FFVII thread


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Post Niggaroth, that one was actually a pretty decent design.

There it is.

These are actually pretty interesting takes on the designs.

That's actually pretty clever with the hair.

Is there a Barret? Is he white?

I like this one a lot.

I don't see what you guys see in these designs th. Swords look bad too.

your post doesn't make any sense, if you could link niggaroth he was already there which makes the first part of your post meaningless, quit embarrassing us in front of /r/gaming

this one actually looks hilarious


>Is there a Barret? Is he white?
Yeah, weakest redesign though.

Please stop associating actually good race changes with your fucking edgy 14 year old Sup Forums memes.


some Sup Forums extensions autoupdate the thread by default


These designs are bad by default. Race changes are shit


>t. 15 year old antifa cocksucker

it's Latifa dumbass

these redesigns are all actually great though, only a brainwashed Sup Forumstard would think these were any worse than the originals

this is not half bad. the dreds fits them more than the spike hair.

>actually good race changes

>these redesigns are all actually great though,
t. Shareblue

>Delicious brown tiffa

Only a person who never had to live in close proximity to niggers, a completely white guilt ridden faggot or an actual third worlder would think black anything is good.
So you're either a cuckold or a german.

Is this edited? I don't remember her being that thick last time it was posted.

What about Cait Sith? He's black and white, isn't he?

This is bait

>the dreds fits them more than the spike hair.
t. white guy with dreds

proving my point

if you didn't have Sup Forums as your homepage you wouldn't be so deluded

the opinions of everyone in this thread that's not a polkike seems to be that its good, don't you think its strange that the only posts that don't like them have some polfaggotry attached to them?

white guy dreads consistently look like trash though, only black people can wear them without it looking shit

>the opinions of everyone in this thread that's not a polkike seems to be that its good, don't you think its strange that the only posts that don't like them have some polfaggotry attached to them?
>uses words like kike and faggot
>gets offended about Sup Forums

Black people with dreadlocks also look like shit to non drug pushing lowlife blacks who actually got their shit together.
Its exactly the same.
You are just so hungry for black cock that you dont realize it.

>Genuinely triggered and proving my point
Nigger, you probably live in some gated Texas community. I lived in Detroit right next to Cass. I know stupid niggers more than you ever will.

Post black Yuffie

All but the first look decent.

>I lived in Detroit right next to Cass.
reddit gold to you kind stranger

...why would that be reddit?
Is that what this whole meme is?
Actual kicked out losers from reddit circlejerking it to r/donald trying to project it onto others?