
>Character is completely pre-made

Why is this allowed?

Do you know how hard it is to market a game without any set protagonist? Without having a "face" to the game?

you roleplay as geralt you massive piece of trash

worked for Mass Effect

Picking between two. I mean that's still pre-made pretty much. There are examples for sure, like TES.

Mass effect is shit

The correct answer is modern rpgs are shit.

No, you fucking legendary troll idiot, you don't

You PLAY as Geralt

>PNP RPGs where the dungeon master gives you pre-made characters suddenly aren't RPGs
TW3 isn't an RPG but not because you play a set character.

>play the role of Geralt
>not a role-playing game

There's always a default model in character creators that are marketed as the official protagonist appearance.

>sole survivir/lone wanderer
>dragon born
>noble six
>dark souls (usually a specific armor set)
>dragons dogma

The list goes on really.

>implying Mass Effect is an RPG
>implying it gives you any RPG choice besides a first name you'll forget and your """morality""" which is just beta cuck and mega edgelord
>those two """alignments""" it does give you have zero effect on the game
>implying your character isn't already set as Shepard, the best Alliance soldier and Spectre candidate

>Fallout: New Vegas

What about NV then?

> completely new character
> all you know is that you had a job, and you got fucked over
> decide your personality, make up your histroy etc.

Almost perfect

Player avatars tend to be vanilla shit, though. Sometimes you'll get gold like in New Vegas, but it's a safer bet to play the role of an already interesting character.

Ncr ranger is the marketed armor/character for that game, as for character creator, there's already pre sets to choose from


But what about Gothic or Final Fantasy?

The Final Fantasy games aren't RPGs.

It's always better. Always.

Go fuck yourself, Reddit.


Yeah but not an established character, and it encourages you to create your own avatar from scratch. Notice how you lost your memory after waking up.

yes you PLAY the ROLE of Geralt

There are other RPGs where you have a predefined character, not everything needs to be your babby sandbox TES game where you can create titty monster amazoness orcs to sit on your face

>Reddit:the game
>Beloved by reddit
>Claims the guy who calls the shitty game out reddit with a shitty reaction image,thinking its source matters

Jesus fuck you autistic contrarian. If reddit said breathing was cool would you hang yourself to avoid liking something that other people like

>m-muh reddit boogeyman
kill yourself

So your character has some emotional depth.

You play the role of Geralt. You get to choose his words, behavior and waifu.


You become Geralt's sword, kill monsters, and transform in to dick and fuck girls.

Yeah no I understand that, I'm just talking about marketing purposes

You role-play a Witcher.

>Halo is an rpg because you role play as master chief

Fair enough, you can't argue that normies that never played a fallout would go into the game siding with them, a bit like 3 and 4 where the emphasis is on the BoS. So I guess that 'default' would be an ncr cuck I guess.

Memory loss or no, you're still the Courier in NV.
You got shot in the head getting something to someone and now you're on a quest to find Benny.

There. A predefined character with enough leeway to create that special snowflake on top. It's as much as predefined as Ass Effect, except you can actually affect your past a little in ME.

In witcher you make choices and progress your character in a way where you decide what Geralt does and how he does it, Halo does not.

Because you get a better story and you don't have to fuck around in character creation.

I'd be fine with it if combat wasn't so shit.

Well you know what I mean, it's easier to role-play in NV because of said memory loss than in 3 or 4, it's as much of a clean slate character as you can get without the game having a shit story.

They marketed a default face for Shepard.

Your only character backstory in NV is "postman who got shot by Benny"
Though you could also include some shit from the divide, I guess

Shit, you don't even have to go after Benny for revenge. You can even fuck the dude if you want. You don't even need to track him down, you can go off on your own and do other shit until you get sucked up with some other faction.

There's not really any defining characteristics of your character other than they were a courier for a bit and they got shot in the head by some guy who hates Hugh Laurie

Hell, even the shit that Ulysses goes on about could be excused as him finding the wrong courier or whatever.

Because Geralt is product of hundreds if not thousands of hours of man work, scripting, customization, design, animation, story etc

Your shitty soulless sjw from mass effect cannot even compare

I had no problem "roleplaying" in 3 because of the set beginning, nor in Witcher 3. They've got good questlines that don't hang on who you are and gives you the freedom of doing whatever you want, regardless of who you are.

The only time I have problems with roleplaying games is when something breaks my immersion at that moment. Shit like
>Year 3021
>30 year old protagonist
>Everyone treats you like you arrived from the past
>Can't even use a coffee maker without asking what it does
It's just infuriating because I SHOULD know how it works, but the game is insisting that I do not.

It's still a predefined character with a set past, untold or not, you are brought into the situation via specific course of actions. You have a mission that was generated not through your actions, but through the dev's backstory.

What you decide to do after given control is what defines the game as an RPG. A set backstory and origins to the game gives the player a reason to do shit to progress the game. Nothing else.

>Imagine playing not as Geralt
>Playing as overweight Genderclown Dwarf
>Yennefer ( the hottest women in the Witcher universe ) is somehow fucking a fucking genderclown Dwarf
>He is also Lesbian
>Every cutscene is a Dwarf saying stupid things
>All the storymomentum is lost
>This would make people happy

>he doesn't play Sheploo

this is what made me drop the wticher 3 after 1 hour of game play. the character is not my own.'

bethesda rpgs are pure shit but at least they still allow character customization.

