Do RPGs with responsive gameplay exist?

Do RPGs with responsive gameplay exist?

By that I mean:
>ones where the player character doesn't feel like they're walking through sludge from all the inertia
>there are no long drawn out animations for everything
>there is no excessive smoothing of every element (movement, combat, actions, animations, dialog, UI, etc)
>controls aren't taken away from the player every so often
>conversations and looting and crafting and other activities don't bring the game to a halt and disrupt the flow
>there are no delays between pressing a button and the action happening
>the combat is satisfying and responsive and depends on mechanical skill as well

A vague example of what I'm talking about would be Counter Strike 1.6, or early Source games in general, I've always felt they were designed tightly and gameplay was enjoyable even in the event content wasn't. Or maybe World of Warcraft's weightless feel or Blizzard games in general.

Most big RPG devs like Bethesda and BioWare are not only guilty of unresponsive gameplay, but are notorious for it, and show no signs of improvement.

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Not every game should have mechanical twitchy movement, least of all RPG's.

Go peddle your brand of turbo autism elsewhere.

dragons dogma from capcom is very responsive
vindictus from corea as well, but its source engine


>Not every game should have mechanical twitchy movement, least of all RPG's.
Not him, but why least of all RPGs? What's wrong with the idea of an RPG having mechanical, twitchy movement?

Sounds like you just don't like RPGs because you can't stand playing a game without constantly pressing a button.

Why is there a picture of dark messiah in a thread where you complain about gameplay

Rpg's are supposed to be about building stats and strategy in encounters. Whats the point if you can just bhop and headshot everything. And if you cant kill with precise aim due to stats why have it?

I'm hoping it's because it's the closest thing to his ideal he can think of.

There's a difference between not having mechanical twitchy movement for RPG/pacing purposes, and having an engine that handles like ass due to technical shortcomings. You can't tell me you believe the 3D Fallout games wouldn't have been 10x better if they were more responsive, one of the most lauded features of F4 (even though I personally didn't feel it) was the improved gunplay.


I'd settle for a game which handles terribly in the beginning but gives you more precision and accuracy in control the higher you build a stat, but still relies on the player's mechanical skill to make use of that control desu.

Ys is an RPG series with many of its games being more or less all the things he asked for, though I get the feeling he wants a first person game specifically due to the examples used.

Are you going to tell me there's no point to the snappy, skill-based gameplay of many of the Ys games... or whatever the fuck it is you're saying? Come on.

>though I get the feeling he wants a first person game specifically due to the examples used

I feel like if anyone's going to manage to do it it's probably going to be in first person, but it's definitely possible in third person as well, Orcs Must Die! being an example of a third person game with fantasy and RPG elements (despite not being an RPG) that I think gives a lot of control to the player, and Ys looks really good and I'm going to check it out, thanks for the heads up.

honestly I enjoy the gun mechanics way more in 4 than I did in 3 or NV. in 4, it feels really good to sneak through a building and land headshots on everyone without alerting the rest of the NPC's, without it feeling bulky, imprecise and gross.

>Floaty movement with zero sense of weight, inertia or mass is now a good thing

This truly is the worst timeline.

>tfw no RPG with Sareth melee combat, Hanzo archery, Garrett stealth, Arisen magic, and Ezio parkour

Yes its called hack and slash, like diablo and all its clones. Diablo is pretty much
>lets take the dungeon crawling genre and replace the slow turnbased combat with twitchy combat

Dragon's dogma magic looks cool, but it's really boring in practice

These plus Dark Souls

The diablo games
Zelda, but its more action adventure than RPG
I'm sure there's more.

>choice is a bad thing

I bet you think all driving games should only be racing simulators as well.

>sareth melee
I find the charged attacks annoying but other than that its fine
>hanzo archery
why, I dont find overwatch bow and arrow interesting at all
>arisen magic
its pretty annoying since youre constantly charging up, in arisen I basically had to run into an enemy to make my melee pawns distract it, then walk back and charge for half an hour. The spells were insane, but the method of casting them was boring
>ezio parkour
I would like pop parkour more, AC2 removed too much player agency

>Arisen magic

Someone hasn't played Arx Fatalis. Now that was some magics

>Draw arcane symbols with your mouse
>Magic happens

It's a kind of magic...

diablo ii my man

Have you heard of a game called Dark Souls? If not then I suggest you check it out. Hardly ever loose control of character

>>there are no delays between pressing a button and the action happening
>Dark Souls

>have to kill a guy with a sword IRL
>"ugh why do I have to swing the sword up first? Can't I just tap him gently with it? It would be so much faster"
>"damn it why does this stupid sword have inertia and require me to use my muscles to stop its movement after I swing?"

Dark souls is the perfect suggestion for OP

What, you don't enjoy channeling skills for 20 seconds?

Would Diablo type combat work in a third or first person perspective? I can see myself enjoying them but I'm wondering if that would be possible as well.

>have to fly a plane in a game
>"ugh why do I have to only press two or three buttons to fly and not go through 1500 hours of training beforehand"

You don't have to train with a sword to play dark souls, but that doesn't mean it has to be some corny button-mash fest like the combat in most games with melee combat

Yes, it would be like Mass Effect but good.

>dark souls
Yeah, no. The lord of clunk is everything but responsive.

>Arisen magic
>Not Two Worlds 2

I forgot to mention Mount and Blade. Pure melee sim right there.

Nier Automata

This has to be bait.

RPG's in first person with the godly combat of Dark Messiah would be GOAT

You can't have a Dark Messiah thread without Xana, dammit.

Vindictus (sort-of MMO) has combat that seems pretty much up your alley, but other than the combat and lingerie, the game has nothing going for it at all.
If you're good at the classes, you can literally beat bosses in your underwear by perfectly blocking/evading/countering every attack.
Sadly, the smoothness disappears when you play with others (peer to peer multiplayer).

Nier Automata as well. There are a lot of beautiful animations but they flow very well and don't hinder the combat, actually makes it look very smooth without getting in the way of responsive gameplay.
Also has changes in gameplay (3D to 2D) to spice things up without ruining it, but also has a fair share of interruptions for the story (which you may or may not like).
Filled with the best waifus of the year as well, as a bonus.
Comes with a "instant death" difficulty as well, once you've really mastered the gameplay.

I want more of such games as well, but these two are probably good for you if you haven't played them yet.

>gimped combat compared to other plat games
>but more stylish than all of them
i love automata

No. There seriously is not a single RPG with good combat
>muh Dark Souls

a fucking chore

best girl

>Ezio parkour
>Hold 2 buttons + Forward to automatically climb everything
Mirror's Edge, Cloudbuilt, even 3D Mario are all better choices.

Pretty much this.
