Other urls found in this thread:

interior like suicide wrist rags


Grid curse?


bart i put boiling oil on your skull



A+ Game

Why is it that the best Grumpcades are the ones where the guests do all the jokes?

>racing level as bart
kill me

>Sup Forums likes LOL SO RANDUMB XD humor now

>Arin keeps trying to find reasons to to shit on the game while Oney & co. have fun messing around and breaking it
Why are so many other channels better at doing Grumps style videos than the grumps themselves now?

Do you think they have anymore KH footage?

Where have you been?

I'm starting to watch more of Oney because of this, they are 10x more chill playing i fucking love it

Only good post in this thread.

Has anyone else noticed how passive agressive the grumps are

>tfw grew up reading SA's awful LP threads
>During the time where YouTube was still in its early stages
>LP'ers always trying there best to show off the game and encourage people to play the game, sometimes they'd say a funny joke but it was all about the game
>fast foward 11 years
>YouTube is flooded with a bunch of nobodys spouting there life storys, unfunny jokes and actively talking over the game they use as a platform in order to promote themselves.

Lets plays are fucking garbage.


How's being 50 years old?

>it's the episode where the grid shows up in Springfield and takes over the town

The grid stole me boy


Because Arin and Danny aren't funny

me love wife

>watch this dumb "lets play" video because some people on Sup Forums say it's good
>they actively ignore the game's objective, wander around aimlessly and then complain that the game sucks while making stupid jokes

why do people watch that shit

>go to the SA LP subforum
>like half or so of the LPs there either done blind by some guy who isn't really that invested in the game or are group LPs where people just talk to eachother and don't really pay the game that much attention


Oney, Ding Dong and Julian play off each other much better.

because they don't need hits to survive

according to the house meter there's still a house we need to go to!

For reference

>whacky voices
>no point to the lines, just whacky voices
People are really lonely, aren't they?
Also there was no effort in "animating" that.

Just came in to say new SC episode popped up on my phone and I'm about to listen while I work

arin was the only one claiming the game sucked, the others were just trying to have fun.

>Yells WHAT IS THIS GAME at random intervals


I wish Oney would continue Shenmue, it's such a comfy game.

>so this game is garabage right

>hasn't actually seen what you do in the game

He literally has NO patience.

Then again, he thinks GTA5 there's nothing to do but BOTW is GOTY for "all this shit to do".

He hates older Zelda's for having real fun and action because it required him to pay attention to details, take your time, and experiement.

He loves the new ones because they don't require you to pay attention to details, you can rush through, and there is no subtly and it allows his "ignore the real fun of the game and just fuck around (((exploring)))" autism to be fufilled.

Its sad really.

>let's get a soulless ignorant man who still uses poopy dick pee pee as joke words and a druggy who literally does not give a fuck about video games and clearly does not want to be there, and put them in front of a microphone

Dans chill and all, but I definitely would not be wasting my time, or his time, playing video games when he clearly sounds like he has better things to do every time he opens his mouth or whenever Arin starts yelling.

>tfw too smart for lets players

It probably got too comfy to the point where they have nothing to talk about. They did mention going back to Shenmue but following a guide to get things over with quickly.

probably has something to do with getting involved with the mob when they really shouldn't have.

Cybershell was the best LP'er

>it's yet ANOTHER "chris and ding dong says a silly name in a silly voice while julian is painfully wheezing in the background" episode
I like it.

Looking back on it, he was just an autist. Pretty much all his Sonic boss videos were incredibly unfunny

>it's another "Chris tries to do or say something racist but not outright, and Dingdong accuses Chris of what he actually meant, but Chris denies and says Dingdongs the real racist for thinking of what Chris was thinking, all while Julian wheezes in between"

That's the good stuff

It's not really being too smart for let's players, it's that you're too retarded for anything else.

>he was just an autist
No shit, that's the entire point
He's even self-aware about it

>Sonic boss videos
>boss videos
There was no such thing
What are you talking about?

Also his Half-Life screenshot LP is gold

>It's a Julian rhymes everything episode


>it's a Julian talks about an ex boyfriend who was into the Grinch
There could have been so many jokes made


>Game Grumps
You're just begging to get bullied user.

i'm sad they didn't play more of this game
they probably would have raged hardcore on the junkyard level

Julian is such a sweetheart, im so glad he is part of the team.

it's an episode Oney Plays took over.


user...that's what the OP is about.

my husband where
come home for scare

*W o a h*

Question coming from out of the left field here, but what does Ding Dong look like? I have the gif of Julio dancing, and an alleged image of Ding Dong but I refuse to believe he looks like a neo nazi.


Fake. He even talked about it when he streamed banjo kazooie and was laughing at the fact that people believed it.

wait wait what, where did you got that from, source on that being July?

tfw been streaming ever since jtv started, doing no commentary and focused on showing off fun games; took a couple years break and now I can't get my channel anywhere because nobody wants this anymore.

*W O A H*


Found it in the archives and the cool guy next to him is apparently PsychicPebbles

then its fake like that user said, Zach doesnt look like that.

>He becomes another spectator to Oney and DingDong instead of being part of it
fully cucked

That's definitely Julian since it's from his tumblr, but that's not pebbles.

whats Julians tumblr?

So is Julian getting the Ding Dong every night or are they just roommates?

Pretty sure they're just roommates but I wouldn't be surprised if something came to light


The cuntometer still makes me laugh to this day

Another supposed image from Julian's tumblr

Ding Dong looks like a cutie on the left :3

I wonder who showed Dingdong the last thread where someone found Julians tumblr

Anyways here's Julians response from his personal tumblr which he made when some user found his it in a previous thread. He doesn't post on it anymore so I won't bother linking it. Only significant things are a few photos of him and some really nice art

seeing him react in such a chill way is pretty cool

>Dingdongs last stream where him and Julian shat on the people here who believe in some random anons posts
good shit

Julio is such a loveable goof

i want to see his art and chill picture, thats a good reason to link it

hit and run is ruined now


thx bby

who are dingdong and julian and where did they come from

>Oney BTFOs game grumps by not giving a fuck and it's not even his main source of income

Game CHUMPs on POOicide watch.

i like ding dong's voice. i don't know why
every time he speaks i think "hey thats a nice voice"

>It's a 'You think it's a Hit N Run episode but it's really about Youtubers' episode

Dingdong was the editor for TheBestGamers who met Oney online and met Julian as an artist to work with him on games


>tfw was looking forward to them playing it but now they've already done it on game grmups
At least there's still The Simpsons Game and Road Rage.

I want to fuck that bandisloot.

>Mfw FF7 lost
>Pokemon Red literally lost
>Kingdom Hearts lost

man, they need to get their shit together

procure this magic talisman. you can get any type of pussy you desire.

They said lost footage or are you just saying that because they haven't posted anymore episodes?