Battlefront 2

You gonna buy her game Sup Forums?

no, but not because of her

Yes I bought Battlefront 2. Around twelve years ago, in fact.

Can I get a quick rundown of this lady?

got it for christmas and played the shit out of it the first day to the point of my parents shutting off the console to get me to eat

model for main character of battlefront 2 campaign

The story alone made me preorder it

Finally some Empire point of view

Yes but only after the price falls below $40 and if it has some serious improvements to gameplay that put it on par with the originals.

no because it doesn't play like dark souls

Janina gavankar, TV actress, model and battlefront 2 lady. To see her tits Google "janina gavankar true blood tits" good luck.

why did someone do this with this picture

isn't that the girl from the League?

No and anyone that buys it after the last turd they released deserves to be disappointed

honestly it looks pretty good

I love the idea of an empire-sided campaign, and the previous games main issue was just a lack of stuff to do

No because she can't keep her helmet on like a proper soldier.


>Once again they made the ingame female less attractive then her model

Why do they keep doing this? Are attractive females sexist or something?


This and the stuff they had was also pretty mediocre.

It was the shit back in the day. I put in hundreds of hours against bots on my PS2.


>he didn't play the og Battlefront 2 on Xbox.

Look at him and laugh children!

They look pretty identical.

I think it's just the frostbite engine making everyone weirdly shiny

>some Sup Forumsirgin wont just pre-order it because of the "h-hey guys we fixed it taa daa"
but who care, not my money wasted on pointless games that will be forgotten in a month

No, we all played the non shit PC version.

She literally has no titties

Of course not, it's EA you literal retard.

her tits are the battlefront of tits. there's just nothing there

>Finally some Empire point of view
We literally had this with the original Battlefront 2 campaign.

play tie fighter retard

See, that was nice. Everyone who introduces a person should also introduce a way to see them as nude as possible.

You did a good thing.

But if you never played it how do you know it was shit?

No, I played the Battlefront Beta and that made me never want to touch any of their remakes ever again.

Let me rephrase, one that isn't trash

BattlEAfront had a lot going for it, the gameplay was solid, it was technically and artistically beautiful, sound design was perfect, the game modes it had were interesting.
That said, the DLC system literally killed the game by splitting the community so much, there was little content in the game at launch (see the previous point for a likely reason), and DICE listened to total shitters who whined about bowcasters or the DL44 while ignoring the fact the A-Wing had a bugged hitbox for months after release and the Millenium Falcon could (and I believe, still can) one-shot Slave-1 by shielding up and ramming it.

They've announced they're probably scrapping the season pass but I suspect the "best" outcome considering this is EA we're talking about is that they'll replace it with a lootcrate system like Overwatch and use that to subsidise map packs.
Either that or they'll double jew us by charging for lootcrates and still making the DLC £15 apiece.

Why western female character designs is so shit?
>inb4 W3
Based Poland doesn't count.

>the gameplay was solid

Nah it was worse than og battlefront and battlefield. They really need to work on the gunplay and clear up the maps.

Nobody wants to play jurassic era dogshit.
Get on with the times gramps.