How do you even use the SWAT perk in Killing Floor 2? It seems like I'm on the verge of bankruptcy every time I use it...

How do you even use the SWAT perk in Killing Floor 2? It seems like I'm on the verge of bankruptcy every time I use it. For the first 3 or 4 rounds, you gotta use your 9mm and knife to save money. Eventually, you can buy your P90 but now you have to maintain all that ammo by using your pistol some more so you can afford the expensive bullets and finally buy your best weapon at like round 9.

The flashbang is top-tier, but everything else just seems like a worse Commando. At least they have a much easier time with their pricing.

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>not using the knife and getting t4 round 2-3
become better

Swap to your Pistol and punch things in the head with it. Anything other than clots, shoot those in the head. Preserve ammo.

That works with some perks, but not really with SWAT. His Kriss eats through ammo and for some reason it's more expensive than the Commando's SCAR. You'd need at least 2 SMGs at minimum, 3 preferable if you're playing a populated high difficulty game.

Overall, it just seems like a worse Commando but you have one of the best grenades in the game to make up for it. With Sharpshooter, you can speedrun your M14 and have a blast. Gunslinger can easily earn all their top-tier weapons. Commandos can hold an unreal amount of bullets and generally do more damage per shot, thus need less ammo (yet somehow cheaper). Berserker never has to worry about money and is basically a bank for the team. Medic generally doesn't have to worry much about money and has pretty cheap loadouts while his bullets are mostly paid for via healing. Firebug left clicks once, goes AFK, and gets all the money he needs from assists and trash clearing. With SWAT however, I think his economy is fucked up.

are you stupid? keep your weapons, basic setup goes mp5, p90 and kriss, use stun on scrakes and fps, unload kriss on face

grab ammo boxes, other guns, support ammo

use mp5 and p90 for trash and stuff

if anything commando is a worse swat, smaller mags, less dps, more recoil, only thing it's got going for it is the ability to see invisible bitches, and who cares about that when you can solo large zeds?

>add in lmg for commando
>its garbage


In the grand scheme of things the machine gun is bad, but Commando just kills trash anyways so it's not like it really matters what weapon he's using.

SWAT perk is the best perk in the game and if you're having trouble with it is for real, no bullshit, no meme, that you're bad at life, at videogames, at girlfriends, at your job, at posting in Sup Forums, and overall a dissapointment.

How a fuckup like you can type such stupidity against the easiest and most versatile, high damaging, easy mode, solo cruise control, meta perk in the whole game?

Swat perk is mix between trash removal and hard target murder.

Flash and empty two smgs to the head for hard targets, use singleshot hipfire head shots for everything else, seriously the perk that lets him crouch and move at full speed essentially turns his guns into perfectly accurate lasers and the p90 and kriss have no issue sweeping through trash

Kf2 and tripwire are shit and you should feel bad

The actual gameplay of the perk I understand. It's the economy that gets me. SWAT's bullets are abnormally expensive and you'll be running out of ammo pretty quick. In a 6man game, it seems like you need to use your 9mm longer than most perks without nearly as much reward. The MP5 is a solid weapon, but buying that will delay your holy P90. Once you can buy the P90, you won't have much left for ammo so you can either delay your purchase another round by using the 9mm or really conserve your cash by again using your 9mm. Around round 9, you'll probably have enough to get your Kriss and sustain it. You could get your Kriss earlier by skipping the P90, but then you'd be stuck using the MP5/Pistol in late rounds which is not viable in 6man games. I've never had this much trouble maintaining money as.

Ease up on the autism nigga

KF2 is a pretty good game for 15 dollars. Wouldn't go higher than that though.

what difficulty are you doing?

It's literally a better commando in every way. Swat can kill trash better and kill big zeds better than commando can even dream of.

Its stuff like this that makes me just play zerker

Suicidial is mostly doable for me, but I dunno how it's possible to maintain your SWAT economy in a 6man HoE. Once the real game starts, it just always seems like I'm on the edge of being in debt since there's so much trash you're bound to run out of bullets. You'll especially run out of bullets if you use the flashbang + spray combo on Skrakes and such. Even on Suicidal this can be quite a challenge to maintain, but HoE especially because of the increased health.

I really like SWAT in the grand scheme of things, but I've never had this much trouble maintaining money on other perks. Even commando, which is quite similar, has an easier time with money and ammo.

Try not leaving all your guns on auto and learning to aim

support is best perk

Learn to click heads better. If you aren't running right side zed time skill you have no one to blame but yourself.

