Remember Sup Forums, you only need 4 "dungeons" to have a GOTY contender.
Remember Sup Forums, you only need 4 "dungeons" to have a GOTY contender
Keep crying faggot. It's still going to win.
I've never cared for the dungeons in Zelda that much so I didn't mind the lack of them in BotW, they should've had more variety in the ones that were there, and the Shrines could've used some visual variance too, like maybe give all the ones in a certain area of the map a different aesthetic with some outliers at the borders
>Breath of the Wild detractor tells me the games world is "empty"
>I ask him why that's a bad thing
>He has no answer
>The only thing that matters is the quantity of official dungeons!
You only need "Zelda" in title to have a GOTY contender.
Thank fuck I emulated this piece of shit instead of paying $500 like some folks here unironically do.
Only having 5 dungeons is hardly the biggest problem of the game
If you're going to criticize anything, criticize the weapon durability system, the lack of interesting towns, or how every shrine looks the same and most of them aren't very interesting
Jesus third-worlder, at least learn to hide your shit taste
assuming i don't own a switch and this game already. it's just a open-world game meant to be explored... the lore of what makes Zelda, Zelda took a far back seat.
And the shrines themselves are half-baked, some of which don't even offer anything worth doing or god forbid they enforce the gyro controls.
I wish they would of either combined shrines to form a traditional dungeon or made the 4 something more. Once you played the first dungeon you played the rest.
It's a great game, but no way a 10 and hardly a GOTY.
>reddit spacing
opinion discarded
that's pretty funny coming from nintentoddler
The durability is fine, and how are the villages not interesting? They each have a different theme and feel rather distinct from each other. Unless you mean stables?
>implying I own a switch
>implying I'm not emulating
I'm not bragging about my shit currency though. Where do you live? Brazil?
Man, why do Shitposters just jump to conclusions every time? It's like they are being defensive or something
>The durability is fine
everything is fine when you're a loyal fanboy
What makes Zelda, Zelda is a vast and dangerous world to explore, though.
The real problem is
>game has 100 "dungeons" in the form of shrines
>first of all, all of them look exactly the same, so outright you know they put zero effort into them
>first ~5 are exciting
>the next ~35 are mild variations on the first 5
>the next ~40 are almost exact duplicates of the first ~40
>the rest are just treasure rooms for side quests
>all of them are WAY too easy, nintendo wanted to make them so that they wouldn't have to hold your hand during shrines but the end result is something so simple a brain-damaged child in the middle of a coma could figure them out
>criticize the weapon durability system, the lack of interesting towns, or how every shrine looks the same and most of them aren't very interesting
Those complaints are even less valid and true.
I'm 40-odd hours in and I appreciate the game more now than when I started. I hope you enjoy your favorite games, OP :)
dollar is a shitty currency now? you must be mentally ill, nintendildo
Sure thing, shill.
>muh dungeons
Nobody cares, faggot. It's arbitrary and completely irrelevant to the quality of the game and what it tries to achieve.
I really liked these 4 dungeons. Very different from the past in terms of mechanics, the sand, water and fire temple were better than the bird though.
Then where did you get the $500 from, projector? Also as I said above, I will never lay Nintendo any money for things I get get for free. You do seem kind of mad though, why?
>durability is fine
Not really. There's no reason for it to be in the game. It's just more of a pain than anything.
>how are the villages not interesting?
Sorry for the wording on that, I wish there were more towns. I feel like the Rito and Goron cities leave a lot to be desired, and I wish there were just 2-3 more villages like Lurelin.
I'd say the shrine complaint is more valid than the small number of large dungeons, considering how important shrines are in the game.
He's right though.
At least when people bitch about the dungeons I can sorta see where they're coming from.
I put about ~25 hours into this game, after I killed ganon I didn't really see a point in proceeding through the game, farming hearts and stamina seems fucking pointless and the game just devolves into a collectathon.
>no argument
How are the towns not interesting?
Majora's Mask has 4 dungeons and is better than most of the Zelda games
theres been games with NO dungeons that have gotten GOTY, makes ya think doesn't it OP?
Boy I can't wait for Elder Scrolls 6: Skyrim 2 unironically getting 11/10 at this rate.
How they're interesting?
my nigga, you nailed it.
>Reddit actor
Opinion discarded
I kinda wanna play it but I still have to get through my second P5 Playthrough, Nioh DLC, Nier DLC, Stormblood soon, haven't even touched Yakuza 0 yet.. Fuck this year is too good.
