You can see your characters feet when you look down

>You can see your characters feet when you look down.

>disgusting flesh whores trying to be cutesy by "cosplaying" 2D girls
nothing angers me more than this garbage. I would gladly sell out every single human on this world and doom them into a thousand years of oblivion, all to see whores like these gone.

*tips trilby*


atleast they are admitting 2D is superior by trying to copy them

>despising roastie whores is fedora tier
And a gaschamber to you, filthy enabler piece of beta garbage

They think they can compete with 2D by acting like them.

calm down little man.

>everyone in the world should die because I'm a stupid faggot who's unable to ignore sluts

This is some serious sour grapes shit. I will only accept the 2d>3d argument from someone who can easily score 3d.

Choosing not to partake in something you were never welcome to in the first place is no choice at all.

no, they are trying to BE like them, and have ironic weeb shitdicks orbit them.

stop responding to me, you garbage. You won't get any responses from me anymore. You are trash, you are beneath me.

Holy shit, user, I know being 13 is hard when girls won't give you any attention, but you're just being a sad little edgelord.

he's actually a grown ass man. just really angry and possibly gay

Literally this.
I just fucking came to this thread to fucking express my god damn anger.

Kill those fucking sluts, fucking skin them alive and make sure they stay alive through the whole proccess, these wastes of space and air deserve nothing but a very painful fucking dead.
>haha ur edge
Fuck off redditors.

How can a bottom of the barrel human consider anyone beneath them?


infitinity percentt mad GAY

Keep up the good work.

Ironic weebs are cancer and should be purged. Anyone defending these attention whores cosplayers should end their life.

>muh hair of sea
Why are you warhammer dweebs so cringey

they're enjoying themselves and want to share it on tumblr. if you have an issue wuth thaat, pls kill youself

Sup tumblr

Kill yourself redditor.

go back to playing your nintendo games, you inferior fucking pleb manchild.

shut the fuck up you enabler garbage, how about you fuck off from my board and lick their sweaty asses on tumblr. Fuck out of here


>a very painful fucking dead.

You can't even fucking speak English correctly you autist.


Waifus will always be a joke Kimura made to me and I will never respect them. They started as a joke and that's how they will stay.

>You are trash, you are beneath me.

Is it sour grapes if it's just because you are ugly and you wouldn't anyone you are attracted to anyway?

getting incredibly angry at trivial things is what we do best !!

You are very sick in the head. Please get help.

It is I, nu-ironic weeb normalfag neo Sup Forums user. I get all my epic animeme image on my facebook and love to participate in animeme chat where I spam my favorite epic animeme emote vohiyo with the rest of my otaku weeb twitch friends.

Im the biggest weeb ever having seen 20 anime such as master piece like re:zero and attack on titan. I have about 248 animeme waifus and have real weeb gf that i met in a epic anime convention who also love le epic animeme.


all u reddit faggots getting triggered by that fpbp need to piss off back there for ur circlejerk sess. u mass spam is unbearable and derails all threads

Here is your (You) Go back to re ddit you fucking faggot.

You kind of clipped your sentence there. It's sour grapes if you realized you couldn't get a woman and instead of accepting that or improving yourself you just decided you were too good for them all along.

>I got mad at an attention-whoring girl, so the entire world should burn

Don't get me wrong, I hate the world too but that's the overreaction of the century

Why do girls have such weird attachments to their dads?

I can almost guarantee I have better taste in manga than you do.

But fpbp is reddit/funnyjunk speech. You are the redditor.

Le epic angry Sup Forums man.

No you don't im the master weeb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steal Your Heart

Hello 9gag!

>when your gf says "pass the gravy, daddy" and you and her father both reach for it

Yeah it was
>Is it sour grapes if it's just because you are ugly and you wouldn't get anyone you are attracted to anyway?
I tend to find this one a little more believable IMO.

wait, what's her expression meant to convey? the dummy almost made it look like its excitement from getting beaten by her dad.

Isn't it great that, as a man, the thing that people will entirely judge you on is literally an RNG roll that you have no control over?

Man I love it.

>this post trigger the modern Sup Forums user

What's the deal with sperging out online instead of taking out your anger in healthier ways anyway? There are good therapists you could talk to, and furniture you could smash.

