Why is Sup Forums against CEMU getting patreon money? look at paid mods argument...

Why is Sup Forums against CEMU getting patreon money? look at paid mods argument. Sup Forums doesn't want steam or developer getting any money from the modders or mods should never be monotized. so why can't they apply that logic to the emulation scene? nintendo isn't making jack shit from them and the emulator is free.

I'm against using my own money. If other people want to buy an emulator for me, thats cool.

whicch one of you stupid fucks paid for this?

>my mom is school teacher taking care of disabled kids
>she makes $40k a year
>this fucker makes $40k a month

Humanity is fucked

>TFW Haven't paid a cent and downloaded cracked versions of every update

>taking care of disabled kids
Histories greatest monster.

she entered the wrong profession

Because closed-source design on something like an emulator is a cancerous practice in and of itself. At best it's just egotistical fathering, at worst you get shit like this where the developer puts DRM on a FUCKING EMULATOR. That's the fucking equivalent of burning a copy of a movie, and then putting DRM on that copy to ensure that nobody can redistribute your copy.

The developer is a fucking shitbag.

>few people earn more than a single person

>Why is Sup Forums against CEMU getting patreon money?
because cemu was progressing quite nicely without this kind of ridiculous funding. But now it's just become the 'Zelda emulator' and fixes and improvements for the rest of the wii u library is dead. People have been waiting for sound fixes for Bayo 2 for over a year.

More money won't make them work faster, if anything it's the opposite. They can drip feed small updates for another 12 months or so and ride this gravy train to the end. In the meantime, cemu as a wii u emulator is dead in the water unless you're interesting in playing a buggy version of zelda for the next year or so.

>Why is Sup Forums against CEMU getting patreon money?
Who is "Sup Forums", you mongoloid shitter?


how else would you cater to your patreons? majority of them wouldn't donate 5 dollaroos if it weren't for the DRM

What people don't understand is emulation projects are massive community efforts, and that goes doubly for modern consoles. Even before you can start an emulator, you need exploits for the system, hacks to mod and run user code, game decryption, reverse engineering tools (IDA plugins), and lots of documentation.
All of these things were done by other people and shared, and to take that and use it to create something closed source and not give back to the community is really shitty.

They will never iron it out for good if they keep getting that much money a month. Even if it's split across 5 people that's like 8000 usd, that's upper management fucking wage, or if they're in college you're obliterating their loan.

Theres some bizarre sub-culture of commies who cant stand the idea of someone making decent money doing a thing.
It doesnt matter what it is, if someone gets x amount of money from patreon they will cry about it because they have no talent of their own and rely on goverment benefits.

>Making entertainment for the masses earns you more than taking care of a few retards

these guys collaborate to create a product that a lot of people want.
meanwhile your mom wastes her time and energy teaching a bunch of drooling vegetables that they should not eat crayons.

They're hackers, criminals, they're being paid to break the law. I am all for it but that's what they are, they're like chemists paid to cut heroin the right way.

Stop using best Geno use for your shit thread

>they're being paid to break the law

donation =/= paid
also its a grey area

oh user.
Maybe understand a few things before posting on the internet.

You made this thread yesterday

They are trespassing into private property, it doesn't matter how.

Nobody is breaking the law kid get off the internet your mom is wasting money.

I thought patrons get the newest build, but the older versions are available for everyone ?

They do, but they're still wasting their time putting DRM on patreon builds.

>taking care of disabled kids
>letting societys rejects continue to hold the rest of us back
>not just killing them at birth and concentrating all that effort on helping build a better world for the rest of humanity

The last time we tried that 60 millions hebrews were slaughtered without reason

>we tried
Not hard enough

because I want rpcs3 to develop faster

Who is this semen demon?

>mfw deaderpool jumped on Patreon bandwagon

You are worse than them, piratefag!

im not though