He's not predefined though, two small aspects of him are predefined but the entire rest of the character is incredibly obscure.

I'm not saying that Witcher games aren't RPGs based off that criteria, but the courier in NV has next to no defining characteristics about them.

The OP is just obvious b8 that will probably autosage within the hour

same here. just open a crpg tier list and see for yourself, highest tier games don't have a pre-made character (ps:t included).

we desire a certain level of freedom when we play an RPG, if it doesn't even meet that level its dropped it doesn't matter how great the graphics are.

>He's not predefined though, two small aspects of him are predefined but the entire rest of the character is incredibly obscure.
Obscure, yes, but still enough impact to guide the course of the story. You are still playing the role of the Courier and if you'd want to roleplay NV as anything else than a guy shot in the head, you're gonna have a bad time since a lot of the characters reference it.

It gives you the same restrictions as any other RPG with a "create your own hero" feature. You can look whatever you want. but you're still playing inside a strict set of rules. You'd have to ignore half the dialogue to maintain any sort of headcanon.

Triss is the obvious patricians choice

>dating a fucking traitor

I know Sup Forums is full of retards, but you don't have to make it so obvious

Best way to go honestly. It's nearly impossible to have a decent story with a player made character.


You literal fucking child. RPG's existed before custom characters, and they were fucking great. Just because you don't get to choose your role doesn't mean you're not roleplaying. It's like you faggots have never heard of Zelda, Dragon Quest, or any of the Billions of silent protag RPG's.


I thought that in order to be an RPG, you'd have to give the player control over the story? None of the Zeldas do that. They're fully written interactive adventures, but you can't change anything that the prewritten story doesn't allow.

A silent protag in RPGs doesn't mean they're mute, but that they're specific actions or dialogue are not presented to the player and is left up to them to decide what the character did/said.


Still better than playing some lifeless cardboard cutout that you make yourself.

>street fighter is a role playing game

TWD games are rpgs now then, because there are choices to be made.

Not really.

RPGs are apparently best defined as games that can be completed by doing the prerequired things in any order. I wouldn't say Zelda is an RPG first, though.

Wanting to make these little Deviantart OCs is childish and autisctic as fuck

what is an "are pee gee" anyway?

Why? Because playing a character with personality is bad? Because you'd rather play as a dead-eyed mute and "pretend" the character has personality?

A semantic argument I can actually get into. Are you telling me then that most Final Fantasy games are not RPG's? Because as far as I was aware, very little of what you do in most FF games actually has ramifications on the story besides token cosmetic things like finding an easter egg or fighting a secret boss. Which, by the way, Zelda has as well.

But I understand where you're coming from. Western RPG's have always been about giving the player some sort of narrative decision or influence on the story, Where as JRPG's and point-and-click-style adventure games (maybe even SOME western RPG's) have focused on telling a story and allowing you to fill the shoes of a pre-made protagonist. Both have their drawbacks and benefits, but I'm going to side with most people in this thread when I say that pre-made protags make for better stories. Much less permutation and catch-all dialogue to write means much more focused narrative and cohesive storytelling.

Either way, the Witcher falls into the category of an RPG. And unless we want to exclude a huge portion of Final Fantasy and other traditional RPG's, so does Zelda.

Not even that user, but Geralt is bland as fuck

And those are bad RPGs too, faggot.

>gothic is a bad rpg

dark messiah is an rpg because you level up and there's more than one ending :^)

Geralt is more bland than any mute RPG protagonist

I can't believe anyone liked playing as him, all women want him, he's cold... and... lacks emotion... but it's not his fault, it's how he is, so tragic

Also people are racists towards him because he's a mutant, but he looks normal and hot of course, wow, he's oppressed

His voice actor is awful as well, the man has no range

So yea, if you will have a named and voiced protagonist in an RPG make him at least interesting

Make that change mean something good for the game at least

Zelda isn't an RPG, FF games are. Team composition and combat roles are important aspects of RPGs as well, and that's what a lot of FF games focus on. Choosing your party members and what their combat role will be is deeper role-playing than anything games like Witcher offer in their combat. But Zelda is an action/adventure game with RPG elements, not a straight RPG.

I agree with you, but there's a reason we differentiate JRPGs and western RPGs. Even in traditional JRPGs, such as Final Fantasy, have optional stuff related to the story rather than just extras.

Extra dialogue that gives a deeper understanding of the characters, situations and places, as well as dialogue choices that do have an impact on the story, even if it's just a small part of it.

FFVII has a lot of shit that you'll miss if you choose somethings differently. Date night being one of them.

The only thing that makes Zelda an RPG, is the fact that you have the freedom of going anywhere and completing that part of the game. Essentially a decision similar to Megaman's stage select with the exception that you have to physically walk there. RPG is a very lenient definition.

But yes, a fleshed out character makes up for a better story than a literal who, I agree.

the english VA is fuckign awfull, the french one is nice tough

Skyrim had that generic Nord in iron armour.