How's your game backlog going?

How's your game backlog going?

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I have almost the enirety of must plays on 3DS and DS on my backlog, and I'm playing Project X Zone 2 and DQ7.

I'm happy to have games to plays but gets overwhelming sometimes.

I have around 40 hours on the first one and I'm halfway through I believe

very well, it's growing by the week.

the first one is TERRIBLE and tottally skippable but if you have that timeplay just finish it.

And don't worry, PxZ2 is 100% better, it fixes everything that makes the first one tedious

Thanks to P5 I put NieR and GR2 on hold. After those I have WoFF and SAO: Hollow Realization

43% played

Whittling it down

I don't want to talk about it...

Getting close to the end of Might and Magic 1. Pretty fun actually as long as you have reference material easily available.

I'm on the final dungeon of Persona Q.
Mighty No. 9 is on my backlog but I hate everything about it.
I need to get the very last Gundam on Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3.
I need to actually get into Xenoblade Chronicles X.
I need to start Mega Man ZXA, MGS3: Snake Eater and Bayonetta 2.

Persona 5 arrives tomorrow.

I probably have hundreds of games I'd like to finish.
Here's RPGs alone.
>Dragon Quest 3,5 and 7
>Final Fantasy VI,VIII,IX,X,XII
>Bravely Default
>Xenosaga 1-3, Xenoblade Chronicles
>Demon's Souls
>Lost Odyssey
>Persona 4
>SMT1,3,4,Strange Journey, DDS1.

How can you work on backlog and still consider yourself not human trash?

I wanna play Xenosaga too user

I was lucky and found Xenosaga 3 at a pawn shop for 8 bucks. The owner only marks up games if they're a brand he recognizes like Donkey Kong or Frogger.
I also got Captain Commando for the snes for 15 bucks.

((((Deus EX Mankind Divided))))
(((((Horizon Zero Dawn))))
((((Dishonored 2))))
(((For Honor campaign))))
(((Mass Effect Trilogy))))
(((Nier Automata))) now


Monster hunter 3u
All the Shin Megami Games
Dark Souls 3
Radiant Historia
Pandora’s Tower
Final Fantasies
Pokemon Sun Nuzlocke
Zelda games
Metroid ZM –Super – Fusion - OG
Deus Ex
Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
System Shock
Dark Messiah
Total Annihilation
Diablo I & II
Age of Mythology
Civilization IV
Bionic commando
The world ends with you
Binary Domain
Max Payne
Shiren the Wanderer
Tactics Ogre
Hitman Games
Sniper Warrior
Castlevania SOTN
Lords of the Fallen
Romancing Saga
Chrono Trigger
Metal Max 2
Metal Max: Returns
Dark Law
Rudra no Hihou
Treasure Hunter G
Uncharted Warriors
Bounty Blade
Soul Nomad
Steambot Chronicles
God hand
The warriors
Phantom Brave
Ape Escape
Ace Combat
Fatal Frame
Zone of the Enders
Dragon Quest
Prince of Persia
Crimson Tears
Way of the Samurai
Killer 7
Beyond Good and Evil
Odin Sphere
Wonderful 101
Yomawari: Night Alone
Valkyrie Chronicles
arc fantasia
Advanced Wars
One Shot
No more Heroes
Samurai Western
Shadow Tactics
Night in the Woods
Lost in Blue
Hotel Dusk

Still have like 600+ physical games to clear.

I can clear about 1 a week on average. So I'm set for the next decade or so.

JRPG's take forever because I'm not motivated to play them, but some games like Mega Man's and mega man x's I've played so much I can clear 6 in a day.

Fucking terrible....
>Burnout Paradise
>Jade Empire
>Gods Eater Burst
>Star Ocean SE

Not to mention I still haven't bought Nier, Bayonetta, DMC4, Elite Dangerous, Total War Shogun 2, Diablo 3... God dammit I don't even want to think about it


>no time for games
>barely any money after taxes, food, car and rent
>too tired during weekend to play more than half an hour.

