RiME dev "cried for days" over NeoGAF's reaction to PS4 losing exclusivity

>"If I had read Neogaf at the time the game probably wouldn't exist. I spent some time six months ago going through two-and-a-half years of comments on Neogaf, and I was literally crying for two days. Partly because I just don't understand the cruelty, but more importantly because I could see those years over those two days, and I began to understand that maybe people can love something so much that they can hate it."

This is just the latest hate crime within the gaming community. Developers who think NeoGAF is a safe hub need to think again.

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You posted this thread yesterday

OP must have cried for days too, to keep reposting this shit.


Why didnt you use sage you fucking moron?

If Street Fighter V and No Man's Sky were 'real' exclusives, you'd see Sony fans defending them the same way they're doing with Knack and Horizon.

Literal. Children.

Well i have no idea what this is about or what OP is talking about. The game looked neat and i'll look into it. A huge shrug.

I mean look at zelda botw, at best a 5/10 generic as fuck open world game with physics gimmicks, unanimously declared GOTY by every nintendo fanboy from here to Hokkaido.
Fact is exclusives get a free pass and multiplats don't, and when you switch from one to the other you lose your free pass.

You haven't played Zelda, have you?

>Bu-but Nintendo

>bringing up Nintendo for no reason but to bash it

back to neogaf

>GAF trying to cover up on their autism in this thread

I have, it runs near-perfect on cemu (by shitty console standards), but even before that I know people with the wiiu so I've sunk a couple dozen hours into it before I started playing it on my own.

this thread is being reposted in Sup Forums
remember to report and move on

Stray away from neogaf, young 1

>guy bashes sony, sony fans, and sony exclusives
>"this is fine"
>compare it directly to nintendo
Sorry why should I leave when you're the massive autist?

>OC mentioned sony games and only sony games
>"b-but zelda"
You got 5 sec to prove this was a falseflag

nigga at least try to hide your faboyism better kek

Who the fuck is defending Knack? That gane is boring as fuck. I have no idea how it got a sequel.

>implying there's any difference between "sony games" and "nintendo games" when it comes to how fanboys overhype and overpraise their trash exclusives.


Oh, okay. So you haven't played it then.

How do you know he didn't

No YOU haven't played it, I've played the definitive version. Enjoy your 720p 10 fps.

What the fuck is RiME?

And if can't handle Neogaf throwing a habitual tantrum, what are you doing near the internet at all? You're obviously too sensitive and care too much about other people's feelings.

On one hand, that's adorable in a non-condescending way, but on the other you really shouldn't be on internet forums.


Did they shit on his game or something?

I have never seen anyone defending Knack.

Surely this is satire.

I mean you know you're not even close to being correct, right? You can't possibly believe what you typed, right?

No one defended Knack. People like Horizon because it's good. It couldn't be more simple. SFV being exclusive would mean dick. Same with NMS.

Apply Occam's razor more often when it comes to this stuff and you'll look less looney.

They conveniently shit on the game after it was announced it was no longer a Sony exclusive.

This dev's a giant pussy. I will pirate this game. Cry some more biotch

Only after it was announced for PC too.

Months of praise immediately flipping into absolute hatred.
Truly exclusivity is the death of console gaming.

>People like Horizon because it's good.


ico clone


>these people making shitty game while i'm struggling to fund mine

> People like Horizon because it's good. It couldn't be more simple.
Sure it could be.
People like horizon because it's a generic open world game with a lot of content.
None of that content is any good, but it looks pretty and has lots of it.

Whoever wrote that is a borderline genius.

>to articulate that text, age 16+ required
>nigh impossible with modern education in U.S
>pov is almost childlike, casting a very large manchild's shadow
>manchild would never feel that way about Knack when Mario or any other platforming mascot exists
>validation through sales figures, making a pointed argument about the irrelevance of that metric to the actual individual gamer

I'm impressed

Why do you the only company that actively references NeoGaf are Sony?

>Crying over the behavior of man children

>Sony niggers throw a tantrum after losing an exclusive
He should have expected this, almost all consolefags do this.