Darn tootin

what do you use on trash as support? do you just buy off perk or pistols?

I can manage on suicidal, but I've yet to attempt HOE, since i'm just level 10-15

Who /all right side skills medic/ here?

Those buffs are so shitty and short.

Just stick with the starting shotgun or pick up the trenchgun, they'll handle everything under sirens and husks except maybe bloats, but those aren't your fights usually.

I like the Damage Resistance buff since it can help people survive sticky encounters.


why are medic weapons so shit?

>buy assault rifle
>worse in almost every way to smg

SWAT is okay I guess, but all he really has on Commando is the flashbang. Commando kills trash more efficiently, has a better economy, can spot stalkers and can extend Zed time, which does make a big difference in HoE.

I just wish the recoil on them wasn't so fucked.

>here are you weapons medic
>you are complete shit at handling them of course

They decided amp up the weapons recoil and tone the damage down because TW didn't want medics to clutch games.

MedAR is all about defending yourself and spamming darts all day. Every other medic gun is awful, besides the pistol on merit of it weighing 1 block and being cycled with the MedAR for maximum health spam. You should ideally go medpistol + medar + something else (boomstick, pulv, etc.)

>Medic pistol can cross perk with gunslinger plus it's so cheap and light weight that pretty much anyone can grab one for ranged healing
>SMG crossperked with SWAT
>Assault rifle crossperked with Commando
>Shotgun crossperked with Support

Medic can crossperk with

It's like they tried to make Medic as unfun as possible as the trade-off. You don't even really NEED a medic on the higher difficulties if everyone snags a pistol.

not too sure about the lmg, I've done better hip firing it, what's your progression like on medium/long?

Save save save till SCAR. Backup makes earning dosh super easy on the first few rounds and the AR15 is actually a decent starter now. Then I go AK for extra spam if I need it. Honestly as long as you keep the gay- I mean trash away with the SCAR (and at whatever rang you like because SCAR) your teammates should have 0 issue with the big shit.

Stoner does even less damage than the AR15. It's trash.

>Firebug on your team constantly uses default flamethrower on Scrakes and Fleshpounds
>You're playing sharpshooter/gunslinger

Hello darkness my old friend.

>throw freeze grenade at scrake to deal with it quicker and easier
>firebug throws molotov and it smashes in his chest
>freeze grenade goes off but it doesn't ice him up because he's stumbling about on fire

>For the first 3 or 4 rounds, you gotta use your 9mm and knife to save money.

Senpai, kills are so much more valuable than ammo. If you are playing with a big group of people you are only broke if you are not top fragging. Get better accuracy and you can buy the $650 dollar gun very fast. That thing will last you until wave 6 easily. You can even sell the first gun if you want to fill up on the second. Staying in one spot also guarantees that you will get less money, don't stay with your team until they need you. Split up, split the wave, and get ammo boxes.

>Demo using his grenade pistol on a Scrake
Darkness, imprisoning me.

For SWAT using the 9mm is a very good idea since the CQC perk lets him kill any clot/crawler/maybe stalker in 1 shot. He also spends a lot of money on SMG ammo and body armor. Being economical as SWAT is kind of important on 6 man HOE.

What do people think about the M16 on Commando? Sure the bullet damage is pretty weak, but having those grenades seems pretty handy for clearing out globs of trash. Then again, it's not like the Commando ever had issues just spraying into a crowd and getting a ton of kills.

M16 grenades do not have much splash at all, and using explosives without passives to make them do more damage is pretty crap. Also the rifle itself is weaker than the AK. Totally useless. Leave explosives to the gdlk demos or even zerkers using the Pulv.

>he hasn't accepted the lord and savior that is ground fire

Ground fire is great until Scrakes and FPs catch on fire.

>join sui manor
>first waves go ok
>everyone keeps doing their own thing in random corners of the map
>waves 4-6 at least 4 people in the team die
>people still won't group up
>medics are basically playing solo shooting shit and not healing anyone

if they have the stumble perk, FBs can tank big stuff pretty effectively. Stumble, ground fire, panic, stumble, panic, etc

Hey guys, tripwire released the trailer for martial artist!


>Trash clearers bodyblocking
>Perks not names zerker with 100 armor and HP tanking anything
Just don't play Firebug. The Micromemes are dead.

>Enjoy playing Zerker and get it to 25
>Feel like a super fast killing machine
>Play any other class
>get bored 4 rounds in

Is there any class that feels as satisfying as Zerker in the later levels?

