>no info ever since it was announced back in 2015
Was it cancelled?
>no info ever since it was announced back in 2015
Was it cancelled?
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Making games takes time, and this ain't some mere "HD remaster" we're talking about. Hell, they just released RE7, and clearly most of Crapcom is busy shitting out more DLC for it.
If it's going to be anything like the quality of REmake 1, then it's going to take a lot of time for all that environment artwork.
>they just released RE7
But that's the problem, RE7 was announced in 2016, RE2 Remake was announced in 2015, RE7 shouldn't have come out before RE2 Remake unless they were focusing 100% of the resources on RE7.
RE7 (the one we got, not 6.5) was in dev since 2013.
RE2make wasnt even in dev in 2015 when it was announced. It was right after it got greenlit.
It wont be released this year, 100%
>it's going to take a lot of time for all that environment artwork
I don't think they'll waste money doing prerendered backgrounds like they used to with early games when they can spend much less doing a 3D model while achieving the same effect.
RE7 was already well into dev when it got announced.
RE2make hadnt even started at all, as it was just greenlit
Well to be fair RE7 had to be developed from the ground up, RE2 is a remake so they already have half the work done before even starting.
Heck, the whole REmake2 project was pretty much forced to be green-lit after Capcom was blown away by the great sales of REmake HD and RE0 HD. These fucks had long thought that oldschool survival-horror was dead, but never considered that they'd just alienated their core target audience back in the days by making those games Nintendo exclusives.
>instead of making REmake 2 they made some shitty first person horror game and slapped RE name on it
They can't keep getting away with this!
I hope it does well. I want RE3 remake.
No, both games were being made in parallel.
Thats barely 2 years so I expect something in this e3. The real question is, where the fuck is this game?
Considering the nature of RE3 it could probably be released as a DLC chapter for RE2 Remake.
It's actually a good thing. The terrible team shit up 7 and were kept away from the Remake 2. Let's hope they DLC for 7 keeps their attention for a bit longer.
Who cares? They're just gonna make it some bullshit, first-person, VR YouTuber bait.
Fuck that where is Survivor 2?
it's gonna come to the switch only.
calling it now.
Hopefully dead. I regret buying Rev2 so fucking much.
Well Capcom is retarded so I guess that's a possibility.
>tfw Becky isn't in it
I want another game with 6's gameplay mechanics
Yes, I know I'm the only one
I prefer 5.
>it's not RE if it doesn't have muh classic now-middle-aged characters!
Nope, I actually didn't enjoy RE4 since thats when Resident Evil started going downhill.
>no tank controls
>first person
>scripted like a cinematic movie
>literal who gives a shit characters
has nothing to do with the main RE storyline so it might as well have been named something else.
>a good game is bad because the next game was bad
you may have autism user.
Those things are all superficial especially for the RE series which has changed numerous times mechanically and tonally already. I mean fuck, RE4 had nothing to do with the main storyline either when it released and Leon had a different personality. He changed again in 6.
>RE7 (the one we got, not 6.5) was in dev since 2013
Holy shit really?!
No i meant thats when the devs decided to switch up the formula, went from horror focus to michael bay action but RE4 wasn't that bad but it just got worse from there
I don't enjoy Leon as a character and pissed off that capcom decided to make him the face of RE. He;s even in the new movie even though the last two focused on him as well.
Screw that where is outbreak file remake?
Will it be first person?
Don't think so, RE7 in first person worked because the whole game takes place in just one residence, RE2 have you go through a whole city.
>where is survivor 2
Don't tease me
when 7 started development it was basically gonna be exactly like 6 till the director started pushing a bunch of survival horror ideas.
The shorts better be red
>implying she can fit in those red shorts anymore
>Was it cancelled?
This. Maybe if it was receiving the budget of a mainline game, but we all know it isn't.
Why? Did she get fat? Was it eating too much chocolate because she can't find a fucking man and Leon rejected her?
Is there any footage/screenshots/anything about 6.5?