You were right Sup Forums. going outside of my parents basement was a mistake

>huge backlog
>just play the game I'm interested in and keep the rest for later

Almost done with the WiiU, but I'm not gonna burn myself out by forcing myself to play games I don't want to.

Pretty slow, I just finished Layton 1 after a couple months of playing it off and on, and started EOIV.

ok i think you win jesufuck

>Medium-size backlog
>New game comes out
>Not really that into it
>Real life friends start playing and get really excited
>Get hype too and when it comes out, get really into it
>They lose interest about halfway through
>Complete everything in the game to a competitive level
>They're still only just finishing the game
Every gen...

Whatever you're doing right now, stop

I don't give a shit if you're at a funeral

Stop what you're doing

Go play Zone of the Enders

There is no excuse


>full of JRPGs
I'm playing my DS versions while shitposting and even then I can't keep up.

I've come to realise I'll die before completing my backlog. I'm just playing slow and steady, one at a time and enjoying them as they come.

Nigga have you even played games before? Thats the backlog of a person who discovered gaming yesterday and wants to play all the he saw on a hipsters top 100 list.
I'm not hating or insultung you I'm just curious.

>Still have Yooka-Laylee, Trails in the Sky: The 3rd, Dark Souls III, Zero and Ao no Kiseki, Trails of Cold Steel I and II, the Shantae series, Ace Attorney 2-6, Nier: Automata, maybe Nioh, SMT if, SMT Deep Strange Journey when it comes out, Digital Devil Saga, the first two Megami Tenseis, the Raidou games, maybe some other Megami Tenseis, and some other games I've probably forgotten.

I'll be at this for another 2-3 years.

On hold because I can't enjoy games with no job guilt hanging over me.

Playing through System Shock 2 with a friend. Just getting through Basic Training...what are we in for?

Holy shit that is the cutest shit ever!

when I was younger, I didn't buy new games often and just replayed old ones constantly. I also didn't have many friends who played games a lot, so the only thing I got recommended was either really popular shit or some random games from family. I didn't seriously start expanding into other games till about 6-7 years ago and I made that list just from coming here. It was much longer before and combined with new releases, it's ridiculous. I try to finish around 50 games a year

its stable, I stopped buying games since I have a good 400 non-bundle games to play. 50 from 3ds+ds alone.

>try to work on backlog
>finish 2 or 3 games per year
I don't even know

I'm going to count a "backlog" as a list of games I'm actually going to go back to.
>Tales of Berseria
>Hollow Knight
>Dark Souls 3 DLC (i own it, just haven't played it yet)
>Rabi Ribi
>Yakuza 5 (PS3 YLOD)

Impressive. So jealous you get to experience a lot of those for the first time. What I wouldnt give to play SotN for the first time again.
Anywho you are in for a wild ride user.

Not well. On top of the usual time thieves i picked up an MMO. Backlog is fubar.

If you have 30 hours to sink. Give Hollow Knight a try. You wont be dissapointed. Please ignore the anons who believe Hollow Knight is the second coming of Jesus. Its not a masterpiece but it is worth your time.

I'm in a similar situation now. I've been playing games for 23 years now, and I thought I played a good variety despite playing the same games again and again, and I think I did, but not as big a variety as I could have. But for the last two years I've been playing almost nothing but games I've never played before and will probably be doing so for a while longer. Still want to replay some old favorites though, too many really.

haven't played shit i'm too busy fapping to milf netorare ahegao group_sex tagged doujins on exhentai

I'm fucked dude. Just built a new pc so my 600 game steam library is finally playable and now my ps4 one keeps growing. My xbone has one even but I don't play it ever.

