Based Twitch making the viewing experience even better for us viewers

Based Twitch making the viewing experience even better for us viewers

>Paying 10-25 dollars for emotes
Who does this? Hell just use emoticons.

Surprisingly a lot of people, and it's all just so they can copy paste memes in a chat that fills the panel every second

Yeah, but you also might get a special sub badge. Plus, you'll feel good knowing that you actually help support your favorite streamer

Every 12 year old with their parent's credit card on file.

Why are emotes so popular anyway? It doesn't look good next to text.

(^◇^)looks better anyway

It's pretty similar to donating, just that Twitch gets a cut of it. And if emote tiers stay unlocked forever, that means people don't need to keep those larger subs up forever.

twitch is only doing this because they're losing out on so much money

most of viewers revenue is from donations or patreon, twitch take 0% from them with higher cost subs they can take more money with 50% sub cut though big streamers get special deals to take more money but by default its 50%

>Why are emotes so popular anyway?
Very easy to read, quick at a glance, which is helpful if your attention is divided between a stream, a face cam, and the chat. Black person? TriHard. Sad moment? BibleThump. with text it makes for a quick message that goes down easy. It's really laughable that Twitch is making emotes such a big hassle, ffs they're just 30x30 images lol.

Lazy normalfags who can't arsed to type several and would rather click on button. Kappa

That's not true. Donations and Patreon definitely contribute to a lot of streamers, but with the introduction of Bits there's been a lot of donation money redirected to Twitch. They're restructuring the subscription program so that more people are inclined to sub. More emotes = more reason to sub to someone, right?

It's actually 28x28 and it fucking sucks

Honestly, the should have gone with this model before implementing bits. They really screwed up with trying to create their own donation platform

>paying a monthly subscription fee to watch a faggot e-celeb's Lets Play channel

Hows that YouTube Red paid subscription shit going? Crashed and burned, did it? I'm sure this time it'll be different though.

the youtube audience and the twitch audience are vastly different, there's no perceived loyalty to anyone on youtube

post your favorite streamer

>there's no perceived loyalty to anyone on youtube
Is that why as soon as a Youtuber mentions someone else in a negative light their legion of fanboys go off to dislike that person's latest video and repost everything their favorite eceleb said?

bits aren't even close to the donations amount people get

You already did

moonmoon is one of the most subbed to people on twitch because of his emotes.

Because I want to support the person I am subbed to?

those are kids with no attention span

you're way more likely to encounter people who like a specific person or group of people on twitch, because youtube's not a place with actual meaningful interaction (not that every person who streams is actually worth a shit)

Say what you want about early access, about preordering, about ports, about piracy, about walking sims: twitch is the real cancer killing video games.

if you donate 700 bits they get 7 dollars, but 700 bits costs more than 7 dollars for you to get.

show me a single line ASCII hype-equivalent of PogChamp

you can't

Heres some support: tell them to get a real job.

children who will pay for this showing themselves willingly on Sup Forums

So this just lets you sub for multiple months in a row right? Seems like something that its needed for a long time now

So twitch is patreon now?

This. Twitch is the breeding ground for shitty pc games and awful communities

YT Red comes with Googles paid option for music streaming which I use a lot, YT Red was just thrown in for free and being ad free on every device 100% of the time feels fuckin good

>Le not a real job maymay
Time to grow up, user. Society evolves with time. It's as real a job as Babe Ruths job was at the time of him being a star. You think there weren't 80 year old grandpas angry some guy got paid -laying a ball game when they had to work in industrial factories, coal mines, and fight in wars?

They are really getting desperate about not having that sweet cut from donations.

DSP will be happy.

The subscription fee is monthly, the sub just counts as more. Instead of creating 5 different account to subscribe to someone like an autist, you can now just subscribe once for the small charge of $24.99

so? what I'm saying is bits doesn't even come close to the amount people make compared to donations

no, you can already do that

There are ways to get people to donate with bits more such as bit badges, bit bosses, and the cup

They really need to open up the partnership to more people, the arbitrary minimum follower count or whatever they use is kinda crap. There's a couple people I watch that constantly get the same amount of viewers and have for like 2+ years but get turned down for partnership every time.

I don't get it, Twitch are literally throwing away money while making it less viable for smaller channels to grow.

>be me
>pro ass web dev earning $88k while not working in a big city
>wife's a camwhore
>she earned 50k last year and has already made ~30k this year
>being megarich < 30 years old

>user wants a fake job like hers

Cant wait for Streamers to not even acknowledge a subscriber unless they pay for the $25/month subscription, and see the gullible kids fall for it like vermin to bait.

twitch emotes are shit

>I don't want people to be self sufficient
Well fuck everything, just go outside and start begging people for money Cut out the videogame middleman.