My favorite perks are probably Zerker and Gunslinger. Gunslinger is basically the gotta go fast version of sharpshooter and I enjoy that. Solid and cheap weapons, really fast, and can easily take down big zeds as well as trash. Support is probably number 3 because of the AA12. Who knows, you might enjoy them as well.

Different user here, gs is the most boring perk in the game. Swat and medic all day.

I dunno how you can say GS is the most boring if you think Medic is fun. The weapons handle like shit and the game aims the healing darts for you.

I think they should stop being lazy assholes and just re-add the m4 with an acog again for commando. If you're going to add a shit weapon atleast give it a gimmick unlike the stoner.

>see kf2 thread
>get itch to play it again, download and install
>play a few rounds and remember the gunplay is nice but the game itself gets kinda stale after a few rounds
>see kf2 thread
>get itch to play it again
>rinse & repeat

I do the same thing. I play it once like every 3 weeks and then put it back.

I personally hate how they sound

swat and commando should be merged desu

KF2 is a good example of one of those "time killer" games, its good for the first few games but things feel mostly the same especially with how long the game can drag out, even if you switch class or something and then you stop. Some time later you just think "fuck it i'll play a bit again" and repeat process, its a fun game in bursts but its ultimately pretty shallow in what it offers which isn't a whole lot: hold out an area and shoot hordes.


Nah, more like SWAT should've actually had the riot shield and been a true tank class rather than a slightly-different commando clone.

Demo is probably the strongest perk in the game since he's the best FP killer, second best SC killer and an excellent trash killer.

SWAT is crowd control. It is good at killing all the little things while the team focuses on the big turds.

I'd have like to have seen more variations of bonuses being taken into effect more: e.g. armour, medic is the only one that gets it built up as a passive on level up and SWAT has to select a skill in order to get more. Why not give it a passive treatment or at the very least "armour resistance" so its more durable on the job. I'd even say throw demo an armour bonus, he's a guy who works with explosives and generally speaking you'd be wise to be stocked up on protection when handling those bad boys.

Because TW are a bunch of lazy cunts is why. SWAT was supposed to be the "tank the damage and defend yourself from trash class", but actually devising a way to pull that off was too hard, so he's the spray-fire guy who has more armor.

Demo also does not need any buffs whatsoever. He's honestly a bit OP in my opinion, since he's very good at killing trash and big guys alike on top of being able to stun and do great damage to FPs.

>How do you even use the SWAT perk in Killing Floor 2?
>Activate ZED time
>Omae wa mou shindeiru

What do you recommend for zerker? There used to be a time where unloaded Pulv was the meta for everything but Flesh Pounds because the Smash skill let you easily knock down Scrakes and even Hans around, but I've tried that these days and they just stumble for a bit now. What should I use instead?

Its just a bit more of a satisfaction thing, you've got 3 classes which can run at sanic speed, one which gets armour (on top of the movement) and other things like health are options.

It sort of boggles me that a high chunk of the list are slow moving, locked to 100 health 100 armour. Something like support could have a bit more health naturally because he's a frontliner and yet the slowest.

Just FYI i've never looked into meta stuff, I just use whats fun for me.

I personally get the Katana as quickly as possible and then just farm for the Bone Crusher. All spare dosh goes to my teammates.

No idea if its the best build but its both fun and has got me through many long suicidal games.

You can get 150 health on the Support if you want for forgo having tighter spread. It makes sense that Support, Demo and Sharp have low health and armor because they are coincidentally the best big-shit killing classes in the game. All the others are a bit more focused on supporting or killing trash.

For fasd go katana and evis and pick of the light attack perk, movement and parry perks. Parry all the time and then use those buffs on top of the light attack perk to decap big guys with the sawblades. And also don't forget to fucking parry.

For slow, pick the health and heavy attack perks and then the Bone Crusher. Tank shit and kill SCs. Breddy easy.

Well shit, what if I really liked the Pulverizer? Big ass hammers are great, especially when I get to knock around fuckers left and right, feels great. I also miss using the Claymore.

You could always use the classic Zwei + Pulv combo. Zwei for trash, Pulv for Scrake and up. Nothing's stopping you.

As long as you have fun, use whatever you want.
Just enjoy yourself.

>cant use one of the three most OP classes in the game to hog all the zeds

>pick beserker
>firebug constantly lights up the shitty clot on its own as you run towards it
>end up wasting swings on burning zeds because theres fucking nothing else to do