What am I in for Sup Forums?

What am I in for Sup Forums?

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Outdated gameplay and shit graphics.

There's that buzzword again

Stock responses from a youtube video and an argument about swimming.

I would consider Deus Ex to be my favorite game ever, yet I've only played through it once. Am I bad person?

A somewhat meh first level, but after that it just keeps getting better and better.

There's that buzzword again

I never replay games with some rare exceptions like Bayonetta

GEP guns, prods and swimming. Seriously though, if you can deal with the usual jank that comes with the territory of old-ish PC games it's a great experience.

Unironically one of the best games ever made. It has pretty much everything you could possibly want from a game.

No, I love and praise Fallout:New Vegas, I think its a gift from the gods but I only played twice, I dont even played any of the dlcs.

There's nothing wrong with that but I hope you know you can squeeze a few more fresh playthroughs from either game, especially NV.

I'm not big on replaying either. I played VTMB twice, almost 10 years apart, and it's still one of my favorite games.

I thought I was only going to play it once, but I've beaten it annually since I first played it in 2014. I dunno, I just got the craving. If you haven't, don't worry about it.

I have finished DE 15-20 times and it's not even my favourite game ever (top 10 for sure)

A really boring first mission at the statue of liberty then a really good game if you can get through it

The truth.

Still can't understand the hate for the first level. Played it for the first time really recently and found nothing wrong with it. Gave you a lot of different ways to accomplish your goals and had a lot of stuff you could miss, too.

Are there any mods/fixes I should get for a first playthrough?

One of the most overrated games of all time
>Be me
>Buy this turd on sale for 5$
>Max my points into pistol and rifle
>Start the game
>Get greeted by some of the worst graphics ever put on screen
>Get the rifle from paul and move up towards the statue
>Run into a terrorist and go to shoot him
>Crosshair is the size of fucking Texas
>Gun shoots unbelievably slowly
>Die in two shots
>Realize there is no autosave so I'm back at the start
>Stealth my way through the tower
>Game becomes piss easy due to the shit AI
>Come across a turret
>Can't avoid it
>Can't hack it
>Can't destroy it
>Try to run past it and die
>Get put back at the beginning because I didn't save
I'm ad they fixed the gameplay up in the remake because it was just awful in the original.

An OpenGL renderer and that registry mouse fix can't remember the name from the top of my head, anyway it's necessary to get proper mouse input in UE1 games on a modern OS.

>Be me

>>Be me

Do you mod it, or do different stuff on your playthroughs (lethal/nonlethal)?

>Be me

Stopped reading RIGHT there. Kill yourself, retarded cunt.


My primary issues with Deus Ex are that the gunplay isn’t good, enemies aren’t interesting, the stealth isn’t good, the hacking/lockpicking are one dimensional, there isn’t a significant platforming/area traversal element. Dialogue basically never constitutes a good gameplay challenge, and Deus Ex isn’t an exception there.

On the level of simply the game living up to what it is,the game doesn’t really care if you go lethal or nonlethal in any of the missions (after the third one it stops tracking the difference completely). The overall story arc is completely linear, you always have to betray unatco, you always get captured by gunther, you always break out of unatco, go to hong kong, infiltrate versalife, etc, etc. There are tons of invincible NPCs in many of the levels, especially the early ones. You’re required to kill multiple NPCs to proceed (even if there are clever workarounds for all but one of them).

I went into Deus Ex thinking, “Wow, I can do anything.” After successive playthroughs and learning more about the game, I realized, “Wow, I can’t do anything.” My opinion on the game changed over time as my opinions about what made a good game or not became more refined. Deus Ex isn’t deep. There’s a lot going on, but none of it is interconnected, meaningful, or challenging. Deus Ex is a bad game, that's it.

I agree with this actually

It's pretty large and barren, and when you factor in the slow-ish movement and the lack of detail common to many earlier 3D titles it can feel like a bit of a slog.

Deus Ex had a thing for blocky, 90º angled surfaces anyhow. Unreal looked prettier and it came 2 years earlier on the same engine.

NV is an objectively bad game, though.

>My primary issues with Deus Ex are that the gunplay isn’t good, enemies aren’t interesting, the stealth isn’t good, the hacking/lockpicking are one dimensional, there isn’t a significant platforming/area traversal element. Dialogue basically never constitutes a good gameplay challenge, and Deus Ex isn’t an exception there.

You realize it's a RPG, right?

No, user, it's a video game.


really made me think, thanks user

A big rabbit hole.

I have never understood how the stun gun works, can someone explain?

It just buzzez them and nothing happens.

When did we stop as well as discourage from starting greentexts with "Be me"? It used to be used all the time.