Worse than ever. I bought a PS4 and have 12 games for it and I have literally not played it a single time. I'm working on Breath of the Wild at the moment though, which is taking forever because it's too big and I can't stop climbing every goddam mountain in sight. I also have a big Steam backlog as well, so I'm fucked as far as completing everything goes.

It's going better than ever, actually. This calendar year I've bought and completed 8 titles, bought and added to my backlog 5 titles, replayed & removed from my "replay"-log 6 titles and played & removed from my backlog 3 titles and I'm currently playing a game I just bought and a game from my backlog.
Yes, I've played a lot of vidya this year. I'm not gonna stop.

Oh, I've been playing it but it's been side-lined for other things. I've been trying to get back to it, playing it in bits, but had no dedicated time except for now... might as well.

Awful, just like my life.
150 fucking games to play. I don't have time for this shit, and my depression isn't even letting me have fun with them anymore.
And even if I try to do something about it, I have so many other personal issues that there's no way I can sort everything out ever.
End me.


I have depression and the best way to overcome it videogames wise IMO is not playing when you feel depressed, so you dont associate them with feeling bad

also work out user, it does wonders, even 30 mins a day help

Its getting worse everyday, I'm barely getting through my physical collection just to add to whatever else I want to play

>not playing when you feel depressed
So what you're saying is that I should stop playing video games?

They worked as antidepressants before, along with chink cartoons, but at some point my brain said "fuck you". That was when I stopped having fun.

Still trying to make it through Fallout 4 before the bugs crash my game. Restarted 10 times already due to game breaking bugs that are set in the save the moment you leave Vault 111.

but gr2 is so quick

It doesn't have to be this way

i think i got 30 hours into persona q and just quit.

i remember jade empire being a blast. but that was over a decade ago i think

I dont have a back log.

I dont have time for new video games.

It is going great. Had 200-300 games on it a couple of years ago. Now i try to keep myself from buying games i do not plan to play immediately and i every now and then i make a list of it all and start to work on it.

Your brain gets used to vidya thats why you should stop for a while and play only to have fun and to to complete things.

Anime wise, don't watch moe shit and dig deeper into the genre, get out of your animu comfort zone, get into manga, or hell, get into drawing, explore new things.

Pic is one of my backlog games

I have none since I am not a faggot that buys games before he finishes previous.
Anybody who does that needs to be killed.


You're as misguided as people who get depressed about the size of their backlog. The point is not to complete it. The point is to chase the dragon.
Don't you want to catch the dragon, user?

>buying games
You're the one that needs to be killed.

>So what you're saying is that I should stop playing video games?

I did for a while, though it was because I was studying Japanese. Four months of no video games at all and after that I haven't been able to stop playing them. That was four years ago.

I love my comfort zone, though. Watching cute girls do cute things is perfect escapism, bonus points for when they also do gay things.
I do watch other stuff occasionally and my favorites are all in that area, but moeshit is my bread and butter.
That's interesting, thanks. I'm also thinking of learning Japanese so I could maybe try exactly that. Though improving my English first wouldn't hurt.

77% phamalam

I have no backlog.
I always buy one game at time, finish it and then buy the next one.

All the people i know that own too many games/emulator/whatever always have a backlog that always keep expanding, and they seem to enjoy game less and less.

Focus=Quality of experience.

Pretty good, especially considering I will only be buying Tekken 7 and FFXII:ZE and that's it for this year.

Currently 40 hours in Persona 5
After that:

>Platinuming Gravity Rush 2 with 2B skin
>Yakuza 2, 0
>KH I.5 + II.5 collection
>Infamous SS
>Until Dawn
>Tearaway: Unfolded

>RE:0 and RE:RE
>Grim Fandago

your bad taste is the root of your problems, let go or rot in garbage


My backlog keeps increasing and my playing time keeps decreasing because of work

I wish I was a NEET again

The purpose of a vidya backlog is to give you ideas when you are thinking about what to play next. If it's empty it would stop fulfilling that purpose.

