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who was in the wrong here?

>Torrent installer has music
>t's actually good

>Woman is wrong

I really don't get why they do shit like that.

The amount of people that will buy a game when they already have it is so small it's not even worth mentioning.

man im trying to find this mgvtpp installer, ive redownloaded the game from several sources (just the installer) but i cant for the life of me find it. Is there anywhere that has just the game installers / cracks because this one was sick

>Background that has been re-used in at least 10 different titles
Never pay for nepshit

Why did keygen music die out?
I fucking loved that shit

on those screencaps it was the first time it was used though

To alleviate their moral crisis. They know. It's like the people who defend pirate by saying

>''Emulation is legal!"

Well yeah, but the percentage of people who use it to emulate 'legal' software are so negligible, they may as well not even exist.

>Pirate Adventures of Scarlet Curiosity with the English patch for PC
>Installer has some really fucking great chiptune remixes of a few popular Touhou themes
>Can't find them anywhere else

Piracy will never die

That's what I do. Most notable example for me was AssCreed Black Flag. After AC3 I thought I'm done with this shit, but I enjoyed Black Flag so much I bought it without steam sale.

Or latest mass defect, pirated it, had few laughs, somewhat enjoyed the gameplay and just dropped it. Saved me 60 buckaroos.

still makes music somewhat regularily

I've bought a few games within minutes of trying out the pirated version.

>Ubisoft or EA


I always have the feeling of guilt when I really enjoy a game I pirated.
But I usually try to buy it later down the line, even if there's a modest 10% off sale.

However the feeling of buying a game for full price and it being complete garbage is way worse.
A lot of casuals learned it the hard way from NMS, though I saw it coming since they were unwilling to show off the game.

>lemme steal your car and write "stealing is wrong" to the ground

You're right, we must stop emulation.
The only 100% way to do this is to abolish all electric power.



The lion for being fucking retarded

i don't understand moralfag pirates.
i don't understand falseflaggers bitching about denuvo.
ofcourse they will take precautions to stop pirates.
i didn't pay any single penny for games i played, they are worth thousand of dollars maybe. nigga, just play cracked games. bitching about denuvo doesn't help people or you.
>i didn't buy it because denuvo
no, motherfucker. you're a pirate, just admit it.
>i am a responsible pirate, i buy games i liked
go fuck yourself human scum. you are a disgrace for piracy.

The car is fine, he made a clone, and then everyone else cloned the clone car.

The moralfag pirates are just afraid the game they like won't get made anymore if too many people pirate instead of buy.

Sounds like the car company is in some real trouble.

>Pirate game
I'll buy it if it's good!
>Finish game
I'm not buying it, I already know how it ends.

>telling a pirate to buy something
who the hell do you think I am?

Codex you crazy motherfucker

Piracy is one hell of a problem.
See, many emulators' developers say they don't support piracy (which is probably true, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt) and they also say people should dump the games from their own cartridges/discs.
But what if someone owns the cartridge/disc but he can't dump his own copy for some reason? Would it be considered "stealing" the act of downloading a torrent of the game when you own the physical copy too? Why would it be? Who controls you to see if you own a physical copy?

At least digital stores like Steam come up with licenses and shit to justify the lack of physical copies. But with emulation is another kind of problem. Nobody can really solve it.

They will still be made but with worse quality, because the devs will get less money for their next games.
Less money to develop a game means less resources and worse quality by consequence.

That's just The Prodigy, Smack My Bitch Up.

>Crackers using another source of music which was probably pirated

>video game series is basically Japan's video game industry vs PC gaming
>it eventually came to PC

wew, really accentuates my noodle


CFW Brave is 100% right
it reminds me of what has happened to this board, no-one fucking makes original content anymore.

If PC is so unprofitable, and if piracy is so rampant that you need to come up with ways to curb it, then why do they still make games for PC?


I did it for the Witcher 3 bitch


This was the idea behind the scene. Since demos do not exist anymore it's the only way for me to find out how a game runs on my PC before buying it.

>based robot guy just wants to give poor kids vidya

AAA devs hardly suffer from piracy. It's the small studios that do

I actually buy games that I like, just to avoid the headache of finding patches and DLCs for the pirated edition

Parents buy games to their kids, not robots.

