Yesterday I accidentally did a PC vs consoles experiment with my friend

My friend is a well-paid programmer who used to play video games 15 years ago. As we were talking about many things I showed him Star Citizen gamescon presentation where the player seamlessly travels through space to planets and it's shown that the actual planet is entirely visible in engine and the physics change dynamically as the player goes through amosphere.

Then I showed him Uncharted 4 gameplay and The Last of Us 2 in engine trailer and he was blown away. That poor bastard used to play Commandos and didn't expect the presentation tech going this far. I thought he would be more amazed because of Star Citizen from his standpoint as a programmer, but no. I am not even memeing, I told him but this is all linear and his reaction was so what?

All video games being created on PCs aside, which platform is really pushing the video games forward?

>Another platform wars thread
Thanks mods

>I showed him Scam Citizen

What was I supposed to show, Dota 2?


Bionic Commando reboot where you can swing climb on virtually anything

Uncharted, TLOU, and HZD are really fucking shallow games, anyone who brags about these exclusives is a retard.

Which console game can do this?

No Man's Sky


So you are playing as a shell and just wait before you explode? Why is that less shallow than Uncharted or TLoU?

>That poor bastard used to play Commandos
Sounds like your friend got good taste

I really hope this isn't bait

I was always amazed how artillery and mortars worked in ARMA games.

Nice falseflag Sonybro.

>I am not even memeing
Yes you are.

>non gamer gets impressed by things that are supposed to impress non gamers

>All video games being created on PCs aside, which platform is really pushing the video games forward?
Well, none are really. VR as a platform is the only movement we're making.

Star Citizen is just doing what other space sims have already done but with prettier graphics. Uncharted same thing.

Crysis is still a technical marvel for a reason, no other game has even tried to surpass the cool dynamic tech it has.

Their vehicle physics can be kinda wonky at times but their projectiles are the reason why the game is so enjoyable.

>Person loses interest in video games because they see it as a hobby for children
>Show them game that looks similar to a current day movie and has a serious plot

Of course they're going to be interested.

inb4 that fake 'rocks sliding down a hill' webm

Crysis was a genius interactive tech demo, but that's all there was to it. The assets they produced were great, but the engine was the real treasure. But the development costs for a studio to reproduce Crysis on modern hardware and to produce the same technological jump would be pretty astronomical I'd assume.

What it really boils down to is that the demographic for being able to blow up trees or rendering 1,000,000 triangles on-screen is almost exclusively the enthusiast market, which is relatively niche compared to the CoD "Mommy buy me a game please" market. This doesn't incentivize the continuity of games like Crysis, nor does it foster the continued growth of the hardware, though it continues to grow. I feel like 4k was actually just marketed in part because without it the gap between hardware and software is coming to a close, which negates the need for the end user to buy new hardware.

>Star Citizen is just doing what other space sims have already done but with prettier graphics. Uncharted same thing.
I have a hard time agreeing because the prettier graphics are not achieved by more of the same, but by new tech. The mocap used in Tekken 3 cannot be compared to mocap in TLoU because you have so many new fields in the dev market as a result of increasing complexity.

Indeed, dude has good taste. I was just surprised how amazed he was.

It is still one of the best FPS games gameplay and story wise but sure man, it's just a tech demo.

>But the development costs for a studio to reproduce Crysis on modern hardware and to produce the same technological jump would be pretty astronomical I'd assume.
It would be cheaper than it was. Crytek pioneered many of the modern dev tricks back then and the game didn't even cost them that much at the time.

But it's not using notable new tech, it started out on an established engine. If you really want to get into talking about games advancing because of mocap then I'm out. That shit is just a waste of money,at this point, improved only to make games more movie-like. Also the reason why MGSV for instance was unfinished.

>It is still one of the best FPS games gameplay and story wise
You spelled Duke Nukem 3D wrong