Who is your main?

Who is your main?

Dictatorship under artificial superintelligence

Anything involving anarchy or communism is automatically retarded.


Maining anarcho-pacifism is way too easy. You just sit there and get beaten up and then you win.

If you kill your enemies they win

The leaf

Articles of Confederation ball or Balkanization ball

>If you get beat, you win

I want cyborg arms.


AnCap definitely. I can't get enough of these things


>when you select random map and the game chooses the road map

Ancap is way to broken with his tomahawk missiles

Technology is bad, fire is scary, and Thomas Edison was a witch.

>there are mutualist mains in this thread right now
Explain yourselves.

Is the ancap character DLC?

>Not being an anarcho-transhumanist
>Not transcending your mortal flesh and becoming a cyborg so as to maximise your shitposting capability


Only for the cheap price of 5 bitcoins and 50 slave labors


Why would anybody play as the United States Democratic Party?

>you have a trebuchet, 100 serfs working your turnip farm, and no king. Feels good.

Anarcho communism
Gulag. Is the most powerful in the game

>not maining anarcho-egoism

US Democratic Party
Why, what's wrong with a character that has all of his moves replaced with counter?

Joke gimmicky character


>not maining anarcho-monarchism


Don't forget your cock is cybernetic too

In that situation you ARE the king you bloody troglodyte

unironically ancap. I don't know how it would turn out IRL, but it sounds interesting as fuck in a videogame setting. Kinda like fallout


If the United States Republican Party was added to the game, do you guys think you would play as it?

Sovietism is a far cry from anarcho-communism, friend.

Any non-ancaps here?

I wanna kick your fucking asses


Deux Ex is acutally set in some sort of Ancap future.

it depends
is its dodge realistic?

Fuck me this one's good

Anarcho transhumanism.

>enemy is using outdated nanochips so it's easy to wavehack his brain signals and turn him into your own mechslave

Unironically anarcho-primitivism.

Whats the best main for an apathetic with no goals or ambitions?



Probably AnCom, but you have to do your assigned job

I choose agorism


liberal + globalism master race

no religion

just universal income and robots doing all the work while we mine platinum from asteroids.