Am I supposed to turn off my brain I order to enjoy this game? Because it astonishing to see how retarded they all are

Am I supposed to turn off my brain I order to enjoy this game? Because it astonishing to see how retarded they all are.

I mean,I thought the Investigation team were bad but these guys take it to a whooole new level. I'm not even a smart person but I could see absolutely everything coming from a mile away. Makoto is supposed to be the "smart" one yet she has basic level of intelligence.

What is actually happening? How are people praising this like it's a masterpiece when it's plot is so flawed? I love everything else about the game but how come nobody is calling them out on this?

Welcome to Persona past the second one
>How are people praising this like it's a masterpiece when it's plot is so flawed?
The dungeons are better than in 3/4 and it's much better than any of the other JRPGs we got in the last few years

I suppose I should elaborate more. I just got to the school festival part and throughout the whole game I had always been saying "Why are they entering the metaverse so nonchalantly in public?" at least for Kamoshida they used a back alley.

Another thing was the whole popularity thing. These kids have zero conviction to anything. I kept getting pissed off at Ryuji and Futaba for bringing up the popularity shit the whole time when it's irrelevant to their actual goal. And of course it comes back to bite their ass.

They're all such hypocrites. They complain about "shitty adults" when they became egotistical brats in the process of their grand crusade against society. Yusuke seems the be the only sane character of the group which is ironic considering his eccentricity.

I don't think I've been this blown away before though. Sure there was some silly moments in P4 but Naoto seemed to set them straight before they got out of hand and in P3 everyone in SEES (besides Junpei) seemed to now what they were doing and they overcame their weaknesses in order to build a stronger resolve against fight Nyx.

There's none of this in P5. They literally have the mentality of 12 year olds and lack any conviction at all.

Popularity is completely relevant to their goal, since it affects the collective unconscious in mementos.

But mementos is only relevant to Morgana and the side quests.

I won't spoil too much, but it is relevant.

Fair enough but they still shouldn't have allowed that popularity to affect their main objective.

Another thing that bothers me is how they deal with their notoriety. They knew since the start that they would eventually get hunted by the police yet when it happens they suddenly decide to shit the bed and throw hissyfits?

For Christ's sakes,SEES were literally fighting against the possibility of the entire world being destroyed and they still managed to keep more composure than The Phantom Thieves.

>I kept getting pissed off at Ryuji and Futaba for bringing up the popularity shit the whole time when it's irrelevant to their actual goal.
The "actual goal" of the Phantom Thieves is to get popular so people will get courage to stand up against shitty adults
Yusuke, Morgana and Futaba have other goals but they agree with the general idea.
>And of course it comes back to bite their ass.
That's the point

>Am I supposed to turn off my brain I order to enjoy this game? Because it astonishing to see how retarded they all are.

Or be a retarded teenager, which is this game's prime demographic.

>persona 5
fun gameplay with solid aesthetics, decent music, meh characters and a dogshit plot
>nier automata
dogshit gameplay with solid music, decent aesthetics, meh characters and a fun plot

This is how it felt to me anyway. Don't take P5's story too seriously, just enjoy the atmosphere as you GIVE IN TOO TEMPTATION.

>They knew since the start that they would eventually get hunted by the police yet when it happens they suddenly decide to shit the bed and throw hissyfits?
Nah, I think they unironically didn't.

Seems to be. I can't relate to this "shitty adults" stuff. I don't seem to have this problem in my country. Either that or I'm just getting old. I was 16 when i first played P3.

Not him but that's the dumbest excuse I've ever read in one of these threads

You're arguing that the teenagers in question are not egotistical shitheads because they care about popularity in order to beat a boss that they didn't know existed until the end of the game?

Okay, sure

Thats the fucking point. They have a crisis about it later on. They're... you know, flawed characters?

>didn't waifu any girl in 3 and got the impression they weren't leaning into that aspect of the game very hard back then
>didn't waifu anyone in 4
>play 5
>Makoto comes along
>fall extremely hard and keep falling harder from her Awakening onward


I get your point but it's the fact it was so predictable was what frustrates me. The other games characters had flaws but they managed to overcome them in a way the felt less forced.

>didn't waifu anyone in 3
>fell in love with Makoto

There's your problem. Makoto is just a discount version of Mitsuru. Replay Persona 3 and max your knowledge.

>replay a game that feels archaic now in the same sense that 1 and 2 felt archaic compared to 3 and 4

Are you 12? Truly great games are always repayable despite their age.

I'm not 12 but Persona 3 is

Holy shit you're right. Damn. Persona 3 would be starting high school this year.

Why is it that at the end of every Persona game i seem to side more with the villains?

Wow that's really sad, because the dungeons were shit. Like compile hearts shit.

>Meh characters

>Play Persona 3
>School owned by company turns into fucking hell during dark hour
>Company has full knowledge of dark hour
>Has weapons and equipment for studying/fighting shadows
>They make a bunch of kids with superpowers venture into the school when it turns into hell

>A couple months later, they entertain the idea that MAYBE this company is the cause of the dark hour and the school transformation and the shadow attacks
>Somehow, this wasn't obvious to everyone involved from the very start, rather than simply being an unspoken thing

>P3fags proceed to act like every later game is insulting to their intelligence while P3 wasn't the worst offender

Please explain.

>has weapons and equipment for fighting shadows

But only a small handful of Persona users that happened to be students. A anti-shadow gun isn't going to be as powerful as an Agidyne.

A couple months later, they entertain the idea that MAYBE this company is the cause of the dark hour and the school transformation and the shadow attacks

The Kirijo group was an entire mystery to SEES besides Mitsuru. There was no way for them to gain anymore knowledge on the subject since the Dark hour was a secret hidden from public. The fact that they figured it out in a couple of months is pretty normal,no? The whole idea of Persona was so alien to them that you couldn't blame them for thinking the Dark hour couldn't have been man made.

No, you'd have to be retarded to not put it together.

You are retarded.