That Bandai Namco's teaser is for 'Code Vain' (2018)

>That Bandai Namco's teaser is for 'Code Vain' (2018)
>Dark Souls inspired ARPG by God Eater team (35% complete)

Other urls found in this thread:

>God Eater team
It died so young

>Dark Souls inspired ARPG
They mean bloodborne right?

Well translate that shit son. Cant read moonrunes.

It looks nothing like Bloodborne.
Also, even if it was BB2, there would be no reason not to market it as BB2 from the start.
Also, no reason not to give it to From.

Lol turns out those saying it was a soulslike and related to GE were correct after all.

I think he meant by which game inspired this. The aesthetics are much more closer to BB than DS.

thi, jesus what a disappointment

>It looks nothing like Bloodborne.
>Also, even if it was BB2, there would be no reason not to market it as BB2 from the start.
>Also, no reason not to give it to From.

1. Yes it does
2. It's not BB2, Bloodborne wasn't part of the contract From had with Namco and was it's own thing
3. This has nothing to do with From other than the God eater team wanting to make what looks like a victorian hunter thing, which is what Bloodborne is. Hence, why it's inspired more by BB than DaS

Well what did you expect? From already cut ties with Bamco.

>Yes it does
it has a completely different style

Not about style but themes.

>men turning into beasts
>blood imagery
> churches

But this time with a more weabboo aesthetic because of god eater

>God Eater

You mean the game with super bland dry gameplay?
Where there's absolutely no hit feedback?

>Dark souls inspired

All hope is now gone

Phone posters should be banned. It would increase the quality of this shithole.
BB is a disaster. People only praise it because it's an exclusive for the PS4 and these groups of retards love to defend with teeth and claw any exclusive shit on the ps4 simply because they are too poor to even afford 2+ consoles.

>Where there's absolutely no hit feedback?
So just like MH when using something else besides GS?

going to be another glorious ps4 exclusive that pkek and nintentards will be jealous of

>God Eater Team
As long as the art team behind the underboob are still on board my dick approves.

It's bamco so it's guaranteed multiplat

That's right, weeb monster hunter.

Or the greathammer
Or a switch axe
Or a lance

>guaranteed multiplat

lmao keep dreaming, no one is going to buy this on xbone and i doubt the switch can even handle it, pc port maybe 6-12 months later

>by God Eater team

Looks like we've got a real retard on our hands here, boys.

>switch axe
ayy lmao

t. jealousy

Will it be on PC?

>God Eater team

God Eater is traaaaaaaaaaaaaash

This kind of settings existed before Bloodborne

The girls are already cute tho

>Ni no Kuni 2
>Ace Combat
>Tales of Berseria
>God Eater
All on PC day one or very close.

Literally the only current Bamco series not on PC is... Digimon?

You don't even deserve a proper [u]

This, auto shadow ban all posts made on phones. Anyone who starts a thread with a twitter screenshot should be permabanned too

>god eater team

So terribad animations and gameplay?

Yeah except that this is a soulslike game. Guess what soulslike game had the aforementioned themes?

Is Idolmaster Bamco? Are all animu shovelware coming to PC now? I don't care enough to know.

>BB is a disaster.
in what way is BB a disaster lmao
i know you're just shitposting but i would love to see you try and substantiate this claim lmao

No Imas is Aniplex. Youre thinking Love Live.

>God Eater team


We hardly knew ye.

The bob cut is top tier but you need more than a cute face to go from worth grabbing images from flavour of the month threads to actually being worth searching pixiv for fanart.

You get more feedback from a throwing knife in MH than you do from a fully charged GS swing in GE.

Can this development team make something even close to a soulslike game tho?

I really hope it will have "drawing" style graphics. Not awful GE tier models


Ah, fair point. I forgot about that. Well it's not like they're ever gonna get localized outside of a few mobile cash-ins. But basically 90% of their westward games are on PC at the expense of Xbone, ironically.

Knew Bamco had some idol IP.

Can any studio?

Gameplay? EZ
Lore? I don't think so.

Looks like a shitty side scroller/platform not sure why idiot mistook it for the next bloodborne

Well who knows. There are barely any official artwork of the vampire ladies yet. This thing was supposed to be announced on the 20th.

Stop responding to that attention-seeking shitposter, he does that in every Souls-related thread.

Lords of Fallen might as well have been the same as DS2. Just get rid of the biotard talking scenes.

that's just Raiden tho

>Dark Souls inspired
>God Eater team

Shift eh?

This could be interesting.

Bamco must have lots of confidence of them right now, they have 2 project currently: God Eater 3 & this Code Vain. And both of them got worldwide announcement.

They got five fucking games as templates, how hard could it be

2B got plenty of fanart and she's just a pretty face.

>souls-like ARPG by the God Eater team

Now I'm interested.

Hard enough that no one managed to succeed so far, apparently.

There is already a souls like game on mobiles called Ire.

All you need is

>optional lock on
>spacing based combat
>stamina meter
>light/heavy attacks with different triggers for hyper armor
>aesthetic is somber as fuck

Okay Bamco, I still like this game so far, you've still got me interested, a soulslike dark gothic god eater sounds great.

Don't fuck it up, don't you fucking dare do this to me.

Weebs Dark Souls!

