problem. Ruins the sense of mystique because now everyone has to be a moron not to have noticed this shit in an age where cellphones, satellites and the NSA are ubiquitous

>The bullets have a very special spell etched into them that can just about kill anything
How did they learn to make bullets again? Cause I remember it having only 5 bullets or something in the first few seasons then they threw that concept out the window.

Oh, and then Lucifer possessed the president of the United States

In Season 3 Bobby figured out how to make the bullets with Ruby's help


If it's that simple how come they don't mass produce demon-killing guns?

I don't know. Why didn't they just get Chuck to snap his fingers and erase every low-level demon from existence?

I forget, something about going back and time and talking to samuel colt

By modern I mean guns not swords, I even said 1800's or 1900's at least

Chuck is off fucking his sister in the deep reaches of the universe somewhere

If Crowley is the King of Hell who the fuck is Lucifer?

Crowley took over after Lucifer was defeated.

Lucifer is the first king of hell, crowley is just a crossroads demon with a big ego who eventually took over hell when Lucifer got trapped in the cage

King of hell is a title

Ruins plot. They know they can just carve devil traps into tips pf bulletes and lodge them into skulls of demons to incapacitate them

Anyone else think Michael being ambiguously gone for 8 seasons is for a reason?

Then the demons just cut that part off or dig it out, especially ones who arent afraid to ruin the vessel

One more: how do people die now that Death is dead?


I think they explained that at the start of season 11 but I can't remember. Best guess the Reapers are just stepping up their game.

i really wanted to like supernatrual, but holy fuck the story is gay and shit's all retarded

if someone did try to translate this series into a game, I'm sure it'll be a half-assed "open world" set in alabama with a slapped on "demon lives matter"

nah m8

>Take the witcher
>set it in the early 1900's

Not that hard, you are taking OP's post too literal

Supernatural was supposed to end with the Yellow-Eyed Demon. It kept getting renewed. The actors realized a steady, well-paying gig is LIVING THE DREAM no matter how shitty the script is and keep cashing their checks.

A supernatural game would be best bringing all the shounen powerlevel shit back to zero and having it be mundane monsters versus mundane hunters instead of the Angeldemons versus he God-Brothers.

sounds a lot like BB

Way lamer reapers are now in charge of doing death things

Supernatural should have ended after season 5

Well this is why I said up to season 5 isnt that bad

So can we all agree the worst part of the series is how everything slowly turned into not-Humans; literally every monster is just a human with glowy eyes or fangs now. Even ghosts barely do anything neat now other than charge like retards after teleporting right in front of everyone

S1 had super spooky ghosts, a wendigo (which was just an offscreen 2spooky4u man in a costume,) and shadow demons among other shit, all of which was clearly low budget but at least it was creative

>mfw got a supernatural tattoo after finishing season 5


I don't.
I dial up Vertigo and Jane Jensen c.a. 1993 and have them make a Hellblazer adventure game, co-written with Jamie Delano and Garth Ennis.

and add to every monster/demon:

>snarky or sarcastic
>"dah winchestahs"
>modern slang

Almost every damn time, which got tiring real quick. Would've been fine if it stayed as the general demon persona, but writers just got lazy.