SCP - Secure. Contain. Protect

Can we have a discussion about SCP - Containment Breach?

I stumbled upon it accidently after researching Cthulu-lore.
Shortly after I was impressed by how creative the entire SCP-thing is.
it's like /x/-the videogame or a Cabin in the woods kind of game.

the SCP's lend themself to interesting gameplay-mechanics and the game itself is further developed than I initially thought.

I was pleasently surprised to see that it is not some kind of stupid Slender-rehash and since I haven't seen a thread about it on here before I thought I get this shit rollin.

Some mandatory links:

Game -
SCP-Wiki -
Entertaining YT-Videos -

Discuss your favourite SCP's, bonus points for relatively unknown SCP's.
What do you think of the game (besides its shitty graphics)?

Other urls found in this thread:

what off it i've heard of it since 09 way back but really never got into it but i do say pretty fun and they actually added on a lot of fun cool stuff and new scp over the year. Example being the Coffee machine my personal fav when you type in cod taste like dubstep and your mom XD :) love it.

I don't know when they added it but
SCP-914, the giant machine that can upgrade anything or make it worse is really cool.

I tried upgrading a battery and the battery was so powerfull that I got roasted.

bump because i always enjoy these

Has anyone any contact to the developers of the game?
I wonder what their next milestone-goals are.


introducing Mr. Fish from the Little Misters Series.

Everyone in the little Misters Series has some abnormal abilities, while he is only a guy with a fishhead.

is there a edgier scp?

>Not posting 2317 along with it

>google SCP the hedgehog

reminder that 71 can be used to identify pedophiles, necrophiliacs, and zoophiles.

SCP-071's ability to change forms does not appear to be limited to normal human subjects. On ██/█/██, when presented with subject D-7883, SCP-071 assumed the shape of a female Golden Retriever. D-7883 reacted with shock and refused to proceed with the experiment, though the subject's physiological signs were consistent with a state of sexual arousal.

what is the Montauk-procedure?

Probably brutal rape until miscarriage

too bad the SCP info doesn't go into detail about the SCP itself.

heavy contender for most edgie then.

>Symbols have been compromised
>Do not be taken alive
>Alternate Reality entered
those ones always spooked me

>do not be taken alive

Hey guys


>yfw it's a girl under that costume

It IS /x/ the game
Well, at least it was on its inception

Will we ever get a larger roster, bros?

>Mfw that doesn't make it any less unnerving

Oh come on, you don't wanna be lonely do ya? It just wants to be friends.

She's completely non hostile, she just shows up in photos or something

desu I'd pet her/it if I saw it. Dogs are the best

Whats the entry number on it? Got a link?

it is already pretty sizable,

upgrade machine, wonder-pill, mimic-crocodile, killer-teddybear, pocket-dimension-guy, plague-doctor, self-shitting-nackbreaker doll, some bug in the peripheral region of your vision, the spooky bell.

1471 I think

>still no left 4 dead ish game where you control a task force in charge of capturing SCPs in many locations across the world
>task force members change depending of location

haven't you seen the
don't follow the girl

>Individuals at this stage have reported periodic attempts made by SCP-1471-A to visually communicate with them, but fail to understand or comprehend these actions.

but I want to PET the girl

holy shit, these are awesome. I wish horror games used these symbols as a hard but fair warning

has anyone here any idea what SCP's would introduce new mechanics to the game?

Good memory.
that's you isn't it, 1471?

I wish I had the creative capacity to come up with such spooky entities.

Glad I'm not entirely alone on wanting to caress and hug a monster, hoping it won't attack me because I just want to help it.

>tfw I day dream about being the damsel in distress haunted by monsters hoping the monster doesn't murder me if I am already hurt and can't even lift a finger to defend myself or to flee, with just an expression of total defeat I wish nothing but salvation.

Is that a penis?

the sonic fanbase is very....diverse

Every 24 hours they have a D-class personnel read her a bedtime story before she goes to bed and the whole written procedure is there to instill fear and disgust into the foundation employees to trick the Demon inside her into thinking horrible acts are being committed.


copy and paste the text of the article into notepad

tfw I want to be read a bedtime story but no one will read me a bedtime story.

why even live?

also source on this?

oh shit

>pitch black room
>light flickering on a symbol too small to read
>get closer to see it
>"stay in the darkness"

Still blacked out

read everything
copy paste everything

I am on a phone, its 2am and I am beyond intrigued, post that shit anons.