It's pretty good. I'm playing through Persona 5 and I miss having gameplay, which I enjoyed a lot in Horizon
It doesn't have that much content (I mean sure it's a 40 hr game), and what it does it does well. I'm just gonna go ahead and say you didn't play it. inb4
>why should I? It's generic SJW open world garb-
If you exclusively take Sup Forums as gospel then you can only enjoy being a weeb with a Nintendo bias, while pirating everything else on PC.

As everybody knows a game stops being good when it stops being exclusive.
I mean just look at breath of the wild, it was released, everyone cries GOTY, it came to pc, everyone forgets about it and pretends it wasn't that good to begin with.
Fact is "exclusives" are a bullshit lie that tricks people into buying a console, most of them are trash and even the fanboys that push that shit know it, but they want more people to buy their trash console so they don't feel like an idiot for buying it for one game.

Saying you like knack is literally a meme senpai

So what does Horizon do mechanically that sets it apart from the average futuristic or near-future open world game made in the past 7 years?

>I'm just gonna go ahead and say you didn't play it.
Ofcourse you're going to say that because it's a bad exclusive and that's the only way you can defend an exclusive with nothing going for it.

Robot dinosaurs. Female protag. White guilt.

>Sonyfags getting butthurt over losing another exclusive to PC
Like clockwork.
Why are you so bitter? Why do you care? The game is still releasing for your platform.

After a year of calling Rime the Wind Waker Killer, the moment it was announced that it was going to be multiplat, they absolutely shit on it.

Shames you for being a white male.

thankfully I don't buy indie games for more than 5 dollars

>at best a 5/10 generic as fuck open world game
>t. Someone who talks about games they haven't played
>On cemu
Holy fuck you people are cancer

>Wind Waker killer

Are you fucking serious? WW is over a decade old.

It's hard to think about it because Sup Forums is full of ridiculous shitposting, but outside of here there's people actually autistically mad about X game being announced for the "wrong" platform

There were actually mad people when Bayo 2 was announced for Wii U, saying Platinum betrayed them or that Nintendo was holding the game hostage

When the PS Ireland Twitter account said the N-Sane Crash remaster is coming on PS4 and Pro "first" the comments were full of people getting mad at the thought that the game could go to a non-PS platform, "it wouldn't feel right", "It's Sony's mascot" and all that shit

>You're obviously too sensitive and care too much about other people's feelings.
that's literally neogaf. The thing is that NintendoGAF tries the cynical card and people actually fall for it.

What else can you expect from a forum infested by Cockroaches?

The internet turns everyone into an asshole. Surprise!

>Months of praise immediately flipping into absolute hatred.
that's how leftist mentality works. When Trump was elected Neogaf literally went Al-Qaeda mode now that Trump is bombing Assad they are even saying "He is not that bad..", "well maybe he is just the lesser evil"...

Start with a less awful title maybe fucking hell.

You don't understand how desperate NeoGaf is.

What a fucking manchild. Why do devs give a fuck about the shithole that is neogaf?

I like it actually.

Isn't it weird how incredibly difficult it becomes to defend botw knowing that I've played it?
Probably because it's not that good of a game to begin with, but then compounding the fact it's effectively no longer an exclusive, I bet you never even bothered to think up a single thing that game does right, you've never had to right? You've always had the "u never pleyed it!" excuse.

>neogaf actually got upset that other people got to play a game

I don't think that's leftist anything, just general contrarian bullshit. Sup Forums tried their hardest to get trump elected and now he's near-unanimously hated on Sup Forums


cash me outside how about dat

>browsing NeoGaf
>being upset from the stupid shit they say
>crying over it
smalltime gamedevs are fucking pathetic nowadays. They're either thin skinned, unable to keep their mouth shut, talk about politics in the wrong place, pick fights with people on twitter, put memes in their games, can't handle criticism, or are just plain incompetent.

t. came here during gamergate

Tequila Works is fucking shit.

Come on guys

Literally everything is different.
>fun enemies that aren't bullet sponges
>art direction, aesthetics, multiple unique assets, a real effort to not have a copy+paste
>side quests that actually feel like quests and not "loot 10 Boar Hearts"
>surprisingly good story, especially last half
>likeable mc
>clean UI

Again what it does it does right.

