What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread: one gianna michaels video where she locks her legs around the guy as he comes and he can't handle it

>tfw she will never playfully tease you for being scrawny

>she will never hold you in a headlock


>tfw she will never clean and jerk you

Nothing, because that's not what she said.


Clearly she and torbjorn are working together to finally wipe away all those filthy omnics

>she'll never tease you and call you "fatboy" while pinching your lovehandles while flexing to show off how muscular and fit she is in comparison to you

The thing that charges up when she reloads is called a Tobelstein reactor. She overcharges it so it releases the gravity well, which is caused by the Tobelstein.

The is the same technology used by Orisa, who also has a Tobelstein reactor.

>she will never put you in an unbreakable leg lock to ensure all of your seed goes inside her

Fucking end me.

I thought she said she's going for the toddler steal

>that one gianna michaels video where she locks her legs around the guy as he comes inside her and he can't handle it

>toddler steal

I knew she was a fellow fa/tv/irgin.


>tfw no good strongfat art of Zarya

I'd even be okay with a strongfat/sumo fapfic desu one gianna michaels video where she locks her legs around the guy as he comes and he can't handle it
Literally the first result

Zarya isn't even close to strongfat, she's lean af, that said, I just watch videos of Tatiana Kashirina when i need some instant gratification

I know, but I like to fantasize about her getting fat while remaining beefy

>blizzard takes the tobelstein meme and puts it into the game
They sure do pay attention to their memes.

thanks for the birthday present

Happy birthday you gross boy

why though

I can agree with that statement, some of it is alright though