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This looks like the work of one who consorts with beasts

Damn, Dragon Quest looks like that?!

Let me know when a physical release is announced

>World looks comfy
>I love airships
>Gameplay seems solid
>They had to ruin it with furbait

You sound like someone who refuses to eat the soup just because there's a fly in it.


Looks like the artist really likes Sonic and Dragonball Z

It is?

Guess I have something to play after P5 and DQH2 now.


>Raw tomatoes and garlic just lying on the table
Fucking animals

>Those stiff animations
I know it's an indie game but come on guys

Where are the furry girls?

what Is this game?

Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

Any reviews? I'm expecting 6/10.

PlayStation Universe 8/10
Meristation 7,5/10
IGN Espagne 7/10
Gameblog 7/10
Destructoid 6,5/10
Push Square 6/10 10/20

Cheers my man

It looks good for me.
My notebook is shit so i will get it on my Xbox One soon enough.

Did anyone played it already?

Looks interesting but I'll wait for a review.

Doesn't this game feature that one OC or whatever that wields double boomerangs or something like that?

Huh...better than I thought.

Ok I'll buy it when I get paid.

It's a really mediocre game made by amateurs and it shows.

I'm still downloading it, but there's a review

A reviewer said it got challenging after a while, but it's just so hard to take reviewers seriously when most of them play on easy all of the time. Anyone here who played it yet and could provide a more trustworthy statement regarding the difficulty?

>main character has huge eyes as part of his design
>make them dull and lifeless

one fucking job dude.

That was actually a pretty informative review.

Still kind of on the fence though since it's $30. Is there any word on overall length? The review made it sound like there are sidequests but not a lot.

Hey guys, wanna longread the manga?

Whatever, I'm posting it.


What did he mean by this?










>insect that touches trash and literal shit all day
>in my soup
Goddamn right I'd not eat that shit







>He doesn't want to strengthen his immune system.


Now you're just being wasteful.




>where were you guys when I needed support
you just told a bitch to fuck off 4 pages ago
Also the panel flow in this manga is horrible what the fuck was going on from



Maybe it was supposed to be split page thing where half the picture is on one side while the other is on the other


Thanks for posting this man.
Kinda wish the character designs were a little better though. I like furry characters but something about these guys look off. Particularly the long haired muscular dude on the far right in the OP image



The snouts/noses are too small, which pushes them into uncanny valley.



Small snouts can look okay on some characters. Solatorobo for example has a lot of such characters with really small snouts and it worked out there



