What games feature evolution as a mechanic? Not shit you see in pokemon, actual evolution?
What games feature evolution as a mechanic? Not shit you see in pokemon, actual evolution?
looking for that exact same thing. bump.
Spore :)
Crusader Kings 2, generation to generation the houses with the best traits spread their genes all over Europe and have hundreds of members
E.V.O.: Search for Eden
E.V.O.: Search for Eden
None, because it's not directly observable.
Evolution is a fucking joke, why are people still falling for this?
>hurr, we have a spoon here, and a fork, one must have evolved from the other, there is no possibility that both have been created
I know I will be told to return to leddit or some shit, but I don't care. A good part of people is afraid to question evolution because they would feel stupid, because of how often of a concept it is.
By the way, I study medicine.
nice I like your post!
Forgot to add - microevolution is true, but macroevolution is bullshit.
Not only are people making connections based on the slightest similarities, the carbon dating system we use isn't good either, there are examples where the method went way off when it came to calculating the age.
also Cubivore and Flow
There's nothing wrong with questioning evolution, but it sounds like your only motivation for doing so is that you like being a contrarian.
Trust me, I don't like being a contrarian, I just mentioned that a lot of people don't want to question it because they would feel stupid. People are afraid of feeling stupid, or are so dependent on other people's thoughts that they don't want to go out of the boundaries.
What's your stance on evolution?
Civilization has not biological, but technological and societal evolution.
Reminder that the PC-98 prequel, E.V.O.: Theory of Evolution, was translated not too long ago. It's old, but really fantastic.
search for eden
It's simple, really, we just need to go back to the first moments. Can you explain to me how genetic material managed to not only reproduce itself, but also create protective enzymes which can repair them? What about the Phospholipid layer which constitutes the wall of the membrane? The parts that are on the outside are hydrophobic, but how would they even be created if the surroundings were anything but?
>Simply saying God created it is a lazy answer
Ah, the God card. I'm an agnostic, but I'd rather take "God started it" than "everything started by itself". That's absurd and you know it. The worst is when people try to use logic which is circular as it needs itself to be proven, and when they talk about certain particles following the laws of physics etc. but when we go a really low particle level (say, quantum stuff), all of a sudden the rules don't work, but it doesn't matter.
>why not suppose that God created a mechanism by which organisms evolve
I'll take that over evolution.
I have it downloaded, but I still haven't played it.
There was that ancient program Primordial Life that simulates actual evolution. Looks like there is an active derivative of it called Biogenesis.
Now that I'm looking for it there is quite a number of evolution simulators out there. But I guess they don't really qualify as games.
Seventh Cross Evolution for the Dreamcast. Simultaneously one of the most interesting and fuck-shittingly difficult games ever.