Game has the best and most funnest mechanics you've ever played

>Game has the best and most funnest mechanics you've ever played
>It's only a few hours long
What's her name Sup Forums?


near a tomato

Max Payne 1 and 2

Disgaea. Fuck, why isn't it longer, it's so fun!

Super Mario world .

I wish it had 4 times as many levels

Mass effect andromeda

Took you three hours to complete sex? Filthy casual.

>most funnest

>tfw had none
>tfw might get some soon though

Axiom Verge

fire emblem 8

Dark Messiah

good luck friend it fucking sucked for me

Thanks user, also how come?

>a few hours
Are you a god


No cum

Okay Graham Nazi

Which game had the finest timest

Wario World

she wasn't that great looking and i exploded within a minute. the second go my dick felt sore so i got little enjoyment from it.

Lugaru HD, I like it more than Overgrowth

shit dog, I'm shitting myself incase I don't get hard, or act incredibly nervous or stupid

Metal Gear Solid 4 is objectively the right answer.
Everything relating to the gameplay mechanics of that game excluding the sparsity of gameplay segments is literally perfect.


>game has competitive multiplayer
>there's one particular weapon that fits you like a glove
>you can use it in so many ways it's incredible
>makes playing the game an absolute blast

>cut in the sequel

That was my first thought

I don't think Gunpoint would be better if it was longer though

Try DEADBOLT if you haven't, similar style and a lot of fun.

Super Time Force
Sequel when?

Demons Souls honestly. It makes me sad that I can beat it in a single sitting now


This. The game is over right when you start getting into it. It's a one sitting game.

Earthbound/Mother 2

No. He was just being fucked in da ass :^)

portal, though some of the puzzles are a bit too complex imo

Octodad: Dadliest Catch. Such a fun game, but it's so damn short.

Monster World IV

I miss Asha


Steam World Heist
Similar to Worms, but I enjoyed that each robot had something unique or play style, plus looting and leveling up.

Honestly how fucling good was the Double Bogey Bossbattle at the end?!

Mark of the Ninja for me.

Dragon's Dogma.
I want to play more of it, but there's nothing left to do.

You'll either be too nervous to get hard, premature ejaculate, or be unable to cum from her and end up having to gorilla grip jack it just to get off.

If its your first time i think that trusting the other person its a very important factor of having good sex
Maybe act beta and say that its your first time, some girls like it idk

Dark Void had the most fun jet pack in all of video gaming. There's nothing as rad as flying under a floating base, using walkways as cover to shoot at enemies above you, blowing the base and sky diving out. The dog fights are a blast, and the verticality of the game even when not flying is amazing.

It's a shame the game was clearly rushed and wasted almost a third of the few hours it did have in scenarios that limit your mobility.

Mirror's Edge, the sequel kind of alleviated the feeling but not really since the city wasn't as interesting as it was in the first game.

Man I whish the game was at least twice longuer
and a shame that the multiplayer is dead