Tfw going to be a father by the end of April

>tfw going to be a father by the end of April
>that means no more buying video games
Any fathers on? How do you coup with this shit?

I hope your child isn't homeschooled

I use condoms

>that means no more buying video games

What the fuck? What kind of woman did you knock up?

Just get a fucking Switch or something and play it while looking after the little naked rat.

Just tell your bull you're buying games for his kid.

>this loser gets to be a dad
>I don't

It's not fucking fair reeeeee

Red Letter Media isn't funny.

get an abortion retard

coup your wife

His life is fucked.

Yours isnt.

No I'm going my own way

Divorce when?

I don't even have a gf

>I never misspelled a word that I never use it rarely see on paper

>that means no more buying video games
Why do you think that?

>buying videogames in the first place
Hope your stupidity isn't hereditary

>no tfw no bf at the bottom

Set up your mancave goddammit.
Buy games in secret.

Becoming a father is one of my biggest fears.

Thankfully it's extremely easy to avoid.

Good luck with that.

well you've had 18 months to prepare so I don't know what to say

>Any fathers on? How do you coup with this shit?

Time. I found this place when I was 23, 8 years ago. If you still love video games, you'll find time. Just know that you won't be playing 80hr long RPGs any more. You'll stick to shorter games and indie games.

I beat the third ending of Automata this weekend, when everyone else had it the same weekend it released. Family and work comes first, video games are after all, just a hobby that you do when you have time.

>well you've had 18 months to prepare so I don't know what to say
>18 months to prepare

your not the father. It's your gf's child

bruh im a father and my boy loves games, hes 7

its really fun to be honest and easy

got him into paper mario and hes obsessed with it

hes way ahead in his reading too because of it

Alphaomegasin please leave and stay go

>Having children
lmao enjoy ruining your life.From now on it's no fun is allowed.

If you have a wife or kid in this day an age you're a fool, anyone over 35 is excused. Seriously why would you damn your own flesh and blood to a failing world?

>>that means no more buying video games
father here, why would you buy videogames?
I played a bunch of videogames with my father, and I plan on doing the same with my daughter

If your partner throws a bitchfit over you spending your own money on stuff you like, assuming you are not a complete failure which you probably are judging by your "coup" and board of choice, then having a kid with her is a huge mistake and you should get the fuck out of it as soon as possible - you will be miserable with her regardless, she will always find reasons to be a controlling whore.

Buying games as a new dad is easy.
Playing them is fucking hard because you have literally no time whatsoever and when you do - you'd rather sleep - I love sleep so fucking much .

t. new dad, the little guy started walking this month

I watch youtube videos of games I would like to play while I work/eat. That's about all there's time for now (daughter is 2)

Having children is literally your only real, biologically programmed purpose in life.

retards like op having kids are the reason humanity will never achieve anything

>letting biological programming control your existence

what kind of pleb does this?

Good thing humans can rise above instincts.Nature can suck my dick.

I think the billion niggers in africa do more damage

Nigga get your stupid kid to play vidya with you. My dad and I used to play Doom and Metroid all the time and it was great.

I mean, we're also +7 billion people now a days and the population is only going up; our biological purpose doesn't really matter at this point.

I'm not a woman

enjoy not having any descendant

I use rubber with chicks I don't trust

You should too

Not a father but I am getting married in a few months. My girl doesn't game and thinks owning more than two consoles is retarded.

its not about populating the earth. Its about you not dying, completely at least. With children a part of you still lives on.

Also I believe there's nothing after death so maybe that influence my judgment.

enjoy being such a selfish piece of shit that you force another intelligent being to exist in a potentially terrible reality against its will

The kid will just eat sleep and shit for almost a year so there's plenty of time for gaming as long as you hit pause when a fatherly duty arises.

Toddlers are awesome and I fucking wish there was a game more interesting than a toddler to play with, they're fascinating.

After that you now have a co-op partner to train up. My daughter was carrying scrubs in Left4Dead when she was 6.

Kids are awesome. Stop being a fag.


>owning more than two consoles is retarded.
She's right. Play on a pc like any adult.

Trust me, i will.

Well if you want to be technical, not only is there nothing after death, but everything will die one day, so does it really matter in the end, if you "live on" or not?

shouldn't you take some pills user? I think you forgot them this morning

>one must abstain from sex in order to not have kids

this is the kind of retard brain your children inherited

b-b-but i can't keyboard and mouse on muh sofa

>but everything will die one day
I believe we will eventually transcend this problem with the help of technology.

You sound like a good dad

Nigga how the fuck are we going to solve the heat death of the universe. Humans'll be L O N G gone before that even happens.

I'm talking about turning ourselves into machines, or rather creating machines and AI in our image. From there on I dont know and couldnt know

I was abused a lot.
I wouldn't be a good father because Id cry every time Id have to punish my child.

pirate video gmaes?

>implying that's bad
Grass is greener

>enjoy ruining your life.From now on it's no fun is allowed.
Enjoy being abused by negro orderlies in your state-run nursing home facility while I'm being taken care of by my kids and grandkids in my own house.
Unless you're fine with killing your self at like 50, then not having kids is dooming yourself to a really unpleasant old age.

>Good thing humans can rise above instincts.
lol no they can't. Every instance of "humans rising above their instinct" is literally them engaging in self-terminating self-indulgence.

Robots will sort me out. Or kill me before it becomes a problem.

most traps aren't gay

this is the most accurate shitty comic I have ever seen

>having kids to make them take care of you when you get old to avoid suffering
>which also forces them to repeat the cycle when they get older

but you dont care because none of that affects you

typical selfish human garbage

underrated post. Real dads will know.

*tipping intensity rising*

> being a cuck

>With children a part of you still lives on

except not everyone believes in this
as long as my conscious self die, I die
having a child or a piss bottle is no different, they're both a part of "you" that has nothing to do with your consciousness

>wanting to give birth to children nowadays
disgustingly selfish