>Stay in the dark
>Stay Quiet
>You are being watched
>Does not stay dead
>Get out fast

>Attempt to sneak out
>Door slams shut
>Light floods the room
>Loud growl behind you


open wide faggot

>Don't believe it when they say they're trying to save her. Why would they bother? They've got exactly what they want exactly where they want it.
Anything else?

So the best SCP is the jelly blob that smells like peanut butter and likes hugs and tickles, right?

>you are a government agent tasked with the study and containment of paranormal phenomena

>you are assigned cases to investigate.

>details include location, witness testimonies, photographs of objects or bodies found at the scene, etc. They don't directly give you the cause of the case but give you indirect hints as to what happened.

>gameplay consists of the player running around trying to piece together what happened for each case.

>you find and photograph evidence, interrogate witnesses, and discover clues as to what is behind the events all while trying not to get killed.

the player eventually find ways to contain the creatures they encounter

they could then view them in a gallery of sorts

which could also lead to a chapter where some or all of them break out and you have to escape the facility where they are kept. just like that one cabin in the woods scene.

What the fuck! Why can't someone use horror situations like these? Instead we have these bullshit jumpscares that use sound and LMAOOBLOODYFACE for the cheap whore kind of horror.

fuck this, I weep for the future of horror games

>Why can't someone use horror situations like these?

>stay in the darkness
then what?
a jumpscare?
you die?

real scary big boy


Fucking hell, I got chicken skin, thanks user, some good shit.

No, situations that use realization for terror. For example,
>you've made it to a safehouse and members welcome you in
>Get situated and read to sleep at night
>Notice a small scratch on the ceiling only visible from the angle you're laying down in
>get closer
>"They are not what they say they are"

Look back to see friendly faces giving you vacant stares


forgot pic

then you start running you colossal bundle of sticks. the use of 3D surround noises should be more than enough to convince you to get running like a madman, and if it doesn't you can use the opportunity to do other spooky shit as a followup. If you honestly think horror must always end at a jump scare please never apply yourself for game dev careers

yandere dev, please work on this project

the not-greentext part is actually what happens in the game.

a prequel to that as you describe it is very intruiging.

How tf does this work?
What other articles have this?
I'm so intrigued

>All horror games are jumpscares. Hurrrrr

>cancerous tripfag that cried like a bitch for attention countless times over and stole assets for an amateur excuse of a game, please work on this project

off yourself

Not up to date on what happened, give me a quick rundown

I don't have any pasta on me since I'm at work, but I'm sure some other user can fill you in on the details. I do remember a whole lot of drama regarding some god awful fighting game engine he made however

What's supposed to happen/be seen?

>it's like /x/-the videogame

It is /x/ the game.

As far as the game Containment Breach is concerned does anyone have solutions to the constant Memory Access Violations?

I thought he was originally a Sup Forumsirgin that made threads to formulate an idea of a yandere game and it was successful through helpful cooperation of other anons?


Eva is a faggo tthat stole justa about every single asset in the game, only bought a few, his code is endless if, he complained about bad feedback and too many people sending him shit like.models when they werent 10/10 shot like he knew they wouldnt be, he on ocasion shills it here and development on it is still shit. Evas a faggot, thats all you need to know.

stop posting this it shits up every thread

I'm already reading it.
I was expecting text to be shaped like a symbol, or is it just the content that upsets people about a girl in the single digit age giving birth?

restart the game.

nothing else comes to mind, there is most likely a bug with pointers in the game.

Why? It's on topic and it barely got any replies

that's what he says to people, I assume. Basically he keeps yelling at whoever brought up any sort of valid criticism to anything he ever made and refuse to admit any flaws in the game or code, while simultaneously endlessly dragging the dev process on for shekels and hugbox support. That's the gist of it, but it goes deeper

>too many people sending him bad models

okay, how is that bad? He wants to keep the quality of his game good

>stole justa about every single asset in the game

From who? And if that is true can't they easily shut his game down for using stolen assets?

