It's a Red boss level

>It's a Red boss level

Eric posters fuck off,

When are Jackie classes specced into the Kelso love tree going to be nerfed?

Guys how do I sneak Fez through the Canadian border? I can't find his green card anywhere.

Try giving them the beer and singing O Canada

That boss fight is literally impossible. If you crack the game open, it's impossible to avoid getting his foot in your ass and survive. action replay codes to make you invincible just make the game lock

>The water tower level

>Mfw the fucker ended up having it in his right shoe the whole time


How many quests do I have to go on with Donna for Bob to quit being hostile

>that Bob laugh game over screen.
fuck off

What's up with the faggot that takes over Erics place in the guild on the last levels. What a fucking blunder.

Distract them with a funnel.

>reminder that everyone playing as Eric, the foreign kid, Kelso, Bob, or Steven is a dumbass

Where do you find Kitty's first aid kit in that level where you have to sew Kelso's toe back on?

>find ultimate party member for Eric
>best transport vehicle in game
>turns out he's a faggot
and then I stopped playing

I've collected 99/100 of Laurie's panties, have still to this day never found the last pair.

It's at Kelso's house

She has a 1% chance of wearing panties every ingame day, but you need to find her before she meets a dude for a chance to get them. That might be the pair you're missing.

>not writing down the "green card in the right shoe" song so you didn't forget
that was obviously foreshadowing user

Guys, how do I survive Alice Cooper D&D campaign?

I can't beat Kelso at pong?
How do you do this?

Anybody know how to do the special brownie baking minigame?

>title screen changes after the first chapter
>doesn't change again until the final chapter
Missed opportunity.

Only it does.

Eric posters are the biggest dumbasses ever.

Leo's sidequests are fucking amazing.