Most people who are genuinely concerned with weeb culture have garbage taste. Most of them are seasonal trash eaters.

Do you mean height?

I would rather girls try to imitate anime then look fat and shit



>it's the I'm-really-angry-at-something-and-anyone-who-isn't-is-a-redditor episode

Usually followed by a i-was-baiting-you-all-along episode

pic related, you didn't even save it yourself, or have an imageboard generated name. You took it off twitch like the nu-Sup Forums faggot ironic weeb ass you are. get the fuck off my board

this is a board about videogames you normalfag trash, are they not trivial? the fuck are you doing here?

>money, power, virtue, skills, charisma etc.

>Is she beautiful?

but you can work to improve how good you look, user.
unless you were born REALLY ugly, or are short. then you're fucked

Then it's time for the Christmas special later in the year, usually following the over-used gunman-goes-berserk-in-a-public-space plot line.

back to LE /r/Sup Forums with you

>tfw stopped watching anime because of ironic weebs

nice exif data bro

>thread proves anti weebs are literal shills or redditors
Now we need to find a way to take them out.

Wew lad imagine being so pathetic you get triggered by girls playing dress up. Truly /r9k/ is Tumblr for men.

>it's a whine about reddit nonstop unironically episode
stop. you can find anyone and anything on reddit. it's like getting mad at the internet for having furries, and saying since you use a website, you're a furry too since furries share the same interwebs.

>you will never throatfuck this cosplayer

Maybe Sup Forums had a point. Sup Forums should have been deleted. Too late now. Pandora's box has been opened.

The same reason /ss/ fags exist

Maybe it's time you accepted that being so angry and posting warhammer pictures is not acceptable behavior, on Sup Forums or anywhere else.

In case you think this is just your Sup Forums pals overreacting in jest and the summer plebbitors simply don't get it, well, maybe it's time you accepted that it's not a funny joke.

I know it hurts when reddit has to come over and force some sense into the proceedings, but if you are a rational human being, you will accept sound critique no matter who speaks it.

>wanting to fuck 3DPD

Sup ironic weeb.

I read a lot of manga and watch some anime, but most hardcore weebs have awful taste and just watch whatever seasonal trash falls on their lap.

When can new anime get nuked and the ironic weebs jump on the next cultural bandwagon?

>khornate poster
Slaanesh is the way to go fagboy

Same reason most boys are closer with their mother. The opposite sex parent more or less becomes the template for the kind of mate you seek later in life and it's subconsciously instilled in you because of that close bond you have with them as a child.

you shut the fuck up
/ss/ is nice

>theres a console command that lets you see yourself from the neck down in TF2
>in most cases its equivalent to hiding viewmodels for people who don't hold their weapon like Soldier, but you can look down and see yourself

Why the fuck are there people not using it?

what's the female version of /ss/ called? never even occurred to me if it exists.

You don't even know what a weeb is.

Nice reddit spacing.

Anime is normalfag garbage now. It's not your secret club anymore.

Some guy I knew used to say shit like that when he lost a game of street fighter

Is this the designated shitposting thread?

You're wasting your time, this kid is an Elliot Rodger level psychopath. He'll never listen to reason.

How did anime become so big when its filled with shit that should trigger normalfags?

>find a qt girl
>she call's another man daddy

>he wasn't there for the Incident of /mlpol/

How about you accept that your reddit garbage nu-Sup Forums shit isn't welcome here? You ironic weebs and "reddit is rational ;)" garbage does not belong here. So fuck off and ironically kill yourself



Just watch older stuff it bothers you, ironic weeaboos are allergic to anything but Eva and FOTM shite

let me guess, asano faggot or I only watch "old" series, right?

I realize now why the Elites are so exclusive to the normies. They separate themselves by living in ridiculously expensive areas far away from normies, use a foreign language to communicate, etc.

What if we created our own internet and speak in foreign tongues? Would that help us separate ourselves from these swines?

Better watching old series than thinking that garbage like Umaru is great because ''DUDE UMARU ACT TOTALLY LIKE ME LOL XD''

>look down in Mirror's Edge
>see that flat chest
>realize that you'll never see down the same thing when looking down in real life
its okay