One of the GOATs. Don't believe the Sup Forumsermin who claim it's dated and shitty. They can only think in memes.

Your not close enough. You need to be touching them, and even then, it might take more than one hit to KO them.


>hacking/lockpicking are one dimensional
>he doesn't know the satisfaction of playing the game like a non-fag and actually investing points in skills instead of abusing F1

>It used to be used all the time

yeah, on reddit

how about you go back there

The PS2 version is the definitive version

>instead of abusing F1
I never understood this, what was the trick?

Underage detected


And here as well, evidently. How 'bout you tone it down a notch.

Opening the menu resets lockpick and multitool durability, so if you keep quickly toggling the menu when it's about to run out you can unlock any lock in the game with a single untrained tool.

>keep quickly toggling the menu
You do not even need to put in that much effort. Just open the menu and wait.

>What am I in for Sup Forums?
A tough choice just 3 minutes into the game.
Pick the GEP gun, you never know when you might come up against heavy armor.
Also, don't forget to PROD WITH THE PROD.

Oh, it worked in the background? I forgot that since my last playthrough was quite a while ago, and I never abused the bug apart from testing if it actually works.

The GOAT title theme:

>make retarded decisions in rapid succession
>get punished
>refuse to learn
>get punished again
>blame the game

>sup nod
>sup nod
>"let's do this"


>be retard
could've saved us the trouble by just using that one line

Eh, maybe if I played it in 2000, I would've agreed, but since I played in 2014, I just had the idea of "it'll look like shit, who cares".

You're right, Unreal did look prettier in a lot of ways.

You're wrong but list your reasons anyway.

>play Human Revolution
>enjoy it
>buy the original and play it like Human Revolution by trying to kill everyone
>it doesn't work
>discard the game
>pick it up after seeing Ross Scott's Game Dungeon episode on it
>actually understand the game
>it's now my favourite game of all time.
>he doesn't know what quicksave it

Do you recommend Revision mod. Mod looks comfy and beatiful compared to vanilla game. But somehow people hates it, why tho?

how the heck are you supposed to use tranquilizer darts? I just shoot some fag, he runs away and suddenly everyone knows where I am

great game tho

No. Changes too much that did not need to be changed.

Because they're inherently broken, they should only really be used in either emergencies or when you know that no one will hear their screaming.

Choose the GEP gun
Stick with the prod
Don't judge the game until you've played past the first level

PLay GMDX instead

>What am I in for Sup Forums?

A bomb

play GMDX

>People like this browse Sup Forums

Game Dungeon's review of the game is a pretty solid representation of what it has to offer.

what remake

This is familiar.

underage detected

Use the GMDX mod. Only way to play this game.

>played deus ex last year
>became one of my top 5 favorite games of all time
>mfw seeing all of these faggots that think "people only say its good because of nostalgia"
It's a great fucking rpg OP

>original thief and splinter cell games
>primitive stealth
nigga what
do people really just want Skyrim "crouch to become invisible" stealth in everything?

Is there a chance of this game ever getting a Remaster?

>Deus Ex is my favourite game since many years back
>Can still admit some of its flaws

Your favourite game isn't your favourite game if you can't admit it has flaws. No game is 100%, completely and absolutely perfect.

>stealth involving different floor materials, light levels, and sound propagation

>It's pretty large and barren
This is true of almost every Deus Ex outdoor area. I love this game but it's not without its flaws, and the map design is a huge one. Evidently the devs had a hard-on for giant expanses of sweet fuck-all.

first person gaming perfected

the worst part is human revolution is exactly the same in its stealth mechanics except this time you can latch onto waist high cover in third person

>>Max my points into pistol and rifle
>>Crosshair is the size of fucking Texas
Lying nigger, maxing it makes the crosshair small as fuck.

One difference is in HR you can't just walk out in front of an enemy and go back behind cover without getting seen. The guards in the first game are incapable of seeing you for the first couple of seconds, which kind of breaks the stealth a bit.

Also in the first game if you kill someone and another enemy sees them go down, suddenly everyone in the area knows exactly where you are and start shooting even though you were never actually seen and the shot could have come from half a dozen different places. In HR at least the enemies have to see you before they converge on your location.

Ever seen animals shot with tranquilizers? Takes awhile for the effect to kick in and they wig out because they've been shot. I think if you headshot someone while unaware they get KO'd quickly, otherwise another shot speeds it up.

It's a taser, like most weapons you can only KO someone in one shot if you hit them in the right place if they're unaware. With the prod if they start spazzing out you need to zap them again quickly, if someone is actively attacking you I think they can still fight back.