I'm also waiting for Xenoblade to get a Switch since Switch has nogames right now but I do plan on getting one so buying the Wii U Version now is kinda iffy.
At least Skyrim have actual dungeons.
The shrine complaint isn't even remotely valid. Even if you don't account for combat and blessing shrines there's still a shitload of shrines that contain puzzles that are more interesting than what most Zelda games have altogether.
The only issue I can possibly see as valid is that the shrines have the same aesthetic, but that's a minor complaint at best.
> Caring this much about how someone types.
I knew the children on Sup Forums were autistic, but this takes it to a new level.
You just described actual dungeons, dingus
>I don't like thing!
>I do like thing!
>How can you think thing is good?
>How can you think thing is bad?
>neither party has the mental horsepower to converse further
They have varied visual and musical themes, the inhabitants have fun dialogue, and it is not often you get to see many NPCs while exploring so it feels fresh. NPCs also look interesting, especially in the race towns
Now how are they not interesting?
No. Durability is the base of the gameplay systems in the game, use weapon get weapon, and how the monsters are designed. It's not a pain later in the game, but merely becomes kind of useless
this is as close as you're going to get to a dungeon boss outside of the 4 you're obligated to face... which all behave the same.
How many dungeons did Witcher 3 have?
Zelda "fans" who only play Zelda games for the dungeons must be incredibly boring people IRL.
I know this is bait but i remember people unironically saying MM was short because it only had 4 dungeons. Did people forget the massive story lines in-between the dungeons that were a higher quality than the actual dungeons? The closest OoT got to those story lines was the Ice dungeon to enter the water temple.
>20 posters but 36 replies. 16 samefags
>word for word reposts from the last thread with same pic and identical op
>muh arbitrary dungeon count bulls hit
This game wins goty on salt produced alone.
They don't behave the same though, wut. Their move sets are all different. Now if you say they look the same you might have a point
>wooooow, this is a forest city
>woooaaaaah, it has a theme music
>omg, there's an NPC and it talks
>thank you Nintendo, this is truly a masterpiece
If you're playing it for anything other than the overworld then you literally have autism.
our hero, jim sterling.
>let me nitpick at one word while ignoring the rest of the argument!
I played zelda for the story and atmosphere, and this game has neither.
Infact this game has nothing, once you've done the dungeons all there's left to do is farm shrines to get absurd amounts of redundant hp and stamina.
You're a literal retard, sorry
The world is dripping with atmosphere. Korok Forest is more atmospheric that anything in the other zeldas, and even the divine beasts are done well with their progressing themes
b-b-but muh korok seed collection
Please lurk at least a year or two before posting.
It was closer to 124 minidungeons both in shrines and on the overworld. But enjoy your shitposting.
>implying Sup Forums hasn't used the term widely in its first few years (2007-2008)
Lurk moar fag
How would you have made a better town?
>The world is dripping with atmosphere
Fuck off, I don't think I've ever played an open world game where the world felt so empty and generic. Nothing looks like it serves a purpose, you find objects in the most random locations, and the entire game has one generic tint to it.
The 4 blights are not similar in any way, what are you talking about?
That's not a Lynel
I'm always amazed at how fucking delusional and brainwashed nintenfaggots are.
Nintendo could show a shit on a stick and these faggots would buy it and praise it as next coming of Jesus.
>strawmanning this hard
I didn't even touch too much on the varied aesthetic, or the side quests
Mate, what did you expect?
Are there really no dungeons other than these shitty puzzle shrines and the divine beast which are just basicly 3 shrines? I'm like half way through the game, just finished death mountain, and thought they where saving them for later or something. That's pretty lame if they really took them out completely in favor of these shrines.
Wow a whole lot of buzzwords saying nothing. The only out of place things are the Koroks, and that's because Koroks are literal Mary Sue. Also, how is death mountain or Gerudo desert even similar to say, the great Plateau for exmaple?
But please, shitpost more. I'm intrugied by how you will explain yourself
Not an argument, please actually try to address my point about how the bosses don't actually act the same.
>long dreary ubisoft towers
Except the towers are not anything like Ubisoft game towers. Each has a different challenge surrounding it, yhe climbs are not very long, and unlike Ubisoft towers, they don't unlock anything but map topography and a fast travel point. They are not required at all, unlike Ubisoft towers that are required to access any content in their controlled areas. Not to mention there are like 13 in total, as opposed to 50.