I don't care if something is exclusive, but in Horizon's case it made the game better from a technological standpoint. Should be easy to figure out why

Nah you're just projecting. Game has like 2 whites

>what does Horizon do mechanically that sets it apart from the average futuristic or near-future open world game made in the past 7 years
you can play as a tranny. not sure if that relates to your point but its something

>but in Horizon's case it made the game better from a technological standpoint. Should be easy to figure out why
Well it's easy to figure out why because it's a sony published game.
I don't know what the hell that has to do with technology considering the ps4 is an underpowered piece of shit and horizon would run better on pc or scorpio.

>Reading PS4Gaf

y tho

I know of at least 3 other people in real life who are dissatisfied with Zelda. One's GOTYAY is Okami, the others barely get halfway through other Zeldas.

I don't blame them really. Zelda always feels like a chore to get through and I think my nostalgia is the only reason I keep giving it a shot.

Well that's a revelation for me. Thanks for the therapy Sup Forums

Been here 10 years. Why would anyone choose to come here during gamer gate and then stick around? Sup Forums's always been retarded, but it's noticeably worse nowadays. Maybe I'm choosing the wrong threads

No problem Sup Forums
Just remember there ARE passable zelda games, just not after the n64 era.

Wow these guys are a scam.

>fun enemies that aren't bullet sponges
How is that different from any other modern/futuristic open world game made in the past 7 years?
>art direction, aesthetics, multiple unique assets, a real effort to not have a copy+paste
That has nothing to do with mechanics, and doesn't the game feature copy pasted patented stealth grass?
>side quests that actually feel like quests and not "loot 10 Boar Hearts"
But that's true for most open world games made in the past 7 years.
There are no quests like that in Just Cause 3 or Far Cry 4 or even Watch_Dogs 2.
>surprisingly good story, especially last half
>likeable mc
I don't think you understand what the term "mechanically" means.

From what I've seen it doesn't seem to do anything different from most other open world games, and doesn't do them particularly better.
In fact, I'd argue that the stealth in the game (as well as the human AI) are substantially worse than most open world games featuring these mechanics.

This, the dev only has themselves to blame.


Can someone give me a quick rundown on this?

>Sonyfags behave like manchildren

NeoGaf were being a bunch of faggots, the dev caught wind and was a bigger faggot about it

>near perfect

The point being that Horizon's potential was nurtured extensively thanks to exclusivity. It's one rare case where it worked out in the games favor.

Also Guerilla Games and Killzone was never incredible but was always Sony exclusive. After all the years of squeezing Sony architecture since PS2 they put out Horizon. It's a very specific trajectory that led to the game being so polished visually.

I just wanted to play mechaMonster Hunter-lite bows onry and got a nice package and story as a bonus. It did a good job of pulling you to its world. Not really sure how Sup Forums sees it as Farcry meets Tomb Raider unless they're memeing.

Horizon is my Most Misunderstood Game of the Year. Or M-MUGOTY for short.


>Not really sure how Sup Forums sees it as Farcry meets Tomb Raider unless they're memeing.
They've probably seen the gameplay and mechanics and came to that very logical conclusion.

I don't understand what that has to do with exclusivity or technology, the game could have easily been ported to pc and xbone but then nobody would hype it and everyone would have forgotten about it because it wouldn't have been an exclusive.

Well what would you suggest?


Am I retarded? I can't actually parse whatever is it he's trying to say through that quote.

>Metroid profile pic

I can't tell if it's the usual "i'm a fan of X, but..." falseflagging or if it's true that Metroidfags are that obnoxious

Robotic animals/dinos is pretty dope, and I personally love the ammo crafting system.

Not enough to give the game a full pass, but I still enjoy it.

Metroid fans are that obnoxious.

It really makes you mad that you can't play the best game ever huh user?

Really mad, almost as mad as you after realizing I've played it and it's just not that good.

best game ever is a massive stretch, dude.

I think Neogaf has to be shut down go through sensitivity training for the next few years.

>That list
Holy fucking hell, do you only play AAA shit and MMOs or something?
Because it sounds like you're trying to compare that turd to an MMO, a genre that's trash.