>he on ocasion shills it here and development on it is still shit

Talking about video games on v isn't bad

No, you're missing the text that's hidden on the original webpage. The lines that seem out of place, starting with lower case letters are what you're looking for.

Aight, that's what I've been doing, disappointing they still have it kicking around.

I thought he was making good progress? He claims to work 12 hours a day and his development update videos show doesn't it

did you not see that there is new information?
there are for example now some bible-verses mixed in the regular text.

the text is only revealed by copy-pasting it though.

That's been in since the year it came out.

Oh? ooooooh....

Well here's a reply for you since you helped me.
Google SCP-087 and choose image search.
Then look at the first image.
See the face?
Open it.
Then close it.

If you consider the fact doesn't create most of the models and buys them from the Unity Store, it's incredibly shitty progress.

Nope. Nope nope. Fuck that one, legit one of the most creepy ones I've read

Id agree if he didnt shit on everyone and used even one model, but he never did, not one when Im sure he said that he even got some really good ones, he was asking for volunteer work and when he didnt get shit he would pay for he shat on everyone.

Loads of people but they never noticed, and yes, they could. Go search the lore in a more serious way of you want to.

It is when you actively shill it with you being the creator. Discussing vidya you love is one thing, autistically posting threads about a game you made and Sup Forums as a whole agrees to hate is another.

user anyone with half a brain and dedication could have easily added all content present thus far at a much faster rate without milking the ever loving shit outta fans who don't know any better. It's unfortunately a really common trend among indie devs who find themselves in possession of a great money-making idea. I might be wrong on my facts here, but I do believe that was one of the main factors for games like Breeding Season getting delayed to hell and back, along with dev drama. It just keeps happening over and over again across many different games and people hyped over the dev process keep falling for it since the ideas are amazing on paper

if you want a slow dev that delivers everything he promised in a golden plate look no further than liru's game. not everyone's cup of tea, but the quality is undeniable

Sweet, can I make it come closer?


>saw the face on the thumbnail
>open image, nothing there

See, this is neat, but there are literally several thousand SCPs, and I cannot possibly be fucked to try this with all of them.

Some prophecy shit. There is a pastebin posted for people who can't copy paste or can't be bothered to.

Likely inaccurate and very much spoilered paraphrased spoilers about this based on one of the side stories on the website regarding 231:
The little girl is pregnant with the avatar of the apocalypse or some shit. If/When it does come out, it WILL end the world, guaranteed. No technical details on the how, but it's bad juju for everyone if she ever gives birth or dies. None of the other apocalypses in the SCP get to win, because this is the big daddy motherfucker of apocalypse. Even the immortal whale lizard gets fucked. gg no re

In the side piece, said avatar of apocalypse is eventually born. Afterwards, it has has a conversation with God/some god equivalent/the thing that created it why it took so long for it to be able to do it's job. Said avatar isn't particularly evil, it just had a job to do. Then God explains the terrible things and amount of torture and trauma mankind put its mother through just so mankind could, y'know, not get apocalypse'd.

When the avatar asks God why they bothered doing that when they could have just smote the world in its entirety from the word go. Why the suffering? Why the run around? Whatever answer God gives the avatar (quite possibly a simple 'Because.' It's been a few years now) is nowhere near good enough an excuse. All that torture, and the fact that mankind was so desperate to survive what they KNEW would be the end of them if they did not make this young girl, its mother, suffer so completely. And all God had to reason with was basically a shrug. The avatar gets FUKKEN PISSED on a level only experienced by American Kirby and the Quake Ranger, and then God catches an apocalyptic beat down for a very, very long time.

It... wasn't so bad...

huh, interesting. I'll look into it more

really neat, its a .php-file

For me it came up with the face the first time.

I think it's just that the text is set to font size 0

You don't recognize the bodies in the water

>The avatar gets FUKKEN PISSED on a level only experienced by American Kirby and the Quake Ranger

I like you

>None of the other apocalypses in the SCP get to win
No, they don't get to win because the Thaumiels say no. One of the stories basically goes and says that the world had ended or been destroyed countless times before, but the Foundation still had enough in contingency plans and utter fucking resources to just put everything back together like nothing happened.