Who's even tried besides the fucks who made LotF?

>just a pretty face

>(35% complete)

>Anime vampires
kill me

Team Ninja and those indie shits who thought it could work in 2D.

>God Eater team

Eh, fine with me. Think about it though.

Slutty vampire girls fighting big ass monsters

Behold! A palemoon sky!

>implying you would let one suck the blood of your dick

Lords is an awful game, DS2 is a game that some would call their favorite souls game

DS2 doesn't have the broken second half of DS1, it helps it a lot and gameplay is simply better

But it's also a jump up in DS3 and yet that's my least favorite souls game

Go figure

BB is best

Not hard I think, but the problem is that souls games aren't like AAA games at all

There's not really a storyline to them, there's no minimap, WALLHACK VISION, some areas are even hidden and optional, there's also difficulty

It's not hard to make a souls like game, it's just impossibly hard to make one in another AAA studio, since companies think all games need to be the same to sell

I'm making too much sense

>implying Nioh didn't succeed

Eh, I liked Nioh.

Nioh was a pretty well done Souls-like game set in Japan, in my opinion. I was satisfied.

Didn't mean to have that image attached. Oh well.

So if Nioh was faster than soulsborne standards, will this even be more sanic speed due to the weab developers behind it?

Could work for me.

Nioh is nothing like a soulsgame

Ninja took 1 mechanic from souls (go pick up your "souls" after you die) but that's pretty much it

It's a game with actual identity and it's really fun
The combat system makes souls games system seem very basic

They're both great

The 2d one sucked btw, it's not the 90s I don't want to play 2d garbage

>Gothic vampire slut girls fighting demon monsters from the creators of God Eater


kill me amrite?

Where is that super autist that was autistic screeching at everyone that said it wasn't a FROM game?

I don't know how you can hate Lords but like DS2. Both are slow and clunky, just one doesn't make you stand around for 10 mins watching bad VA and lipsync.

>about blood in some way
>not "code vein"

Is the team working on this even AAA? Because those are a lot of assumptions right there.

oh boy another cuckbourne, who the fuck cares?

don't you souls fags get bored of the same shit?

now if they really mean ARPG (diablo and shit) id play it, but if its just third person xD, nobody cares

Its actual identity is being a one dimensional clone of Souls. It missed fundamentals on boss design and rather than being the Souls on steroids they planned, it ended up being a mediocre action game where positioning barely matters.

You're also a retard for holding that opinion about 2D.

it's precisely when it turns out to be third person that people will care you oblivious dumbfuck


Unreal Engine 4?

I guess God Eater 3 will use UE4 too

In english please

You're honestly going to say that DS2 is anywhere near as slow and clunky as lords?

How? It's not like DS2 uses a new engine compared to DS1 and DS2 is less clunky than DS1 gameplay due to rolls not being 6 fucking directions

lords is a broken game, every fiber of it is actual garbage
Really made me feel sick

>Japan then
>Japan now


I spent my entire childhood playing 2d games
I'm sick of them, 3d adds so many possibilities and doesn't force a game to also become a platformed

Actually, the new rayman was kinda fun for an hour I'll give it that

You didn't watch any of them, right?

>care about any others of diablo-clone ARPG
>when this exist
It already reaches the peak of the whole genre, dont expect any new games to sur[ass it in the next 10 years

You realize Moe was big in the 80s too right?

Well I mean you would, if you actually knew anything about the things you're commenting about.

God Eater is a pretty great series desu. They're historically pretty good at giving at least a good fast paced experience that requires a strong amount of team effort. Also generally good music and character designs.

I'm optimistic.

I know bruh. Hoping to make a frilly waifu.

Yep. I played the DS2 when it came out for 5 hours and didn't go back because the movement was garbage. Same with LotF. Doesn't matter if it's a new engine or not, they just fucked up on movement overall on 2 too me.

>You're honestly going to say that DS2 is anywhere near as slow and clunky as lords?

>DS2 is less clunky than DS1 gameplay
Are you dense? It's clunkier in every single way. Everything had doubled, sometimes tripled startup and recovery frames. It also killed rolling by changing mechanics and reinforcing the uselessness of armor by tying distance to weight. The only thing 2 has over 1 is movement speed, 360ยบ rolling was rendered worthless by these rules.

>lords is a broken game, every fiber of it is actual garbage
That reminds me of a certain game.


AA at best, but if the team manages to pull off a consistent aesthetic like P5, it will be fine. They already made a name making games about guys fighting big monsters, now they just need to tone that down and give attacks some weight.

Also, cute vampire waifus so its all good.

I don't know what that manga is but I hope you aren't implying Hellsing was ever good. It's the same old over confident anime cool guy who is never in any danger and can beat anyone by just unleashing more power. All capped off by being in a series where everyone has two emotions, mortified and grinning idiot. There is no substance to any of Hellsing's characters from titty police girl to "lol I like war" nazi fuckboy. The series is only revered above stock standard light novel trash for having good shading and character designs and being overly gory which never fails to impress dumb teenagers who want to watch something "mature".

God Eater has god awful chuu2 design. I just can't stand it. Everything is disgusting. Especially their weapons and monsters

It'll be to Souls games what GE is to Monster Hunter: complete trash in comparison