Switch confirmed flop.
Switch confirmed flop
delete this NOW
I don't get it. Sales are pretty good for a console with literally no games yet.
>More in America and Japan
>Europe is Sony's place of resident
Those fucking britbongs never buy a Nintendo console
and we heard roaches live in PS4's so obviously it would sell well there
Pick one.
wahooo bling
>119 Xbox One in Japan
What the fuck
>implying i would let you ridicule nintendo hardware
>More Vitas sold in Europe than Wii U sold worldwide
>Switch beat PS4 in NA and Japan, but not Europe
Not surprising at all
Europe is Sonyland
>no stock
>More in America
>More in Japan
4 reason why you should be bannd
It can't even beat the PS4, what a piece of shit LOL.
Its pretty sad when the switch can't even beat the trash that is ps4
The only thing that chart is telling me is that Switch sold the most everywhere except Europe
Europe sales in general are absolutely horrid for everything except PS4
PS4 is alright if you like more than normie games, but the Switch actually getting close is a surprise when there is only one game on it people care about.
The Switch has no games
>Those Japanese salss numbers
Are consoles dying over there?
>no games
>highest rated game of the generation so far
>Switch actually getting close is a surprise
Not really considering the ps4 and xbone sold 2m separately with no games at launch.
It has 1 game to most people because the Wii U doesn't exist to a lot of people.
But 1 game is hilariously bad and somehow it's still hyped and selling well.
PS4 barely outsold the Wii U there.
That would imply that home consoles were alive in the first place.
Japan hates home consoles. It's why the Vita is still regularly supported over there.
It might of been "no games" to people with good tastes, but a lot of people bought it for "next gen" cod and killzone.
I personally waited till Bloodborne released to get my PS4.
>most overrated game of the generation so far
fixed that for you
Why is Europe such Sonybros?
Lots of roaches
It is only 3% more than P5. They're both my favorite games of 2017 so far.
I guess if you put it that way. I still find it more impressive that a 3 year old console can still outpaced a new one.
I'm pretty sure I saw a weekly chart once with like 5 units sold.
>Japanese X360
Why the fuck does Microsoft even try in Japan?
I'm talking about fanbases nigga, not some metacritic score.
PS4 is the most normie approved console since the PS2. It would surprise me if anything overtook it at this point.
>ps4 is shit
The user score isn't anywhere near the critic score. It's not overrated from the fanbase at all. It's actually a fairly polarizing game for a lot of people.
well then let me specify. the fanbase on here is cancerous and turns me off.
Based sonyniggas stay winning lol
It's honestly not a bad console if you like Jap games. It was the same for the PS2.
I hate the Sony AAA normie games though like Uncharted and co.
Man these last few months have been so fucking good.
Exactly. Even though I grabbed Nier for PC instead.
Japan's population is just over a third of the US population, and the population of the entirety of Europe is over twice that of the US.
The numbers a skewed a bit because of this, but even then...
Japanese people have no time at home to play consoles. It's wake up > work > obligatory hang out with workmates till late > get home and sleep.
People interested in good games
Sony, its on their best interest that Microsoft dont leaves the vidya market
I also really liked Horizon, regardless of Sup Forums's opinion on it, I thought it was a great open world game. Though I'm not usually a fan of the genre.
Makes sense that the 3rd best seller in japan is a handheld, and why nintendo believes that handhelds are the future, I guess.
Why would Sony want to have Microsoft to stay as their main rival?
Open World theme has diluted as fuck.
Horizon is as "open world" as fucking OoT was cause both are just big area connected by small corridors (Same goes for Nier)
TRUE open worlds the world and mechanics allow you to enter a region however the fuck you want (see BotW and XCX)
>Horizon is as "open world" as fucking OoT was cause both are just big area connected by small corridors
What? Are you referring to the way there's only two links between the Nora Sacred Lands and the rest of the map?
It was the top seller in the only 2 places that matter.
But seriously why did Europe buy that many PS4s in March?
Did the inbred looking characters in Mass Effect Andromeda appeal to them or something?
Post yfw Nintendo has lost this generation twice.
No reason to buy Switch for it.
We've had this thread multiple times. Your thread should be deleted and you should be banned.
Not to mention their houses are also tiny as fuck because of the crazy high population density so even if you did have time at home you wouldn't have space to put a full console set up.
cause the existence of Microsoft is what
A) cumulative numbers let 720p become the standard resolution to work with on 7th gen even when Wii individually raped the living shit out of PS3 or Xb360
B) having 2 targets already in the console market allow 3rd party publisher to exclude/ ignore Nintendo without Risking creating a Monopoly
if M where to leave the market. 3rd party will have to options
1) PC and submit to all the whims of Sony
2) eat their ego and support Nintendo 2
both options are equality shit from their perspective
many section in horizon (specially climbing ones) were scripted as fuck
>Dont worry Alloy, I already did all the job for you. just follow the fukcing yellow hangs
and horizon has fucking invisible walls when not even the edge of the map.
Horizon cumulative map is big. but the lack of vertical freedom hinders it from being a TRUE open world
The Switch is sold out though? This is proof of nothing other than that they were only able to get 200,000 in stock after the launch batch sold out. If you could buy a Switch right now they wouldn't be going for $100 extra on ebay.
>the Switch, which is literally impossible to get, was barely outsold by the PS4
Oh shit. Sony on suicide watch.
Well, if you try hard enough, you can avoid the climbing paths, at least outside of missions. But I get your point.