Also all the best emotes are part of FrankerFaceZ anyway.

There's no way Aris could hold a job

Oh look that fucking faggot bitch from last night is back. Fuck off

They lowered the concurrent viewers needed for partnership to 100 like last month dude

>being a cuck

Sure, but that never really caught on the way Twitch wanted it to.

I'm in love with mico

キタ━━━━ヽ(・∀・` )ノ━━━━ッ!!!!

Kripp, seagull, forsen, bulldog

Wouldn't pay a cent to watch these faggos though

It's not a real job though. There's zero job security and you cannot gain any marketable skills by doing it. No amount of shitty opinions from a Mongolian basket-weaving imageboard will change that.

>not using superior Shift-JIS

based beta

Aris could easily become a """"community manager"""" if he really wanted to.

Is this some bizarre fantasy of yours?

I get a free sub for having amazon prime and I dont even use it. fuck giving it to anyone

>there are people who not only unironically actively watch streamers, they also
>sub to multiple streamers
>donate to have their comments read out all the time
>buy cheers
>sub to some channels just for the emotes
>support multiple patreons
>buy a ton of early access games


>using shitty twitch emotes instead of Shift-JIS

why'd you even link your amazon and twitch accounts then

the "rewards" given by twitch are garbage outside of the free sub

>giant string of text or a special characters smiley that in no way replicates the facial expression

these have their uses but they are no PogChamp my friends

This is a board for video games. Twitch is not video games. FUCK OFF

>Sup Forums - Sexual Fantasies

>$25 a month
>for a fucking twitch channel
I seriously don't understand people

tell that to Sup Forums

>$130k per year is megarich
If any of this is true (and it isn't) wait until you actually try to buy a home in that big city of yours

Harbleu is my favorite, he has a great attitude and is actually good at video games.

lirik will now put his chat in $25 sub only mode

$25 for nearly daily entertainment for a whole month is pretty cheap, cupcake

>not having an imagination
( ´д`)~So, this is what a millennial is

I sees, well it's a step in the right direction.

Sup Forums doesn't care about streaming shit

$25 a month for some emotes

yeah but you can already access that entertainment for free

there's no reason to subscribe to someone at all, if you wanted to support your favorite streamer you may as well cut out the middleman and donate the 5/10/25 bucks directly and not have twitch take a cut

No, as in paying $25 a month to support a channel you like, let alone $5, is far cheaper than a lot of the "premium" TV channel deals out there

For $25/month you could get Netflix and Hulu and still have a little cash to spare, getting almost infinitely more entertainment than the few hours a day a twitch channel puts out

Paying nothing and getting exactly the same content is cheaper, sweetie.


HBO is $5/month by me. And it produces a hell of a lot more content than some twitch streamer

By subscribing you help their Twitch stream grow, which in turn makes them more money. And not every streamer accepts donations

I just discovered her channel and normally I just scoff at the lolnogames streamers but I can't stop watching ;_; I don't understand.

>Pay money so you can watch somebody else play games

>always wanted to get into Streaming for the fun of it
>don't have a clue what the flying fuck settings to use for OBS or even what half the shit does

>muh imagination
i guess i'll just imagine this anime reaction image is from dark souls

>being this retarded

don't ever shop at ikea

the interface is pretty obtuse but it's only like that because there's a lot of different options people might want to use

just look up a recommended config for OBS and you should be all set, change some non-advanced options (resolution, bitrate) to suit the program to your needs

You can get 100 pointless channels for a whole month with your internet subscription, honey

Nigma, Vinesauce, Lythero and a few others

Almost every streamer that's big is a fucking narcissistic psychopath. That one guy last night (who is probably samefagging this thread) is one of the worst.

Not him, but I did it for the Hearthstone skin

>watching dark souls stream
>random dude donates $200 to the streamer
Seriously twitch is where the money is boys, just gotta find your niche game and audience and milk them dry

>he didn't get his free month of Runescape subscription

I am a retarded Australian
I have no clue what the fuck things like a Bitrate is or does, let alone where I should put them
My internet probably can't handle Streaming anyway

And get some generic mass produced garbage? Finding a streamer you really like is an amazing thing, supporting them and influencing their channel growth and content through a subscription is much, much better than some tv crap

Lord Aris

I'm happy to support them with follows or youtube subs, I'm not going to give them money for something I can get for free when there's retards like you willing to pay $25 a month.

Alright, have fun being a scumbag

Why are Twitch subscriptions and accounts even a thing? Just search the game and watch the person, the same for YouTube accounts, just fucking search the video you want.


Protip: Go to xvideos and search for "Han Quoc", "kcam19" and "cam115".
You won't need any buttoned up streamers anymore.

Watching the former best offlane fuck up has some charm into it
Him actually doing great is awesome too