>Nintendo makes a childs game like they always have
>complain when they do this time
Don't forget to buy all of our Zelda-themed Amiibos™
Give examples of hiw BotW is empty where your game of choice did the same thing better.
the actual dungeon in BOTW is just a shrine on steroids. Enjoy doing more of the same shit you've done before but now just in a bigger room shaped into an animal.
The end.
Lmao he's really trying
You will get there one day, bud.
Not an argument.
Twilight Princess was much more atmospheric.
>all that is left is exploring the most detailed and enjoyable world in the series, solving puzzles, fighting enemies, discovering varied and interesting locations, and gathering collectables
Damn, that's it? So much less than previous Zelda games where you followed a set story path through easy dungeons based around the item of the day, then only had redundant heart pieces to find in random places.
Disagree. What part are you ranking about?
Nowadays, if game journalists like something, it's automatically a bad game. I think we've established this through this gen.
you're a fag
>muh grimdark and edgy shit just liek muh souls xddd
Kys yourself retardo
It is literally smaller, less varied, blurrier BotW. Like every previous 3d Zelda except Wind Waker. You are trying too hard to lie.
BOTW only has one dungeon, the entire world is one big dungeon.
Tlou is last gen though.
Not him but
300 dollar console
60 dollar game
70 dollar pro controller(tm)
430 dollars is pretty damn steep for one game and 500 dollars isn't a gross exaggeration. Especially when you consider all the people that bought the consoles thst were marked up by scalpers
> or Gerudo desert even similar to say, the great Plateau for exmaple?
It's exactly the same area, except with sand textures instead of grass textures.
Hell even the grass in the gerudo desert uses sand textures.
>Give examples of hiw BotW is empty
That's like saying explain to you how an empty glass is empty.
It's empty because unless you're farming stamina, hearts, gear, or seeds, there's literally nothing to do in the game past the first 15 hours (at best). And all of those hearts, stamina, gear, or seeds mean nothing when the final boss can be beaten within 5 hours and is a joke.
If you want a good example of another generic open world game that does anything right lets take morrowind
>foreign twisted alien-looking world, very unique, shits atmosphere constantly
>lots of variance in enemies and areas
>every 30 feet there's either a quest or dungeon that can span countless hours
>aside from farming items like BOTW you can also farm levels, since it's a real RPG and has a leveling system, inventory management, and other mechanics that botw doesn't have
>final boss is crazy hard and far into the game so you NEED to work your ass off to beat him
More like Breath of the Cuck
More like cuck of yhe breat lmao
More liek cuck of the cuck
Morenlike legend of cuck cuck of the cuck
More lek cuck of cuck od cuck of cuck of cuk
More like cuckcuckcuckcuckcuckcuckcuckcuck
amiritelollolcuckle lele \vV\ le epic pol did nuthingworng morelike10/vuck har har har har har
Which is why they made a port to the Ps4 so it can apply.
once again, I have to explain BotW design philosophy's to retards
its another day on Sup Forums
but anyways, Nintendo took the interesting parts of the core dungeons they wanted to design and distilled them down into mini physics dungeons
the shrines are all the interchangeable bullshit you got in other zelda games where certain puzzles are totaly interchangeable between dungeons
I hate you people
Exploration is a joke when there's nothing worth finding.
The puzzles are way too easy.
There's not enough enemies with almost no variance to them
The locations aren't interesting
And neither is farming endless collectables which serve no purpose.
It should have had 0 dungeons.
i can only imagine how much of a retarded fanboy you are so that you'd spew some utter bullshit some pr for botw said
It does have 0 dungeons.
Morrowind was a shit game, nostalgia fag.
user I didn't even like morrowind when I first played it.
The problem is when faced with being able to play botw post-ganon in glorious 4k in cemu, or buggy ass morrowind in 1280x900, I can't even force myself to play BOTW for another hour and here I am having fun playing morrowind which actually does open world gaming right, not just uses it as a lazy sandbox for fucking around and farming shit because nintendo can't come up with concrete levels or puzzles anymore.
Fuck off Todd, stop shilling your trash bugfests on Sup Forums.
>morrowind which actually does open world gaming right
I hate to bust for balls, but morrowind is 90% "go here and hit this with your sword"
this is open world done right?
also I am lying I love busting your balls
And shit combat