Monster Hunter hate thread.
Monster Hunter hate thread
Holy shit! mods put his theme up!
no pc version so i hate it
ANyone played xx yet, how does the GL fare on the end game, sure in the demo the weapon was a blast, but GL still has shit scaling
its sticking to nintendo so you wont ever see its full power
You answered yourself. GL will never be good as long as it has shit scaling.
>demo time: people jacking off over how good brave GL is
>release: literally no one uses GL anyway in the end
>virtually no GL TA
>the one that exists still use Adept instead of Brave
>still use it like a gimped Lance and abuse adept counter
Just end this weapon class desu.
i think monster hunter in general is a fucking garbage clunky archaic grindy piece of shit that people just pretend to like
its full of lazy ass design choices like recolored monsters/equipment and rehashed monsters/equipment, broken ass hitboxes, and monsters have way too much health
the games look like shit and play even worse
Is it that hard to give the weapon some sort of scaling for the shells or is it just capcom being capcom
T. low rank shitter
I bet you find darksouls hard too huh?
ive gotten to g rank in freedom unite and high rank in p3rd, didnt play much of ultimate before dropping it
really the only thing that kept me playing were friends, but anythings fun with friends
How to fix MH
>Dump everything from the first 2 generations
And the series is fixed
>Dump everything from the first 2 generations
no too experienced to the MH series so if you don't mind me asking how would dumping that stuff help?
Just to clarify I created this thread to discuss shitty monsters. I love MH, but I fucking despise Khezu.
>tfw no mhxx on vita
The fundamentals are the same, but the series got a soft reboot with Tri which was like night and day because it championed quality over quantity that the previous game Freedom Unite did in spade. They basically reworked all the weapons and monster AIs to make it more balanced.
Fight a drome and then a Jaggi. the difference between the two is what the difference between early gen and Tri is.
Khezu is the
>btw you can switch weapons
>How to fix MH
Remove styles.
made the game so easy.
fuck the gigginox
there is like 5 or 6 mon hun clones on vita and most of them arent shit so atleast there is that
thats a kezu
/vg/ was created in part because mods thought monster hunter general threads took up too much front page space on Sup Forums. The only way to keep a monster hunter general thread from being deleted on Sup Forums was by disguising it with a thread complaining about monster hunter.
I really don't like how weapon forging works in Generations/XX. The only way I can see what weapons are available to me is if I upgrade my starting shit up because of this upgrade system.
That's probably why everybody is using elder/mantis weapons.
Why can't the games just skip to G rank right away?
normies would complain it's to hard.
*blocks your wake-up*
*equips HG earplus
he, nothing personel kid
make it an option then? the way the games are set up, you have to play through babby mode, then ez mode and finally you get to where the game actually starts
How to fix monster hunter
>You can craft charms
>You cant invite people in your urgent quests
Guildmarm a cute (and best girl)
who else grinded raging brack armor just to get noticed?
I sure did
I want her to play with my doodle.
She'd use Brachydios slime as lube
I loved her
what happen?
he met me
I've been playing MHFU lately. Just beat this fucker for an urgent quest.
Any tips for this point in the game?
don't get hit
Hyper silver rathalos as a gunner is the most stressful shit ever. Anything that isn't a tail swipe or chip damage is a one shot. And then you only get a single hyper scale. Gee, thanks
MHF and MHO are there, MHO is even f2p
>not going full risk aerial spread shot heavy gunner
I love john woo mode