What a strange ending for a game. Has anyone tried to keep playing after she said to stop following?

What a strange ending for a game. Has anyone tried to keep playing after she said to stop following?

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I hear if you keep following her, she falls in love with you. I haven't been able to confirm myself though, seems like a "that kid" rumor.


need the ass shot from the secret ending


i love you user

also, cant use the home button while this scene, so i cant use postimg



>reading that journal about how link talked with zelda at length about his problems and why he almost never talks
they're getting dangerously close to giving link a voice and I don't like it.

Zelda actually quotes something Link said to her in one of the memories

you mean voice as actual dialogue or voice as a character in opposition to be a blank slate?

I hope Link gets the voice and dialogue of CD-i Link and Cartoon Link just to spite you. Your tears will be delicious

Nintendo is stupid, but they're not that stupid.
Link is the most iconic silent protagonist in all of gaming, they'll never give him anything other than grunts and screams.
CDi and the cartoon don't count


dialog, they already gave him voice as a character by writing about how he doesn't talk much because he has a great burden to bare.
this would be a better scenario than having it turn out mediocre at least.

>he doesn't talk much because he has a great burden to bare
i liked that

If anyone continued to follow her after she told you to stop, I'd question their moral barometer.

Link keeps following her and it completely pays off though

Does the game end with her telling you to stop following her? Why?

The developer was mad a girl rejected him, so he made a game where Zelda rejects Link and Ganon kills everyone because of it

Oh, so that's the beginning of the game then. For a moment that seemed like a really sad ending, just getting told to go away.

Yeah, this is how Zelda looks at the end of the game. She goes from "stop following me" to "please fuck me now"

>reading that journal about how link talked with zelda at length about his problems and why he almost never talks

wat where is this at???

100 years of isolation makes you really hungry for dick.

It's in her room in Hyrule Castle


In her room in hyrule castle is her diary. Read it user

her ROOM or her study? her study was that thing outside in a big spire that connects to the main castle with a little bridge. i read the journal in her study and i dont recall a part like that.

In her room, across from the study. She has two journals, the one in her room is the personal one.

I would honestly buy this game if not for the weapon durability thing. Also the fact that theirs no dungeons. And there's 100 shrines for busy work.

If you actually played it you'd realize weapon durability isn't a detriment to the experience. Just don't be a hoarder.



It's not bad in this game.

There are 5 dungeons. More than MM. Shrines aren't busy work. They are puzzles

Honeslty I don't want to think this is bait, but you've clearly only listened to shit opinions. The ONLY opinion you can have is the one you get playing the game. Which you haven't.

*Pushes link down*

Well how is durability not bad if everything breaks in 5-20 swings? Is everything made out of fiberglass?

Zelda raping Link when

She's 17 user.

>wanting used goods
Disgusting. Who knows how many females already had their way with that slut Link?


Wasn't the way across from her study blocked off by death goop?

oh wow i didnt see a journal in the room across from the study. guess ill go check it out.

>She's 17 user.
Implying that's too young for sexual intercourse.

I guess...


According to Aurie Taamu who wrote some books in Gerudo town, only pure souls can see fairies.

So Link is confirmed to have a virgin boypussy for Zelda to violate

>His City/State/Providence STILL didn't lower their age of consent from 18
I feel sorry for you bruv

No, there's no malice there

You're wrong

No, she was 18 the day Ganon appeared.

Oh. My mistake.

>secret ending
So the regular ending?

No she says it's her 17th birthday

This is the tower with the memory right?


i want to lick, sniff and kiss zelda's smelly armpits and feet

Is it weird that the thing I like most about this Zelda are her eyebrows? That shit is hot.

Yes, the door you see in the memory picture leads right to her room.


oh right, sorry I was wrong

You wouldn't say that if you were back here

its not bad because you have to collossaly fuck up to actually run out of weapons

and in the rare cases it does happen its terribly exciting to make a mad dash for that rusty sword you saw in a log nearby, or to try and finish off the assassin with just bombs

don't think of the weapons as being brittle. think of link as being so freakishly strong that any normal sword shatters from the force behind his blows

Did she cut her cheek open?

durability isn't bad because weapons are absolutely fucking everywhere and there's also other ways (like your infinite techno-magic bombs) to take enemies out.


She doesn't look like she's actually pissed
She looks like a girl who's trying to look pissed on purpose and retain her cuteness

Durability becomes less of an issue once you're further in the game but it would really would have been nice if there was some sort of upgrade system that made durability better.

Durability only seems bad at first because every other game encourages weapon collecting autism. Game wouldn't work without it. Master sword already neuters the difficulty

They are nice eyebrows

When I got the memory here last week I immediately bailed out of the castle. I felt like such a fucking idiot when I came back here yesterday and found Zelda's rooms and journals.

She's just in desperate denial of her lust for Link's cock

>if everything breaks in 5-20 swings
If you are only using tree branches and rusty weapons.

goddamit im litterally gasping for air like a retarded sea lion


Well shit I remember there being something in the way so I left. I probably just didn't want to deal with the flying guardian.

>secret ending
If you didn't find all the memories then what the fuck are you even doing?

>not doing on all nature set run with sticks and Deku leaves

Can someone please post the "no way fag" botw edit?

>Furious sex with zelda in your hateno village house
>that fucker STILL sitting on your lawn outside

>fucking zelda fresh out of her 100 year exile inside of a giant fucking pig without as much as a shower

>zelda is like the only geimu starring an Elf hero
>Nintendo lets you dress him as a trap

Link confirmed for accepting that there are no MALE elves, there are only elf sluts for orc cock some of whom have a small, feminine penis

Yes they are.

I'm sure Bolson has the sense not to disturb you

I mean he encourages you to find a wife soon

Ignore the faggots defending the durability. It's not a good game mechanic. It gets old fast and just makes you not want to fight more.


Is Cemu good enough to run this yet?

>Shrines aren't busy work. They are puzzles
out of 120 shrines:
60 have puzzles, 35 have quests to open (10 of these have a puzzle in them), 21 are combat, and 4 are completely empty

so a total of 70 puzzles out of 120, which is decent, but considering the fact that hypothetically, you could get the master sword without touching a puzzle is retarded

>Completely jobs at stopping Ganon the first time
>The technology that she was so insistant on using in the "final battle" gets your waifu and friends killed as a result
>Thinks you'll fuck her after that

Not yet.

I wonder if they intended to fill some of the blessing/combat shrines up with something more interesting and ran out of time.


>hypothetically, you could get the master sword without touching a puzzle
Sure, If you somehow get off the plateau without doing any of the 4 shrines.

She wasn't really responsible for the guardians being set loose on Hyrule. Most of them came from this big pillars around the castle, which were inaccessible before Ganon lifted them up.

I wouldn't say she jobbed either since she successfully restrained Ganon long enough for Link to finish the job.


Oh well. Time to wait several more months I guess.

Is this the cutest video game character ever designed?

(Appearance only)

Fuck off, they're perfect eyebrows

What was this expression trying to convey?

Now that you mention it, what were those pillars for? just look cool?

Her personality and being an utter failure are cute. But BotW Zelda is ugly. Ugly!

>appearance only