Disgaea 4
Disgaea 5
YS tales of cell
my girlfriends the president
new zelda
doki doki tetris

It's going pretty well as I'm too much of a poorfag at the moment to buy many more games.
Finished EYE in coop a while back. I went sword build and had a blast despite it's technical issues. I felt the ending came up a bit quick though, I know that to get the "true" ending you're meant to replay it a few times but I've heard it was gutted anyway and as a result the game doesn't really make sense even if you do it.

Finished Darksiders not to long ago as well, now that was much better and a lot more polished. Fuck the ending part where it turns into Portal though, that was so god damn tedious.
Got Darksiders 2 Deathinitive from the activation page on PCGW so I'm downloading that to play for the rest of the night. Any tips?

actually pretty good, there hasn't been any good game for a while so i was able to shrunk from 107 games to 46

Completing Killer is Dead set me back on track with muh cuhrayzee games.

So now it's Bayonetta and only Bayonetta for a long while. I don't have much time for games anymore, so it's really nice to find a game I can just settle on and really sink my teeth into.

Does Subnautica have an endgame? Just grabbed it and I'm really enjoying it but I don't want to completely sink heh all my free time into it like the autist I know I am.

Backlog increases when you're a NEET too


Found your problem

So many.. ummm Kingdom Hearts Remix 1.5&2.5, Persona 4 & 5 (playing both) The Witcher 3 and I play Pokemon Moon, Monster Hunter Gen and Shin Megami Tensei on my 3ds.

Rinko Iori is for _____

I wish more people got this

Incest /ss/ with nakadashi.


Just finished playing KH2FM, now I have to decide If I want to put the time into the tera fight and data fights.

Serious Sam 2

Dead Space 3

Duke Nukem Forever

Crysis 3

Call of Duty Black Ops and all the sequels after that

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

STALKER Call of Pripiyat

Call of Juarez Cartel, Gunslinger

Shadow Warrior 2

Assassin's Creed 2, 3, Unity

Quake 2, 3

Witcher 2, 3


Ghost in the Shell

Mass Effect series

Medal of Honor Warfighter

Dead Rising 1

Mad Max

FEAR series

Postal 2 Paradise Lost DLC

Far Cry 4

Ryse: Son of Rome

Bad Company 2 finish single player

This guy gets it. It would be horrible if you didn't have any games on your backlog.

Currently playing Wolfenstein The Old Blood. If anyone bothered reading the list, gimme a recommendation on what to play next.

Duke Nukem Forever is an alright game on its own (without all the hype that built up over the years) and still has a lot of that classic Duke charm

STALKER is always a solid choice

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is one of my favorite FPS games of all time, love the narrative and gunplay.

I bought a DS the other day so I'm playing tons of rpgs , I'm playing radiant historia, TWEWY, pokemon black 2 and explorers of sky

Haven't been able to concentrate fully on single player games for a while now. Backlog keeps adding up and all I want to do is play competitive multiplayer games. I can pull myself away for a little while, but I just end up going back soon after. I don't know what's wrong, it used to be the other way around.

Terrible. There are so many games I'd like to play that a new one comes out before I finish any. It gets worse whenever I get an itch for an online multiplayer game.

I haven't actually played a new game in a while. I buy some 10-20 dollar indie/small studio game that's in a genre I like, then decide I don't like it and refund it. I've done this 5 times in a row since two months ago. My wishlist has 90 games on it and a lot of them are early access or made by small devs.

>backlog has only been growing
>Build Fighters doesn't have a sequel

It's a shame really

>was wagecuck
>after getting a shit raise and doing too much work i quit
>went freelance and made more money working 10hrs a week
>neet lifestyle with wagecuck salary

my backlog is going pretty well, just played through a bunch of handheld zelda's and am playing Aria of Sorrow now

Sir! Put system shock in a more respectable place, I ask of you!

What kind of work do you freelance?


Just why?

Play Half Life