Gaming trends you hate

Gaming trends you wished could finally die off.

>open world games. They are fine but it feels like every game has to be an open world game nowadays and they often suffer the fate of becoming stale and boring after a while. Linear experiences often have more varied environments and gameplay.
>skill trees in action games

>untalented losers who feel like their opinion matters more because idiots give them money on patreon

>lol we're going to make our game super hard and have no difficulty setting!

Artificial difficulty doesn't make a game good. You git gud retards should be gassed.

>"We don't need to make a game that's fun, just make it look pretty and that's all people will need to know about it!"
>an in-game feature ends up becoming about 60% of the game
fuck that batmobile, who thought that was a good idea


git gud

>bandwagon children whining about zombies, crafting, open world, survival and turn-based

The only correct answer is:

Open world works in games like Horizon: Zero Dawn and Witcher. I don't want that shit in my Far Cry or Metal Gear Solid however.

How about
>ecelebs who care more about optimized code than gameplay

It's great that they care about objective measures and not some unmeasurable feelgood shit.
Any retard can tell when it chugs, but I wouldn't want any frustrated fernando making the devs add dumb shit only plebs want.

Radiant quests

>durr take your level 10 ass and clear this entire quarry of raiders.

>open world/linear
Way to have a false dichotomy. Also while you've made a correct observation you've falsely attributed that observation as a fact while at the same time recognizing that you're wrong to attribute it using "often". Which is to say that variety is not a property of linear or open world games but that often companies get lazy with one more than the other and is not the fault of the genre itself nor does being open world mean a game has to have shitty standards.

But yeah zombies are retarded by principal. And skill trees are shitty.

The open world in Horizon is just as shit as the open world in MGSV.

Self insert current events bullshit that insults anyone not from the dozenor so major city centers world wide.
>zero dawn
>mafia 3
>watchdogs 2

>Open World
>Side Quests

What program is used to do this? Is it an app, or can I find it on a website?

>wife gets her shit together and stops being fat
>he doesn't

how's that fair?


she knows he is going to be dead soon so she is getting fit again so that she can catch a new husband

Crafty bitch

they literally write about this in all the big magazines like cosmopolitan

I don't usually say "degeneracy" unironically, but it's hard to find a different word for this "behavior".
I wish there was a god so that he could bring some apocalypse down on this tortured earth.

Wait, I thought he wasn't dying any more?

Most open world games are pretty solid. The only genuine bad ones I've played have been from Ubisoft, and Fallout 4.

he will never be cured from his cancer, it will keep coming back, its only a matter of which year it will be too strong for him to fight back

women dont have principles like men, when they dont have to carry responsibility for their actions they will act only for their self-interest

I'm playing a game with all these things right now. And it's fun. So suck my dick OP.

He might be. I have a cousin who had stage 4 cancer 20 years ago. he underwent severe and aggressive treatment and after 1½ years of hell he has yet to have it return.

somebody run cosmo through faceapp, i wanna see if he(she?) can be made beautiful


First Person Shooters that have a two weapon limit and regenerating health.

crispr soon, the hideous brit of framerates may yet live on


Video game "journalism" is a meme. Find a real job.

>TB got butthurt at her for voting Libertarian and not selling her soul to Killary

she deserves better toobeehonest

Imagine if you put in all that effort to make yourself look better over a year only to still have a 4/10 face at the end of it.

People who have ugly faces and lose weight make me laugh.

All that effort you think to raise your appeal, to no effect.

>tfw you will never see bottom left in your lifetime

>vapidly throwing gays & minorities into a game like they're going off a checklist
>dialogue that's obviously a dig at someone in the game industry
>characters who don't have a personality but the writers try to cover it up by giving them constant flashbacks of their tattered past
>reboots/retellings with completely different tones
>new installments not having a number
>new installments just being called "Game"

what app is this?

she does, he is such an arrogant cry-baby who cant handle critique at all, going to a therapist because of youtube comments etc.

used to watch him years ago but now he is clearly only living inside his little bubble where no one ever challenges him, he is simply unbearable arsehat

i want to fuck thicc female tb

At least at the larger weight, you could have guilty, filthy sex with a pig, putting severe weight on your pelvis as she's pinned you down, unlike some run of the mill butter face, with simply a doughy body.

>who thought that was a good idea
Everyone who was asking for it since Asylum's release. Game would have been better off if they hadn't given the batmobile a tank mode, honestly.

>in my Far Cry

Don't play an open world series?




KEK is this real??

yes it is



>ubisoft towers, and/or open world when it doesnt add anything or fit the genre
>creative talent and resources going towards remakes, instead of making new shit
>perma early-acces, beta at full price, etc
>ultra realistic graphics over good gameplay
>VR still hasnt taken off enough for me as a casual to invest in getting it
>scummy DLC/microtransaction shenanigans

I'm literally glad he's going to be okay

>fuck, I'm going to hell


Zombies are just a trend in general I wish would die off, everything that could possibly be done with them has been done. Fuck zombie-themed media, it's so fucking lazy and it's always riddled with plotholes because the only way zombie scenarios works is to leave out major details.

>fathers and grandfathers and generation after generation of ancestors died for the land so that their future kids can have a better life
>ur jus lucky ur born here lol i had to buy a plane ticket
will never not be man

"Spuls like"

>bitchtits will never be lower left


Sup Forumsirgins who make shitting on what's new or popular more trendy than the vidya in questiom, all because muh nostalgia/muh arpaygay elements/CASULS REEEEEE

holy shit female TB looks like a proper Geordie slag

>we will never ever see top right or bottom left

Hey I know this is really random

But are you the guy that convinced me to learn Japanese around 1 year ago? If it's you then thank you for converting me to a student of Japanese. It fixed my depression and I got a job now.

that's the best part, that is lierally the cream of the crop for girls, the alphas want you for the bod, and the betas think they have a chance because of your face.

a 10/10 stacy would only get attention from chads, betas would be to scared and scurry away, even if stacy approaced the beta they would just think stacy is toying with them, stacys playing field is very limited because chads don't stick around.

a good bod with a 4/10 face will get you almost every man, except investment bankers and millionaires.

don't you worry he killed multiple of people including kids, just few secs before they executed him, he was a terrorist and i'm glad he died

Fucking hell the batmobile was garbage.

I've had stage 4 cancer for almost 10 years now. Aside from some radiation chemo-therapy every couple of years it's pretty livable. I will probably still die within 10 years though, lol.

It's not intelligent and it doesn't make gaming better. Please have it so gaming is a cool medium again, not something every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to snark at like a fucking tool.

wait total biscuit looks like THAT!?

spawn at least one illegitimate bastard child before you croak, user

>Seanza activates Mirror Force.jpg

I think this is the most shameful laugh I've ever had
I'm going to hell for this

>new installments not having a number
This. This just needs to die.
Especially with reboots of an old usually dead franchise.
There's no good reasoning behind it. It's a marketing gimmick that shouts 'hey guys we're like that old game you used to know!' but it only stands to confuse the hell out of their old audience.