*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

I would never get myself in this situation


>getting beat up by his gfs and then needing Brojiro to bail him out

This is why potter-kun is shit

The door took the easy way and ended it on a high note, while the Brotag never let it get that far by keeping them hooked to his dick

>casts debilitate
>runs away

who's that non-canon girl in the back?

>hippie girl brought nothing
confirmed trash

She's holding a bag behind makoto

>cheating on your imaginary girlfriend
I'm not that low

>Futaba doesn't even get mad
>just stares at you in disbelief then at the ground with her heart broken

D-damn Atlas.

>he didn't spend the day with the boys

Some bitch

What girl?

Is this what happens if you decide to date more than one S Link girl?

Gtfo faggot


escape tokyo and join the japan air self-defense force
they cant catch a fucking jet

Nice slut!

Good fucking slut who fucks fat guys, little kids and dogs!

more like all of them

I could never get myself into this situation even if i tried.


Delet this

Do Sojiro says at the end that he told a web of lies and got you off the hook. Does that mean that they don't actually dump you and you still are with all of them at the end?


So no real consequence, thats all the justification I needed to date all of them.

He somehow convinces all of them, he even lies to his adopted daughter

How does he do it?

I hope you're prepared for breaking Futaba's heart

What the fuck is Kurakami? Is she an actual prostitute or really just a maid? I don't understand these foreign cultures.


It's a house cleaning service that also lets you get touchy with the staff

I heard that if you do tgat a special item will be unavailable on NG+. Is that correct?

No there are no consequences. You still get all the items for maxing confidants.



sojiro is a pimp, he knows how to sway women.


Why aren't there more Ann waifufags? I mean she's the leading lady, you'd think there'd be more.

Be honest, it's the pigtails isn't it

cept for the one woman he actually wanted.

sluts not welcome

I really like Ann, they executed her perfectly with making her somewhat air headed but still competent and sweet.

It's just so hard to pick a best girl for me, I got over 110 hours into the game and have put a lot of time thinking about it and I still can't decide.

I really like Ann, but she doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

From what I've read of this scene so far, it's played for more laughs than heartbreak. Is that true?

Playing all the girls in P4G fucking destroyed me on Valentine's Day, especially since all the rejection scenes were fully voiced.

>From what I've read of this scene so far, it's played for more laughs than heartbreak. Is that true?
Really fucking hope so.
I feel so bad it's about to happen, all the girls are so great and the game manages to give some really nice moments with them.
I accidently romanced a second girl, so at that point I was like "in for a penny in for a pound" but I still feel bad.


All of them have like 2 lines where they get angry about it before they beat you up, so I didn't really give a shit

The only one that made me feel bad was Futaba, since she's clearly heartbroken, but again it's only a few lines compared to P4G's valentine scene

Thats some pretty good looking fanart tbqh

ThisExcept she is old and busted and nobody asks for her because japan is retarded and can't enjoy the pleasures of christmas cake.

She is nice but doesn't do it for me. Makoto Thunder thights and awkward cuteness are my thing.

Its not that bad of an ending

Why no go full haremshit at this point?