Talk me out of it.
Talk me out of it
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend
talk yourself out of it retard.
start by asking "why?"
Well if you have the 5000 bucks for this laptop, what is stopping you from saving some cash and building your own PC? You should do that instead.
Holy shit user, if you were even slightly convinced by this there is no hope for you.
Just fucking do it and then time stamp it, poorfags shouldn't be on Sup Forums
Yeah, I'm a hardcore gamer too, OP. Fuck the haters xD and do what feels right for you
>not sli 1080ti
Are you poor?
nigger you know Alienware exists right?
All that for 1080p 60 FPS
For $5,000 you could buy 5 high-end gaming PCs. All with a gaming keyboard, mouse, and headset.
How the fuck do you use five keyboards at once?
Only 1080p what are you poor or something?
You buy 1 for yourself and 4 for your friends.
Do it faggot.
Just buy a desktop with a 1080ti and a 4k monitor you dumb nigger
4k is a meme
If you've got the dosh, go for it. But what I can tell you is that you'll never, ever ever ever ever need SLI 1080s for 1080p. It's literally a useless expenditure. Go for either the 1070 or single 1080 variant.
It's a laptop.
Back to ledit!
Enjoy disabling that second gpu for pretty much every game on the market
everyone else in this thread who has not made fun of this fact yet; shame on you faggots
Wait, I just realized it's all SLI shit. Dont' fucking get SLI garbage for a 1080p resolution, especially if it's 60hz. I honestly don't mind the idea of people getting desktop replacements but for christ's sake don;t just blindly throw your fucking money away.
>sli 1080s
>64 jigs ram
>a fucking terrabyte ssd
>5k dollarydoos
>all for fucking 1080p 60fps
Liar. Almost every modern game has at least passable SLI support. The only game I can think of off the top of my head is Dragon's Dogma, and that's a Jap port of a console game.
If you desire to purchase this you fully deserve it.
Most newer games don't support SLI or do so in a very janky way. Games older then ~2006 also don't support it at all. Not to mention most games aren't going to make much of a difference either way, since if your computer is as loaded as OP's the only way you'll see any benefit from the SLI'd 1080s is if you're trying to 4k 144herts stuff that you could already 4k 60herts just for the fun of it.
I'm not defending OPs shitty laptop. I'm just saying I get good results with SLI going for high framerates on basically every modern game I try.
Games older than 2006 don't matter. A smartphone has enough beef to run those, so using one of my two GPUs is not an issue.
>5,000 USD
what in the actual fuck is this abomination?
Not him, but RAM disks are god.
It's not titan xp 4 way sli. That's chump tier user.
You will get more frames, but the micro stutter will still be there
I can't think of any games that have proper support
Bruh unless you've SLI'd two shitty nvidia cards you don't need it to run regular fucking games. The cost of 2 cards almost never outperforms the cost of one good card. Games still have fucking problems with multicore CPUs in 2017, SLI is no different. Most games that have "okay" SLI support had that support added in patches after launch, and drivers specifically by nvidia to make them work.
>It works on my machine!
Isn't really a good benchmark for how well game developers have adjusted to SLI/crossfire.
>gaming laptop
Get the stealth pro it plays games fine and is actually useful around campus
You have to buy it and realize your mistake.
You are everything wrong with PC gamers, consumers and basically humans all rolled into one - never have children.
Jesus Christ. Just build a desktop, you can get one better than that for $1000. It'll be a monster.
Why the fuck do spergs always want laptops for gaming? You gonna play games that need a GTX1080 in a coffee shop?
You can build a computer that could last you the next 15 years with that money, christ
I play at 1080p but on a 144 Hz monitor. A lot of games will not reach 144 frames per second on a single 980 with max settings.
A much more valid complaint.
>3 Stars
>5 reviews
I WANT you to buy it.
Thanks guys.
I just bought it.
Go for it, Sup Forums plebeians cannot comprehend how comfy and practical a gaming laptop can be
You can't stop retards from being retards, plus none of us actually care what you do with your money.
You will realize your mistake one day, and will regret wasting that much extra money.
>sit gaming laptop on lap
>burn legs
>it's heavy
It's really not comfy and is as practical as a much cheaper laptop. Spend 4 grand on a desktop of monstrous capability, and then 1 grand on a very respectable laptop.
Seriously, for $5000 you can build an amazing PC with all the bells and whistles. Don't waste $5000 on a laptop whose fate is bound to be a Sup Forums machine.
welcome to the club
Why would i talk you out of it, if you can afford it, do it, there is absolutly anything else to talk. Do it man, you could plug the gaming laptop into a screen TV and as many controllers as you want and get an awesome "console killer" with steam big picture.
Why would he need to save some if he already has the money
go back to red-dit
There you go.
Youre not even getting a 1080ti retard
And that fucking thing is too heavy to be a 'laptop' its a desktop replacement so just build a fucking desktop
Goddamn I HATE you OP
>framed South Park picture
that's a monitor
5,000 bucks can get you a super computer in small form factor and a 4k screen heck even 3 prob and a car
I'll do it.
First, if you got $$$ but you move a lot,buy it, you can always buy 4k 144hz gsync monitor, if you have 5k for lap,you have 1k for monitor.
But then whole mobility factor goes out the window.
BTW, you do know you have 2 PSU brix with this lap..
On the other hand,1o8op on 18' is acceptable PPI(actually more important factor than resolution, but fuckers don't know that),on the other hand,
having 2 x1o8osli won't future proof you(let's take some scenario where when xbonescorp will be released and all games suddenly will turn into 4k wonderland by default,because lazy ports+ nvidia will stop caring about 10#0 series and deal with gtx 20#0/30#0 or whatever series will be released in 3-5 years.
So, only a moron would say that this laptop is bad, but performance/price/risk/actual usefulness as an gaming laptop is so warped out,its truly like you are throwing money away.
You can buy laptop(not desktop) for 1500$ that will run all games maxed and in 4 years next one(probably stronger than this 2xgtx1o8o MSI) also for 1500$(or much less,price is going down),and you still have 3000$ for a monstrous laptop 8 -10 years later
my bad
it's my waifu and I ^.^
PS4 is only $300
The other $4700 can be spent on video games
>5 inches of space
nigga what the fuck
What the fuck do you need 150 copies of Bloodborne for?
>not owning a 10k pc
where's your wrist
it's just a fucking meat tube connected to a hand