>start up installer
>SMACK MY BITCH UP starts playing

It's cheap to just shit it out on PC

That's why PC gets broken ports all the time

The devs don't care because most people will pirate

I buy a game if I like it and the company behind it shows Goodwill.

pirated Witcher 1 and 2, bought them after I was done, paid full price for Witcher 3.

Those would be 3 sales lost otherwise

How do I pirate Nier Automata on PC?

No one should ever pay for nepshit

>video stores are extinct
>companies never release demos
I feel like this is the biggest problem in the gaming industry right now.
We're depending on video game reviews more than ever now, something that seemed so stupid and not worth anyone's time in the past because a game's quality is determined by the individuals enjoyment.
The day video stores went out of business and demo's stopped being made was the day the power was taken out of the hands of the consumer.
Back in the day video game companies didn't have an emergency plan for when a game was mediocre, because people would rent the game and find out, now they can pay reviewers and market anonymously to convince people the game is worth buying and when you realize it's shit, they already got your money.

>Download Sony Vegas because I wanted to make Youtube Poops
>This starts playing: youtube.com/watch?v=o52goCHmrE8

People get into those jobs because that was their dream. If you make a good product, people will buy it, regardless of piracy.

Well, if ATHF is to be believed, we should probably stop cloning that car before it starts spewing blood from its headlights and running without a driver.


>Less money to develop a game means less resources and worse quality by consequence
Most AAA developers are just lazy and rely on their brand name for the game to sell, while people who are actually devoted to the games and game development will patch it up with mods.
Good games are made by people who like the game no matter if they are paid or not. When the sole purpose of the game is to make more money we get shit like Bethesda's buggy cashgrabs or endless streams of reskinned "sequels" like Call of duty or Battlefield, most of which are improved on by modders to make a bland experience worth playing over and over simply because whoever made the mod thought the game itself was not good enough, regardless of how much money went into the production, or how much it sold.

What a bullshit reason. I can't enjoy a game 100% cause I pirated it? Fuck this stupid bitch

>Good games are made by people who like the game no matter if they are paid or not
Maybe the result will turn out good even with a low budget (and that's a big fucking maybe) but ask yourself if the work of those passionate guys don't deserve to be paid. Because that's exactly what it is, "work". Even if you tag it as a hobby, it's still work. And work has to be paid. Or eventually the people doing that kind of work will stop,

Of course big companies won't get hurt too much by piracy. But we are talking about publishers in that case. Because the actual developers under that publisher will eventually get hurt. And also all those smaller developers around the world. Big publishers aren't a big deal, smaller ones and developer studios are.

>when there's no reward nobody will shit out kusoge and rehashed shit

seems reasonable

Cave Story turned out to be better than any Neptunia game can ever hope to be and that game was painstakingly put together from scratch by literally one guy in 5 years just to be made available for free to everyone.
There is no passion behind moeshit like Neptunia, they just crap out another half ass'd installment every year for no reason but to cash in on the hollow lives of lonely otakus, no care for quality, no ambitious desires.
I can't help but laugh at this for how ironic it is and how the game expects you to root for the little girl, just seems like the only reason this is in the game is to give losers who waste their money on shit neptunia games a moral high ground out of pity.

Same, pirated ME3, didn't even play for 2 hours

what's with all the commies who think CFW is right?

>Pirate game
>Enjoy it
>Send the developer $60 via Paypal
>Developer gets 100% of the cut
>No Steam tax
>No Sony tax
>No Nintendo tax
>No Microsoft tax
>No publisher tax
>No distributor tax
>No physical materials tax
>Just 100% support to the devs

Why don't more people do this?

There's an entire movement based around creating such music with visuals in as little space as possible. It's actually pretty fucking amazing how much these guys can do with so little space

I've done it before if I really enjoyed the game even if I usually don't complete it a second time.

Because if the game maker's publisher or company does not get a share they can't afford to keep their employee, meaning that whoever made a great game is now unemployed. Sure, he could keep making games at home, but he won't get a steady income to support him with food and housing, so chances are he will have to find a new job, preventing him from making games at the same pace.
It takes a long time to make a game even with a team of people working full time, getting 10 bucks here and 60 bucks there sure is nice, but it is not a reliable source of income to make sure the developer has somewhere to live and something to eat.